Please fill this questionnaire and provide your feedback on skills necessary to manage voluntary work! Your feedback will help us to set a list of sk

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Please fill this questionnaire and provide your feedback on skills necessary to manage voluntary work!

Your feedback will help us to set a list of skills and educational needs, which allow people working in third sector to develop competences of working with volunteers.

This questionnaire is developed within the project "Future Skills for the Third Sector “(Futur3) Nr. 2015-1-FI01-KA202-008959 «Programme Erasmus+ key action 2 "Strategic Partnership" .

Project "Futur3" aims to:

• increase knowledge about the educational and career paths and future skills needs of 3rd sector employees who supervise volunteers.
• help 3rd sector organisations prepare for these skills needs.
Aims wil be reached by conducting benchmarking process and developing peer learning model.


Partner Organizations:

• Opintotoiminnan Keskusliitto ry, Finland
• ASPECT – MIR, Bulgaria
• Foundation of Knowledge, Hungary
• Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti, Italy
• Foundation for Society, Latvia
• AHE (University of Humanities and Economics), Poland
• Kerigma, Portugal
• ACTA Center, Romania
• ETOD, Turkey
• Eco Communities, UK

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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