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A chance to follow a shamanic calling?

You are warmly invited to an Introduction to Shamanism workshop with Natasha Saltzer, in Fairlight, East Sussex, Sunday October 23rd 2022 10.30am - 7pm. This life enhancing day workshop is for both beginners and those who wish to deepen their journey with a Shamanic medicine circle. This is a wonderful opportunity to discover how Shamanism could help you lead a more, authentic, soulful, balanced life of greater aliveness.

We tend to hold these Introduction Shamanic workshops once a year so we are excited to be offering this inspiring event once again.

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If not now, then when? Time to dive in and follow your heart?

This one day workshop will introduce you to some of the core aspects of Shamanic work; shamanic journeying, meditation, connecting with spirit safely, sacred song, and medicine teachings. Working under the umbrella of love and light, Natasha teaches with a strong emphasis on creating a high vibrational circle, to hold a friendly, safe and inspiring sacred space to work in.

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A wonderful opportunity to find out for yourself more about this path?

Shamanism is an earth based spirituality, that has the potential to awaken, heal and transform those who choose to walk the beauty path. Shamanism is the birthplace of all religion and culture and there is historical evidence of shamanic practice existing over 40,000 years ago. It is gathering a renewed interest and revival, in these changing, modern times.

The shaman learns to move between the physical world and the world of energy/spirit. The ordinary and non-ordinary reality. Shamanism teaches us that all of life is sacred. Shamanism is a way of life. To walk in balance, to walk in wholeness, to walk in integrity, to walk the beauty path.

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▪ Learn how to shamanic journey.
▪ Learn energy protection skills and how to keep yourself energetically balanced as a sensitive and empath.
▪ Open up to work and connect with spirit in a grounded and safe way.
▪ Meet and work with your power animal.
▪ Experience the sacred space of the sitting in a medicine circle and sharing together from a heart expanded place.
▪ Develop greater sensitivity to the life- force energies in nature.
▪ Participate in a Shamanic ceremony for personal growth.
▪ Receive shamanic teachings from the flowers.
Learn how to shamanic journey.
Learn energy protection skills and how to keep yourself energetically balanced as a sensitive and empath.
Open up to work and connect with spirit in a grounded and safe way.
Meet and work with your power animal.
Experience the sacred space of the sitting in a medicine circle and sharing together from a heart expanded place.
Develop greater sensitivity to the life- force energies in nature.
Participate in a Shamanic ceremony for personal growth.
Receive shamanic teachings from the flowers.


If you have been feeling a calling that there is more to life. Don't miss this opportunity to step more fully onto your spiritual path.

Reserve your place today:

Fee: £95
Deposit of £20.00 secures place. Limited availability.

Book via EventBrite:


Please note the Helper places are now fully booked up.

Please bring: Lunch (Fridge available), bottle of water, blanket, cushion, eye mask/scarf, notepad and pen, comfortable clothes to move in, waterproof jacket incase of rain, mat to sit on the ground outdoors, growing flowering plant, shamanic drum or rattle if you have one though not essential as spare ones can be provided.

Hot drinks and snacks provided

Milestones Venue
East Sussex.

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We look forward to sharing this transformational experience with you.

Natasha Saltzer is the founder of Little River Shamanic centre. She is an experienced Spiritual teacher and Shamanic practitioner who works with Earth based spirituality under the blessings of Christ light and the Magdalene flame. A follower of the lineage of the Rose. She has over 8 years Shamanic training experience with Northern drum shamanic centre. She is co-author to The book of Well being and is passionate about helping others awaken to their soul life/calling.

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‘Natasha is deeply connected to spirit and holds powerful energies in a very grounded, ethical and safe way allowing for deep, rich dropping-in to, experiences. Natasha is truly inspirational, skilful, very generous and her spirit shines through. Good fun too!’

“Thank you so much for a very full and rich workshop. A lovely circle, great venue and magical energy all facilitated beautifully and passionately by you.
Much to digest and cogitate in the heart brain”

“I have danced, sung and laughed so many times on my Shamanic journey with Natasha. For several years the drum and the circle of the people have brought us together in the beauty way. I have felt inspired by her sense of magic and mystery especially in ceremony. Natasha has assisted me on my own personal healing journey, I felt such kindness and compassion from a deeper place of commitment and integrity in supporting me. Natasha communicates with such heart in circle, her very natural approach to working with the unseen worlds that walk amongst us is extraordinary. I am deeply grateful that our paths have met and highly recommend her as a healer and emissary on your Shamanic journey.”


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