Ed. Note- It only takes a few seconds, but this appeal from WhyHunger needs you to take action. Despite our frantic news cycle and all we hear from t


Ed. Note- It only takes a few seconds, but this appeal from WhyHunger needs you to take action.

Despite our frantic news cycle and all we hear from the presidential candidates, hunger and poverty have rarely been mentioned during this election season. This month will see the first of three presidential debates, but without your help food insecurity won’t be on the agenda. More than 48 million Americans – that’s one out of every seven – struggle to put food on the table. Even more upsetting, 15 million of those – almost a third – are children.

Tell the presidential candidates that you want hunger and poverty to be taken seriously. Click here to sign a petition requesting that the debate moderators ask: “If elected, what will you do to end hunger, alleviate poverty, and create opportunity in the US and worldwide?”

People like you have been supporting WhyHunger for the past 40 years as we fight the root causes of hunger and poverty. We’ve allied with hundreds of grassroots partners and helped millions of people find food. But without political will and attention, we’ll always be fighting an uphill battle.

Anyone planning to become the next President should answer the “hunger” question. And the American people need to hear from both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that this is a priority. Ending hunger is not a partisan issue – it’s something we can all support.

Join us, the Vote to End Hunger Coalition and hundreds of thousands of Americans by signing the petition today!

Thank you,

The WhyHunger Team

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