
Happy New Year Delight!


You probably signed up for my email list on forever ago and since I haven’t sent out a single newsletter (until NOW - YAY ME), I am sending this one starting off with an unsubscribe link {click above}.

Why you ask?

Because I know how annoying it is to all of a sudden have a bunch of emails from brands adding to my already overrun inbox and not recall signing up for their lists in the first place.

So if you feel that way:

1.) You need to sign up for ASAP. I wrote about how it helped me “handle” my inboxes.

2.) Unsubscribe.

Sidenote: Speaking of "handled", I am already missing know, season one Scandal, where the love was new & real...sigh.

Anyway, if you decide to ride with me & don’t unsubscribe, let's do THIS!

Here’s what you can expect in the newsletter going forward.

There will be only one link to a recent post on the blog in each newsletter.


Because newsletters that are only about what I probably already read on your site kinda annoy me.

So I will limit it to one recent post, like the Dreamfit Bras collaboration I just did sharing if a $12 bra was up to that task of supporting my girls...make sure you enter to win the $250 gift card giveaway.

And from time to time, I will link to an evergreen aka old but always relevant post when the newsletter “theme” calls for it, like that post above.

Otherwise you will get a few link love links to other web spaces that I am feeling for one reason or another, event notices and the like.

Oh and the newsletters will be relatively short because that’s how I like them.

So, that’s pretty much it.

Are you ride or bye?

Either way - cheers to OWNING this Year!

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