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Hay Fever and Homeopathy

As the seasons change millions of people suffer with sneezing, a stuffed up or runny nose, burning and itchy eyes. Hay Fever affected 81 million people in 2021 in the U.S. alone. Environmental allergens include pollen (grasses, weeds or trees), dust mite, molds and animal dander. These days people are further impacted by chemicals in our every day world that add to the suffering.

Homeopathic remedies enjoy an edge over conventional treatments due to their holistic approach to healing. While the conventional approach includes antihistamines and steroids, having very harmful side-effects, especially with children and the elderly, homeopathic remedies are safer, as they are made of natural substances and stimulate the body to heal itself instead of suppressing symptoms.

Daff Row

So, how exactly does homeopathy work for allergies? Homeopathic remedies for allergies are typically derived from substances that can trigger allergic reactions, such as pollen or dust mites. These substances are diluted to such an extent that they are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, but are still potent enough to stimulate the immune system. This stimulation encourages the body to fight off allergens more effectively, reducing the severity of allergy symptoms.

Friday Acute Clinic Hours

clinic hours 1

Acute appointments are reserved for new clients. Ongoing conditions, chronic issues lasting longer than 2 weeks, and/or follow ups with current clients must book accordingly.

We now offer reduced rates for acute appointments on Friday's during clinic hours in an effort to make homeopathy available for all.

Do you have an issue that has arisen in the past week or two that's not shifting? Perhaps your pet had an accident or recently gave birth & you need some guidance with a remedy? We're here to help. Reach out & book your Friday appointment today!


Commonly used Remedies

06 Allium

Allium cepa Materia Medica

09 Ambrosia

Ambrosia art / Rag Weed Materia Medica

011 Euphrasia

Euphrasia off / Eyebright Materia Medica

010 Sabadilla

Sabadilla off Materia Medica


Pregnancy, Labor & Birthing Webinar

Webinar Preview Front Page

Click the image to watch this 10 minute preview of the Pregnancy, Labor and Birthing webinar for Farm Animals. Buy your copy today and help your animals through the birthing season with confidence and ease!

Learn how to support your animals through the process of Parturition from Gestation to Post Labor, and Newborn issues, using a Homeopathic approach in this 90-minute webinar. We cover 29 remedies, providing you with the in depth information that gives you the ability to support your animals, every step of the way. Also included are copies of the slides for ease of note taking and a Materia Medica handout which includes many of the remedies discussed. The webinar is currently on sale for just $29. Click here to purchase...

Tiger Kitten
Bunny Chicks
2 baby squirrels

Homeopathy United, Ltd.

United States + United Kingdom

US: 207-329-1411 UK: (0)7490-355-566

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