
PTA Message

Car Parade for Mrs. Beachum:

Mrs. Beachum is retiring, but Dec. 18th will be her last day. To show our appreciation and to celebrate her for everything she has done, there will be a car parade on Thursday, Dec. 17th at 3:30. Families can decorate cars and say a distant goodbye to our beloved principal with a fun send off and car parade! Kiddos can draw pictures for her or write her a letter letting Mrs. Beachum know how much they care. There will be a box at the end of the parade to drop pictures and letters in.

The PTA has some special ideas planned for Mrs. Beachum throughout the week!

Time to Spoil Our Staff:

If you signed up to bring a drink to the Mills Staff! Don't forget to bring the drink in & surprise your teacher!
If you missed the sign up, we still have plenty of teachers we would love to bring drinks to: You can sign up here:

Odom Elementary Gifting:

The holidays should be a time of hope and giving, but for many Odom Elementary families, especially this year, the holidays can be stressful. At Joe Dan Mills Elementary, through the support of our generous Mills families and faculty, we'll make every effort to make the 2020 holiday season a little brighter for those in need during these unprecedented times. We have 20 spots to go to fill Christmas wishes from families at Odom Elementary.

Coats for Kids:

Congratulations to the Mills Parents for donating so many coats that Mills placed 2nd place in the elementary school coat drive competition for Junior League of Austin's Coats for Kids. Thank you!

Landscaping Committee:

Thank you to everyone that helped our Wonderful Landscaping Committee on 12/12 at Mills Elementary. Having a beautiful campus makes everyone so happy when they get to our school.


How do I join the PTA?

Use this link to join via our online store, it only takes a few minutes.

We look forward to having you join the Mills PTA!
Questions? You can email Sylvia Jonon and Soyong Kim at


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