To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jigget


To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.

To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,

Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.

To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,

Home again, home again, market is done.


When ever we go on a buying trip we always try to take you, our special friends and customers along in our suit case so to speak and let you get a glimpse of what we see and feel in this wonderful, wonderful city. The "market" itself is always so alive and bursting with excitement and the newest. As the merchant prince, John Wanamaker once said to one of his buyers who was troubled with her customers reactions to her selections: "give the lady a reason to buy." This is why we go to the find the new and the special.


Early bird gets the worm...

Here we are - Monday morning 7:30 waiting for the bus. It was freezing cold and raining and I am in a spring wrap. Here comes the to go! It's funny, if we caught a bus 15 minutes later the ride would take 30 minutes longer.


Summer in New York, 50 degrees, rain, wind? ...

Tuesday weather was even worse but my precious friend Dee loaned me a jacket and I bought a winter wrap. Here Sonja and I are braving the elements. It was yucky, believe me. You'd think knowing we've been coming here for years on end...we'd know better. ALWAYS pack a jacket for a June trip to NYC



However, there were sure signs of spring all over the city. We especially like these mounds of petunias outside of Macy's. Really beautiful. I'd love to figure out how they planted them!


A touch of class...

And inside there are always beautiful flower arrangements in the lobbies of the different market buildings. We thought this one was particularly unique. Simple but unique. The gentleman at the desk told us a fresh arrangement was delivered each Monday..



One of the neatest people and most talented in the market ...Mickey is always such fun as well as being very informative on colors, trends, etc. Hailing from Albany, Georgia she's found home in the Big Apple. One of her favorites is this dress with the fish design.


"Food trucks"...

"Food trucks" are up and down Broadway and represent a marvelous variety of international foods as well as many All-American favorites.


It's all about newness...

Shellie is a beautiful (inside and out) lady we've known for years. Always super helpful, it's hard to select favorites from this gorgeous look. This vendor is known for unique prints and fabrics in dresses, skirts and a world of tops. Shown here are two of our favorites which will be here very soon.


In a word, layer...

Dresses and little jackets/shrugs that layer over them are definitely a big look this season. This lady is "another Mickey."

Just back from New York Seminar...

Wow and double wow! What a fabulous trip. Each time I think I can't get more excited - but I do. Accessories are a new level and there is something for abolutely EVERYONE. We brought back a group (83 pieces to be exact) of special buys where every piece or set will be $12. These are $25, $30, $50 values easily, and knockout goodies you won't want to miss. Then there's another group - a bit higher end - of designer, one of a kind pieces. Each is a statement maker and in a word - exquisite.

Seminar will be Thursday, June 11 at 6:00 PM and it is a night you definitely will NOT want to miss. We'll have wonderful goodies from NYC, fashion news on the latest looks and trends...not to mention door prizes, yummy refreshments and FUN. Please phone 584-2221 or email to save your spot.

What is tomorrow?

Hint....we're going have a party tomorrow to celebrate. And it's going to be yummy and fun.

The first correct answer to gets a $25 Silk Purse Studio gift card
