FEBRUARY ~ The Love Month ~ PAO's Love Special The Best Of PAO's Webinars # 4 This month PAO is offering you a heart warming bundle of 3 Webinars fe

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FEBRUARY ~ The Love Month ~ PAO's Love Special

The Best Of PAO's Webinars # 4

This month PAO is offering you a heart warming bundle of 3 Webinars featuring LOVE ... the unique energy that drives our ascension process.

To purchase 3 single Webinar archives would normally cost you $41.85.

For $24.95 you will receive a bundle of 3 Webinars - a 40% savings.

This bundle includes:

Webinar 84: Spreading Love Not Fear
Webinar 75: Integrating Your Divine Feminine & Masculine
* Webinar 60: Love

To order your Best Of Webinar bundle number 4: Click Here


A Saul Message

by John Smallman

For eons Love was practically unknown among humans.


Here in the spiritual realms we are watching over you with joy as humanity’s awakening process continues to unfold, just as divinely planned. Remember, we are all One. Therefore anything we think, say, or do affects everyone else, and here in the spiritual realms we are offering you constant encouragement and love to assist your awakening process, while all of you are holding the intent to awaken, and to be loving in every moment no matter what arises. Together we are awakening humanity, there is absolutely no chance that the human collective will turn over and go back to sleep because the collective decision to awaken is irreversible.

So when you read or hear or see bad news remind yourselves of that, and continue to hold loving thoughts and intents for every sentient being, knowing that what you are doing is enormously powerful. You can get a sense of your power when you go within to your holy inner sanctuary, where Love resides, and open your hearts fully to receive It. When you do that you will feel God’s loving embrace, It is extremely palpable, and you will experience the warmth as His Love for you, and His Peace, fill those open hearts, confirming your belief that His eternal Benevolence is always with you.

For eons Love was practically unknown among humans because the game of separation in which they were engaged was a game of survival – bodily survival – and to strengthen their chances of survival they denied love and embraced physical and intellectual strength. The result, as your history makes very clear, has been endless conflict and betrayal.

A small number of people began to be aware of the insanity of this way of living a few thousand years ago and so they began to teach the wisdom of loving cooperation. The lessons they taught, by living lovingly, were slow to make any real impact, then about five hundred years ago things started to change as increasing numbers of kind souls began to reject the hypocrisy and corruption in the Church of Rome. As a result the Reformation occurred, and since then – even though warring factions continued to provoke conflict, and the Inquisition was established with its dogmatic agenda enforced by torture and execution – people everywhere began to become aware of Love.

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Although the massive theft of land in the Americas, Africa, and Australia, and the consequent dispossession of the indigenous peoples can never be justified, those that fled Europe seeking better lives did eventually develop a far more humane set of rules by which to live. This led initially to the laws banning slavery, then to laws governing workers’ rights, women’s’ rights, racial rights, and many more. Following on from that in the last forty or fifty years millions have opened their hearts to Love and allowed it to guide their lives and their actions.

Now the power of Love is sweeping across the planet and leading to enormous changes in attitudes and behaviors. Of course there is still much conflict to be resolved as people with fixed and inflexible beliefs judge and condemn one another in all parts of the world, but until very, very recently this was assumed to be quite normal behavior, as different groups or nations judged themselves as right and all others as wrong and needing forceful correction. Now, however, all of this violence and hatred is being exposed as never before, and many are doing great work to bring it all to an end.

Do not be disheartened by the mainstream media news presentations which present a totally distorted picture of what is really happening on Earth. Yes, there is bad news, but it is only a small part of what is actually happening as the Tsunami of Love flows into and fills each heart that chooses to open to It. As I remarked above, when you open your hearts to Love you do feel Its Presence, and that Presence is comforting, calming, peace-filled and warmly welcoming. Therefore, it truly is well worth your while to take few minutes every now and then throughout the day to disconnect from your worldly activities while you go within and revitalize yourselves by engaging with your unbreakable divine connection.

Truly, It is unbreakable! You are eternally one with Source, the life force that flows through you in every moment of your existence energizing your awareness, your consciousness, and it is impossible for you to be disconnected from It, ever. You can refuse to acknowledge It, you can deny Its existence, you can ignore It, nevertheless It remains your Source of life. Life, consciousness, is not something your physical bodies provide, It is the cause of your physical bodies, and when It withdraws from them they die and decompose – dust to dust and ash to ash. You do not, you are immortal, as you will become aware when you “die.”


Death is but a transition from physical form back into the spiritual realms, and when it occurs you will be lovingly greeted and welcomed by many loved ones who have transitioned before you, and by your personal guide or mentor. It will indeed be a joyful occasion. There is absolutely no need to fear it, because it is just an indication that your journey has been completed, and your arrival Home will be cause for celebration. You will review your earthly life and will most probably be amazed at the good things that you did for others while being totally unaware of it. No human life is ever a waste or wasted, good always comes from it. What you recall as bad or unacceptable will be seen in the context in which it occurred, you will realize that you made some errors and you will forgive yourselves as you release your sense of guilt or shame.

Living a human life is difficult, and during it you encounter much to distract you from your pre-planned path, and those distractions can be very alluring, leading you into error and away from your intended loving path Because you were created from Love it is impossible that you would lead your human lives without ever engaging in some loving thoughts, words, or activities, that brought help, compassion, or love to others. Love is your nature, and however much it might seem to you that you behaved completely unlovingly during your earthly lives, this is never the case, everyone who has led a human life has expressed love positively to others at some time during it. Being created from Love there is no way that you can have shut It completely out of your lives because the veil or cloak that seems to separate you from Source is very thin, very porous.

God loves all of His children, and they all will return Home to Him and to a magnificent and celebratory welcome. Without even one of them He would be incomplete, and it is impossible for God to be incomplete. So let go of any fears or doubts about your worthiness to return Home, because God awaits your arrival with eager anticipation. It was your choice to engage in the game of separation and in the ensuing struggle for survival, and now you have chosen to return, and so you will.

With so very much love, Saul.


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