Dear Fellow WWII HRS Member, The November/December issue of the Edge, the official journal of the WWII Historical Reenactment Society, is posted. Cli

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Dear Fellow WWII HRS Member,

The November/December issue of the Edge, the official journal of the WWII Historical Reenactment Society, is posted. Click here to download the Edge in PDF format.

This month's issue features the upcoming WWII HRS board election and goings on around the WWII HRS. In 2014 a bylaw was passed by the membership to elect a portion of the the board each year. Up for election is the President, Secretary, Axis Representative and Commonwealth Representative. No other individuals expressed interest in running for these positions beyond those listed in the Edge. An option for a write-in candidate is available for each position. Only members in good standing will be sent a an electronic ballot on December 18 and will be able to log into and vote. Several reminders will be sent out during the two week vote for those who have not voted. Make sure you check your spam or clutter folder if the ballotbin email if you do not receive the email and check what email address you included on your membership application which is where your ballot will be sent. If you have any questions or problems please contact Chuck Bolanis.

Please note there is no way for anyone to change any vote in ballotbin nor can anyone view how an individual votes. Administrators of the election can only see who voted. You can contact Ballotbin directly for more information.

There are 12 bylaw proposals that were presented to the unit commanders and the Board of Directors. Eleven of 12 proposals were approved by the board. Proposal 10 was rejected by the board but approved by over 20% of the unit commanders so it will also be sent to you, the membership for a vote. All the bylaw proposals are voted on by the membership and only enacted with a majority membership vote. If the majority vote against a measure it will not be enacted.

The 12 proposals can be downloaded for review prior to voting here.

The 2016 Event Listing is posted and a number of events have been added. Please get your events posted as soon as you can to allow for plenty of time for others to prepare to attend.

If you have any suggestions, questions, comments, or complaints please contact any WWII HRS board member or staff and let 'em have it.

On behalf of the WWII HRS see YOU in the field!!

Jonathan Stevens, WWII HRS President

..._ "V" for Victory!

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