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Prayer 9

All Souls Anglican, Cherry Hill, NJ

September 2019 Prayer Letter

We greet you in Jesus’ name. Every month or so we will send this prayer email to you, letting you know the most effective way you might pray for us. We do hope you will consider All Souls Anglican for your personal prayers that this new mission for the gospel may continue faithful to the gospel.

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Bible Study 2

This Coming Sunday:

Join us this Sunday on the Fourteenth Sunday after the Trinity for Evensong at 4:00 PM as our sermon series on the Book of Genesis, Genesis 1-11 continues with Genesis 2.4-17 entitled, East, In Eden.


For Your Prayers

Sermon 2

It encourages us deeply to know that you are praying for us. We look forward to sharing with you how God answers. Here is our latest update.

Please use the buttons at the bottom of our newsletter to share with your network(s) among the saints of God to increase our prayer support.

Join us this month as we raise our voices in THANKSGIVING and in PRAYER to our heavenly Father because:

   •    This Wednesday our ladies life group will continue a new study of R. C. Sproul’s classic book, Chosen by God. Praise God for the joy of Christian fellowship. Pray that all adult church members would attend our men and women’s life groups every week and benefit spiritually as a result. PRAY that God would enrich the study and the prayer life of both groups so that we can deepen living our lives in the Lord Jesus Christ, together.

   •    The 100+ year old mainline United Methodist Church in nearby borough of Mt. Ephraim closed its doors in March with an uncertain future for the building. After a plan to repurpose the site fell-through, the building was bought by Christ Apostolic Temple. Our joy was short-lived, however, when a check of the buyer’s website and statement of faith showed that they are a Christian sect which a strict Biblicism that professes a form of modern Modalistic Monarchism. There is the denial of the Trinity and the affirmation that instead God exists as just one eternal person who takes on three different “modes”. Also promoting a form of Gnosticism, they insist on the special baptism of the Spirit with initial evidence of tongues as constitutive of salvation and refuse the trinitarian formula when administering water baptism. PRAY that God would strengthen Christians around the world to stay faithful to his revelation, both in their own lives and in their communication of the gospel. ASK God to give the members of All Souls Anglican Church a heart for lost people and wisdom for soul-winning (Proverbs 11.30).

   •    Our current sermon series continues on the Book of Genesis, and tomorrow’s sermon is on Genesis 2.4-17. Having left its Prologue in 1.1-2.3, we turn to the first section of the book, where we will see our nature, position, and responsibility to God in creation. Please PRAY that God With the draft completed on Thursday, please PRAY for God to oversee my sermon revision tomorrow understanding that what we do with the word of God is everything and to renew our minds through Sunday’s preaching of his Word, so that lives might be transformed!


Latest Sermon Podcast

Our sermon this month is the third sermon in our series on the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-11, Genesis 1.14-31 entitled, Filling the Earth.

Here is the link to the sermon podcast. Share it by forwarding this link or email it to your friends

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A Parish of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word

Worshiping Sundays at 4:00 PM at: 520 Kings Hwy South | Cherry Hill NJ 08034

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