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January Newsletter

Thank you so much for signing up for our newsletter. We would love to share with you some of the things that Super Sophia is currently working on and give you some ideas on how you can help us “Spread Love” to children in local hospitals.



We are starting off 2023 with two amazing financial blessings to our charity! We're sharing one to start the newsletter and another one further on.

We are so excited and grateful to share with you that we have been given a HUGE donation - our largest donation to date - from Hinchey Homes. Hinchey Homes organized a GoFundMe campaign and matched donations to reach their goal!

The Super Sophia Project will receive $25,000! We are truly humbled and grateful. This donation will allow us to put together 250 Love Boxes™️ for children and teens in hospitals. We do our large hospital donations in December but we have year-round requests and need for Love Boxes™️. We are in awe of the support we have received from Hinchey Homes and all of the companies and individuals who donated to the GoFundMe campaign to allow us to continue to give to others.

Thank you to Shawn Hinchey and his team at Hinchey Homes for choosing our charity to support this holiday season. We are truly grateful for your efforts in organizing this unbelievable donation to The Super Sophia Project.

Hinchey thank you
Hinchey newspaper
Hinchey GoFundMe snip 1
Hinchey GoFundMe snip 2


This month's featured Love Box™️ recipient is Ezzie. Recently Ezzie was at Lakeridge Health Oshawa and received a Love Box™️.
His family reached out to thank us. They shared that he couldn't stop talking about it and it cheered him up so much!
This small token of kindness really made a difference to this child and this family on that day. Thank you to everyone who helps to fill Love Boxes™️ and make a difference like this.

Feat LB Ezzie 1
Feat LB Ezzie 2


The Super Sophia Project puts together Love Boxes™️ throughout the year. We get monthly requests for children newly diagnosed with cancer at Sick Kids Hospital. There are also other requests and situations which prompt us to make Love Boxes™️.

We appreciate all the love and kindness shown to us and in turn, that love and kindness gets passed on to children, teens, and their families when they need it most!

If you are looking to help in our efforts and are able, please consider sending a monetary donation to The Super Sophia Project. There is "Donate Now" section on our website.

A reminder that the easiest way you can ALL help is to SHARE any or all of The Super Sophia Project social media posts. Let's spread the word to as many people as possible.

Facebook and Instagram

Thank you for helping in any way you can!



Here is our other fantastic blessing to share!

As you may recall, in September, the Durham Region Association of Realtors held their annual charity golf tournament. This year, they chose to support The Super Sophia Project.

It was a wonderful day on September 7th at Bowmanville Golf and Country Club. The golfers had a fun day as shown by all those smiles!

We recently received word about the total raised for The Super Sophia Project. We are pleased and grateful to share that the DRAR annual charity golf tournament raised $10,152.29!! Our charity is going to be able to continue to serve others and show kindness with this donation. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated!

DRAR thank you
Golf 3
Golf 1
Golf 6
Golf 5
Golf 7
Golf 9
Golf 8
Golf 10
Golf 11
Golf 12


We'd like to thank OE Business Imaging for their sponsorship of a batch of Super Sophia Project toques for our cancer-fighting friends. These warm toques will be added to the Love Boxes™️ for children and teens facing cancer. Thank you for your heartfelt donation!

OE toques


The Super Sophia Project was featured in the news last month by several media outlets. One of the stories about our charity was done by CBC for their "22 Acts of Kindness" segment.

Here is a link to the broadcast: Super Sophia Project on CBC
Here is a link to the article: CBC website article

Thank you to CBC for featuring our charity and raising awareness about the work we do, what happens behind the scenes, and of course, the Love Boxes™️. Great work Sophia in your interview!

CBC interview
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