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It has been a while since I have sent a detailed newsletter. I have some Evolution of a Painting newsletters lined up that I had intended to send (and still will send) before and after my Barbados exhibition. I had to cut my trip short by two weeks (grateful to have spend two weeks though) and come home to a very different world.
It is an understatement to say that this viral pandemic has drastically altered, disrupted and even devastated many our lives.
I am hopeful that you are not experiencing tremendous hardship. I also remain optimistic that we will come out of the other side as a renewed local and global community with a profound appreciation for the things we used to take for granted. Our health, our sanity, our livelihoods and the ability to physically connect with our families and friends. I look forward to a future where I can invite you all into my studio again and shake your hand and give you a warm embrace.

In this newsletter I will expound on my online Mandala Workshop results, a new online platform I'm on to help ends meet, a new mode of self expression and safety featuring my art for our new reality and an upcoming event by The Richmond Night Market featuring, you guessed it, S. Ross Browne.

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One of the first things I did upon returning was to try and help others early in our quarantine with the creative and therapeutic tools at hand

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The mandala I painted as an instructional piece.

I hope you were able to attend my marathon 8 hour Therapeutic Mandala Workshop I had on Instagram and Facebook live. A lot of people stopped by to say hi and also participate. In the near future I will have some classes via Zoom so I can see what you are working on and give feedback. So take this opportunity to get whatever art supplies you can so you can join me. I will announce when soon. There were some technical glitches and a few restarting-the-broadcasts but it was an overall success. Below are just three examples of the works many of you shared with me. Participants used whatever they had at home, some had paints with canvases and some had pens with notebooks and others had their kids art supplies. If you can safely make a mark on a surface with it, it'll work.

student mandala1

D'Jaris Anderson Woody

student mandala3

Tami E. Johnson

student mandala2

Markeisha Harris-Minor


Check me out at, a platform for creatives and their supporters


Thank you to my inaugural supporters!

An artist friend of mine, who is also acutely aware that art is not particularly a necessity for folks during a pandemic, hipped me to this website. It gives patrons and supporters of the arts a way to keep artists working and yet within their means. Buy me a coffee is a platform that offers the opportunity to support artists by buying the artist the equivalent of a cup of coffee all the way up to becoming a monthly or yearly member of their page replete with perks. Just click on the link or the image above for more info and while you are there me a coffee please. :)


Protective face masks featuring the artwork of S. Ross Browne Available now at

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Click to visit

It seems like face masks are going to be a part of responsible peoples reality for the foreseeable future. I want to give people a way to express themselves while donning the face mask. At the moment I have just four designs, but if folks want more I will oblige them. Please read the disclaimers and information associated with the product on the website. Also, 20% of all sales will benefit organizations who provide food to out-of-school children. For many kids, school is where they find most of their nutrition. Many of the organizations I will contribute to also provide food for the entire family during these uncertain times.

Free shipping in the continental U.S. for face masks. Click on a mask to order.


S. Ross Browne to be featured live artist at next virtual Richmond Night Market

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Click to visit the Richmond Night Market

The talented and dynamic women of the Richmond Night Market, Adrienne Cole Johnson, Melody Short, Toni Jordan Brown and their wonderful team looked adversity in the eye and did not flinch. They moved the RNM online during this pandemic to give artisan entepreneurs a fighting chance. I am honored to be invited to be the featured live artist for May. I was very much looking forward to painting alfresco but I will do my best to entertain and inspire within the limits of technology and the uplifting positive energy that is the Richmond Night Market.

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