
JANUARY 22, 2020

On Wednesday, January 22nd, at 8 p.m. Eastern, I'll be doing a Facebook Live Q&A so we can talk about how to optimize your thyroid treatment for 2020.

Come join me, and we can talk about things you can do in the new year to fast-forward your way to better health!

Hope to see you there, at http://www.facebook.com/ThyroidSupport


Dear Friend --

If you are saying the same things to yourself, don't be frustrated! There ARE solutions! It's time for your THYROID TUNEUP!

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and what better way to improve our awareness than to know exactly what a tuned up thyroid looks like, and even more important --how to get there!

In 3 informative, easy-to-understand on-demand THYROID TUNEUP videos (less than 3 hours total), you'll get everything you need to know about your thyroid, including:

▪ Key thyroid tests, along with reference ranges, and the all-important OPTIMAL ranges
▪ ALL the thyroid drugs that can treat your hypothyroidism-- not just the one your doctor is pushing
▪ How to figure out the BEST thyroid drug -- for YOU
▪ Testing and treating elevated thyroid antibodies -- and why it's important!
▪ Testing and treating elevated Reverse T3 -- and why it's important!
▪ How adrenal and sex hormone imbalances can affect your thyroid treatment and get in the way (and how to test and treat them!)
▪ How your diet can help -- and hurt -- your thyroid
▪ Essential lifestyle changes to help you live well with hypothyroidism
Key thyroid tests, along with reference ranges, and the all-important OPTIMAL ranges
ALL the thyroid drugs that can treat your hypothyroidism-- not just the one your doctor is pushing
How to figure out the BEST thyroid drug -- for YOU
Testing and treating elevated thyroid antibodies -- and why it's important!
Testing and treating elevated Reverse T3 -- and why it's important!
How adrenal and sex hormone imbalances can affect your thyroid treatment and get in the way (and how to test and treat them!)
How your diet can help -- and hurt -- your thyroid
Essential lifestyle changes to help you live well with hypothyroidism

You'll also get an information-packed Owner's Manual, a 100+-page ebook, that has ALL the info from the videos, including test levels and charts, checklists, and tuneup tips and strategies to OPTIMIZE your thyroid treatment.

This comprehensive -- but easy-to-understand -- program retails for $97. But for Thyroid Awareness Month, I'm adding in some bonus gifts -- AND, making it available at a Fast Track Price -- for those of you ready to rev it up and get out on the road right away!

▪ Two-Week Energy Overhaul guide - some of my coaching clients have reported a 75% improvement in energy in just 3 days!
▪ Thyroid Thin weight loss guide -- I lost 50 pounds, and you can too!
▪ Detailing: Hair, Brows & Lashes guide for hair loss -- don't put up with thinning hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes when there are effective solutions
▪ The full 30-minute Thyroid Meditation audio program - for balance and wellness!
Two-Week Energy Overhaul guide - some of my coaching clients have reported a 75% improvement in energy in just 3 days!
Thyroid Thin weight loss guide -- I lost 50 pounds, and you can too!
Detailing: Hair, Brows & Lashes guide for hair loss -- don't put up with thinning hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes when there are effective solutions
The full 30-minute Thyroid Meditation audio program - for balance and wellness!

Click image to view video on YouTube

You can learn much more about the THYROID TUNEUP program, what's covered in each of the 3-part video series, and more about the special bonus gifts, at the Thyroid Tuneup page, at https://www.mary-shomon.com/thyroidtuneup. There's a fun, short video that explains the whole program for you!

Can you imagine having all this information at your fingertips? You'll be empowered to get your thyroid treatment under control! AND, you'll quickly fast forward to truly feeling and living well in 2020!

If you order the THYROID TUNEUP by Friday, January 24th at 9 pm Pacific/midnight EST you'll get the full THYROID TUNEUP program -- AND the four bonus gifts -- for only $47. After that, the price goes back to the regular retail price of $97. So why not grab the program now. You'll save $50 -- enough to buy an extra tank of gas, or even two! You can order and access the program and your bonus gifts at http://maryshomon.podia.com/thyroidtuneup

Make 2020 the year you tune up your thyroid, and truly LIVE WELL!

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