Take Innovative Action Hello , Thank you to everyone who has been following and supporting our community's efforts to promote tiny homes as a soluti

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Take Innovative Action

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Hello ,

Thank you to everyone who has been following and supporting our community's efforts to promote tiny homes as a solution to affordable housing in Ojai.

The City Council Meeting on March 27th was covered by the Ventura County Star, which quoted Councilman Bill Weirick saying, “If we are serious about wanting diversity in this community, we need to explore creative options. I think it’s our job as a council to look at ways of supporting people exploring their options for how to stay here.” You can read more HERE.

In the wake of the Thomas Fire and the Montecito mudslides, it's been enlightening to see everyone come together and discuss how we can move forward. The natural disasters that have touched our lands have also shared an important message that continuing to grow in a direction that is sustainable is imperative.

If you want to make changes towards affordable sustainable housing, we strongly encourage you to attend the next City Council meeting at Ojai City Hall.

WHERE: Ojai City Hall, 401 S. Ventura St., Ojai, CA 93023

Tiny Houses will be on the agenda for discussion (CLICK HERE). You can give a short 3min. presentation to show support of tiny homes - fill out a speaker card at the beginning of the meeting. If you are not able to attend, you can write a letter addressed to the City Clerk prior to the meeting.

Please share with friends and community. This meeting will be an important step for the $500,000 grant proposal (see below).

This is a rare opportunity to influence public policy and make a difference. Make your voices heard!

Hope to see you there!

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Vina Lustado, Founder Sol Haus Design


Affordable Housing Grant by Fannie Mae

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Fannie Mae’s “Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge" is part of a two-year $10 million investment by Fannie Mae, is being offered to qualifying communities for the purpose of creating affordable housing solutions while generating new employment opportunities.

Sol Haus Design is proud to partner with SimpliPhi Power for $500,000 grant to develop a prototype for affordable housing (and yes, it will be tiny). If easily replicable and easily built, this can serve as a template for other cities to follow. One major goal: it will be pre-approved for permitting!

The first deadline for the grant application is February 23, 2018. This is an unprecedented opportunity to enhance the lives and livelihoods of all who live in our communities.


PROFILE: Vina Lustado
Vina Lustado is the founder/owner of Sol Haus Design, a design firm specializing in sustainable design and building in Ojai, California. After receiving an architecture degree (B.ARCH) and more than 20 years experience with high-end corporate clients, Vina has decided to focus her career on smaller-scale projects that could make a positive difference. Staying true to her values, Vina has completed the design and construction of her off-the-grid Tiny House. Equipped with simple luxuries as a loft skylight and a cozy fireplace, Vina has manifested her dream home in 140 square feet.


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