Look no further for the Best Chicken Marinade recipe ever! This marinade produces so much flavor and keeps the chicken incredibly moist and outrageously delicious – try it today!

I love to make up a big batch of chicken and this recipe is great for that. It has enough marinade for about 6 large chicken breasts or 3 to 4 pounds of chicken pieces.

After enjoying this chicken with a couple of sides for dinner, I like to add it to my favorite salads for lunch the next few days. The chicken just gets better and better!

Love easy chicken dinners? Makes sure to try my Easy Cashew Chicken, Chicken Stir Fry and 20 Minute Sesame Chicken with Broccoli!



Dinner time!


Breakfast - the most important meal of the day!


Delicious appetizers!


Leave room for dessert!

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