P.O. Box 98, Senoia, GA 30276 ~ 770-599-3245 ~ www.senoiaumc.org Weekly Update: December 20 Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship:

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P.O. Box 98, Senoia, GA 30276 ~ 770-599-3245 ~ www.senoiaumc.org

Weekly Update: December 20

2015 website series info

Sunday, December 20
Fourth Sunday of Advent


8:45 New Traditions

11:00 Traditional

Sermon: Christmas at the Movies: A Charlie Brown Christmas

Scripture: Luke 1:39-55


Combined Service Sunday, December 27th

Please mark your calendar and join us for a special combined service at 10:00am, on Sunday, December 27th as we celebrate the first Sunday after Christmas.


Christmas Eve at SUMC and a Special Message from Pastor Erik


A Special Message from Pastor Erik

Click here or the Pastor Erik's picture for a very special Christmas Eve message.

Join us for this service featuring the Children's Nativity. You'll enjoy the Gospel readings and your favorite hymns.

Children of all ages are invited to participate! Please let Lindsey Mays (lnmays@gmail.com or 404-406-4300) or Carolyne Morris (carolynnemorris2001@yahoo.com or 404-271-2309) know if you are interested in participating.

If you are participating in the service, we ask you to please plan to arrive at the church at 4:15 pm on Christmas Eve in order to allow time for costumes and a final run-through. We are looking forward to having your child participate in this worship service with us!

Holy Communion will be served.


Senoia UMC's Candlelight Service at 11:00pm

Join us for this special service of Gospel readings and hymns for the season.

Holy Communion will be served.

UM Children s home

Christmas Eve United Methodist Children's Home Offering

He was laid in a manger because there was no place for him. Luke 2:7

On Christmas Eve, at both services, we will take a special offering for the Children's Home.

300 kids each month sleep in hotel rooms...with a stranger... because Georgia lacks enough foster families. Your generous donation today will help The Children’s Home grow from serving 70 foster children a day to 500 in the next five years.


Church Wide Fellowship Breakfast

Christmas Breakfast

You are invited to this annual tradition THIS Sunday, December 20th, starting at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.

Please bring a breakfast favorite to share. The UMW will provide the juice, milk and coffee.

Christmas New Year

Office Hours

The weeks of Christmas and New Years the office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 - 3pm.


Mission Trip Fundraiser Yard Sale

Yard Sale 1

Did you get something for Christmas that you don't really need? Did you find a lot of Christmas decorations that you aren't using anymore? Just set them aside to donate for the yard sale!

The yard sale is scheduled for February 27th.

We will let you know in early February when to drop them by the church.


Welcome To Our New Members

John and Nancy Felbinger

John and Nancy Felbinger of Fayetteville.

The Cuttie Family

Damian, Amy and Kaia Cuttie of Senoia.


End-of-Year Giving

Contributors must deliver checks on or by December 31st, 2015 in order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2015. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the first worship service in 2016 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2015, even if the check is predated to 2015 or was actually written in 2015. However, checks that are written, mailed, and postmarked in 2015 will be deductible in 2015 though they are not received by the church until 2016.

The deadline for contributions received in the mail postmarked December 31, 2015 is January 5, 2016. Any contributions received after this date will be applied to 2016. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2015 income tax return until you have received your year-end contribution statement from the church.

Under IRS rules, you may lose your deduction for some or all of your contributions if you file your tax return before receiving a written acknowledgement of your 2015 contributions from the church. Year-end contribution statements will be mailed and postmarked no later than January 31, 2016. If you have any questions, please see Lee Berry in the church office.


Wednesday Night Supper


Fellowship Dinner Resumes Wednesday, January 6th


Upcoming Events

December 20
Worship: 8:45am
Church Wide Christmas Breakfast: 9:30am
Sunday School: 9:45am
Worship: 11:00am

December 24
Christmas Eve Service - Children's Nativity: 5:00pm
AA: 7:00pm
Christmas Eve Service - Candlelight Service: 11:00pm

December 25
Christmas Day

cross and flame

Senoia United Methodist Church Staff

Rev. Erik Mays, Pastor, erikmays@senoiaumc.org
Jim Preece, Organist/Choir Master
Lee Berry, Administrative Assistant
Bereatha Brooks, Nursery
Polly Watson, Housekeeping
Gail Noble, Sound Technician

Office Email: office@senoiaumc.org
