19 Things Your Guests Wish You Had in Your Guest RoomElsie, 14 Dec 12:01 AM If you’re expecting overnight guests during the holidays, this is the pe


19 Things Your Guests Wish You Had in Your Guest Room
Elsie, 14 Dec 12:01 AM

This is a great list of things to include in a guest room to make it warm and welcoming! When I have overnight guests, I like to make sure the guest room has everything they might need during their stay.

If you’re expecting overnight guests during the holidays, this is the perfect opportunity to spruce up your guest room and ensure it has everything your guests might want during their stay. Whether they’re traveling from across the country or just over a few states, your guests will be grateful if you’re able to anticipate their needs.

Growing up, I watched my parents practice hospitality often. They were really good at knowing how to make our guests feel comfortable and welcome, and I’ve taken their example with me into adulthood. But if you didn’t grow up with a model of hospitality, preparing a guest room can seem daunting and stressful.

I have a suggestion for you: think about what you’d find in a hotel room, and make that your template for your own guest room! Hotels make it their business to practice good hospitality, so why not take a page from their book?

If you feel at a loss when it comes to hosting guests in your home overnight, copy what the good hotels do and you’ll have a four-star guest room by Christmas!

Whether you have a whole guest suite to offer or just a re-purposed child’s bedroom, make your guest space a haven. If your guests feel like they have a space of their own–a comfortable “home base” within your home–they will be more relaxed during their stay. (And you will, too, since you’ll know you’ve taken care of them so well!)

Here are 19 things that every guest room needs:

1. A place for guests to set their suitcase – You might not have an actual suitcase rack, but you could clear off a low dresser or end table. Or if nothing else, have some furniture-free floor space along a wall.

2. An empty (or relatively empty) closet with extra hangers - Getting rid of junk will make your home more comfortable for people, and here’s a prime example! Instead of cramming the guest room closet with stored stuff, leave space for your guests to hang up their clothes and stash shoes and extra bags. You might also want to clear out a few dresser drawers for their use.

3. Instructions for accessing the internet – Put the WiFi password on an index card, and let guests know how much you’ll charge per day for internet use. (Just kidding! Don’t charge.)

4. Hot drink options - Make it easy for guests to access the coffee and hot water pots in the kitchen, with teabags and coffee or cocoa supplies nearby. (You could even put an electric kettle and tea supplies in the bedroom, if there’s room for them!)

5. Plenty of clean towels - Include a bath towel, hand/face towel, and washcloth for each person, even if you don’t personally use all those sizes.

Soap and shampoo

6. Toiletries – It’s a nice touch to have some neutral shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, and toothpaste on hand, in case guests forget to bring something.

7. Cleared-off bathroom counters - Simplify your bathroom so that there’s extra space for guests to pull out their toiletries.

8. Extra toilet paper – You don’t want anyone to run out at the wrong moment(:

9. Hair dryer - Put this in a bathroom drawer. A guest probably wouldn’t think to bring one, but might want it!

10. Trashcan - This isn’t as obvious as you might think. You’d be surprised how many people forget to put a trashcan in a guest bedroom or bathroom if that room isn’t in normal use.

11. A dark room - Put up some heavy curtains or shades so your guests get better sleep.

12. Extra blankets or throws - Spread one across the foot of the bed or stack some in the closet.

13. Alarm clock - Not that anyone wants to wake up early on vacation, but who knows? Maybe they want to get a jump on you and make breakfast for everyone.(:

14. Tissue box – Put a pretty one on the bedside table.

15. Fan - This is good for white noise and so your guests have a little more control over the temperature.

16. Small flashlight or night light - Guests don’t know their way around your house in the dark, so save their shins.

17. Multiple lighting options - The overhead light shouldn’t be the only light source in the room. Add some floor lamps or bedside reading lights to create a more cozy atmosphere.

Bedside reading

18. Reading material - There are all kinds of “bedside companion” books. Coffee table style nature picture books (like the kind you see on sale at Barnes & Noble) are pretty universal. And for something very quirky, this one is a classic!

19. A snack – Your mealtimes might not be when your guest is used to eating. Put some non-messy snacks like granola bars, almonds, or fruit in a small basket on the dresser.

As you get your home ready for overnight guests, I’m sure you’ll think of some things that aren’t on this list. I’d love to know what you would add!

Here are previous posts I’ve written on hospitality.

Your Simple Home Handbook - paperback edition

If you need help decluttering your home so you have more room for guests, read my book. Your Simple Home Handbook presents you with 30 different spaces in your home and offers proven suggestions to simplify each one.

You can see what others are saying about Your Simple Home Handbook HERE, and pick up a copy HERE.

Your Simple Home Handbook

Could your home use a little breathing room? Pick up a copy of my book, Your Simple Home Handbook. It's a step-by-step guide to simplifying your home that will give you the breathing room you've been craving. Learn more about my book HERE.

The Sunday Buffet: How Did It Get So Late So Soon?
Elsie, 13 Dec 05:41 PM

I don't really like how the days get all short and dark, but somehow, putting it in a rhyme makes it better(:

My goodness! The days are getting darker, the year is getting late, and it’s time to wrap up Christmas shopping ASAP! I’ll be spending the next week working like crazy so that I can have as much time off as possible while my husband does (he’s a teacher, so he gets Christmas break!).

I always like to take a minute here and there to read a good blog post, though. Here are some that caught my eye lately:

5 Online Personality Quizzes That Are Actually Worth Taking @ Modern Mrs. Darcy

I think self-knowledge is important. And plus, personality quizzes are just fun(:

Pull-Apart Rugelach @ Smitten Kitchen

I love the rugelach at a local bakery, but I didn’t realise it was so easy to make this pastry! I’m excited to try this recipe.

Making Room: The Truth About Hospitality @ Simplicity Relished

Our willingness to practice hospitality can change lives (our own and others’). Always in small ways, sometimes in much larger ways we didn’t expect.

Creamy White Bean Soup with Spinach and Bacon @ Back to the Book Nutrition

Because they’re cheap, we eat a lot of beans around here. I’m always on the lookout for tasty new ways to cook them, and this soup looks amazing! I would just do one piece of bacon per person, to keep this even more frugal!

The Sunday Buffet is a collection of blog posts and recipes I enjoyed and thought you might, too! I also include a weekly challenge for you to do, if you so desire. Sign up for email updates to get each installment in your inbox, or join me on Facebook where I’ll post the weekly quote and a link to the Sunday Buffet!

Your Simple Home Handbook

Could your home use a little breathing room? Pick up a copy of my book, Your Simple Home Handbook. It's a step-by-step guide to simplifying your home that will give you the breathing room you've been craving. Learn more about my book HERE.
