Hi Member, Is there anything cuter than a quokka with a joey in her pouch? Apparently not according to the stats from this Post on the Vetanswers Fa

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Autumn eNews  1
Quokka joey

Hi Member,

Is there anything cuter than a quokka with a joey in her pouch?

Apparently not according to the stats from this Post on the Vetanswers Facebook Page - see more below!

This week I'm so pleased to publish a very special post from Guest Blogger Dr David Challen. It shares a beautiful story that answers a question he's frequently asked (as I'm sure are you!) - "Why did you become a veterinarian?" I just love the way he tells a story and shares his experiences - and I know you'll love it too.

Also this week I've shared the tip that stood out the most for me out of so much great content at the 'Easy Veterinary Marketing' Workshop in Sydney in the blog post below - 'The secret to successfully completing the important projects'. And I've listed the 'Top 10 Blog Posts' for April' - just in case you missed them the first time.

You'll also find the 'What's on in 2016? CPD Calendar' below - all updated and ready to share with your team which is timely considering the most important of the 5 Key Functions Often Overlooked By Managers is: Employee Development
"Lack of development opportunities were a frequent employee frustration, while thoughtful development and training were always a much-appreciated loyalty builder.”

Hmmm...maybe you should print up a couple of copies of the Calendar!

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover!

Enjoy your reading :)



Vetanswers Blog Posts...

Why I became a veterinarian  1

Why did I become a veterinarian?..And why am I still here? (Guest Blog Post)

"A question I am asked many times – why did I become a veterinary surgeon and why do I still want to continue doing this profession even as I enter my senior years?" Guest Blogger Dr David Challen shares a beautiful story that I know you'll relate to...

The secret to successfully completing important projects in your veterinary practice

The secret to successfully completing the important projects in your veterinary practice

It's all well and good to have amazing ideas to develop and grow your veterinary business but how do you make sure you get the really important projects completed?

Top Blog Posts for April 2016

Our Top 10 Veterinary Blog Posts for April

The results are in! Which of the Vetanswers blog posts were the most popular last month? Here's the list of our Top 10 most popular blog posts during April 2016. ...just in case you missed them the first time around!


VETtalk.biz Podcast #12

This week's 11 minute Podcast features..... Dr Diederik Gelderman & attendees at the 'Easy Veterinary Marketing' Workshop

How would you feel if you could easily turn your current clients plus potential clients into loyal, lifetime clients…as quickly and easily as you sort out their pet’s problems?

That was the seemingly impossible target set for 50+ Vets and Practice owners from across Australia who attended a 3-day workshop in Sydney as part of a 6 month course on ‘Easy Veterinary Marketing'.

Click here to listen.....


This little mum was popular!

Quokka joey

Source: https://twitter.com/Hippopeteamus/status/730003908219674625/photo/1

I saw this gorgeous photo on my Twitter feed on Wednesday morning and she made me smile so I posted the image on to my Facebook Page with "I feel the need to interrupt your day to show you this...it's a quokka...with a joey...in her pouch...awwww"

By Thursday evening she had achieved....

a reach of over 12,000 and collected over 800 reactions, comments & shares.

Not bad for just wanting to share a smile :)


Updated for MAY - version 5.....

What s on in 2016 -12 month CPD calendar for the veterinary industry MAY v4 Leaves sml


Vetanswers ad Apr red

CCG Business Financials Master Class

Give your practice the edge it needs to succeed!

Consider how much your practice could save with careful financial planning and management. This Master Class will empower and equip veterinary practice owners, partners, managers and senior veterinarians to start working smarter, not harder and take control of their business finances.

Brisbane: 31st May | Sydney: 29 June | Melbourne: 26 July

Click here to discover more...


ACVN Advert dec jan 2016 reduced

ACVN Practical Workshops

Clinical Pathology - 9am, 14th May, Melbourne
Practical Skills - 9am AND 1pm, 25th May, Brisbane
Intubation & Skin Prep - 9am, 26th May Brisbane
Anaesthesia Setup & Maintenance - 1pm, 26th May Brisbane

Click here to discover more...


VetPrac Advances in TTA Techniques Workshop May 2016

VetPrac Advances in TTA Technique 1 Day Workshop

27th May | Hindmarsh SA

This one day workshop is with the Oss|Ability Wedge System, which reduces the risk of avoidable complications seen using the original TTA technique.

Currently performing TTA procedures or an equivalent level of orthopaedic proficiency.

Places are limited....click here to discover more


Top Management Tip


5 Key Functions Commonly Overlooked by Management (HC Online)

1. Employee Development

"Lack of development opportunities were a frequent employee frustration, while thoughtful development and training were always a much-appreciated loyalty builder.”

2. Employee Recognition

"..the act of giving recognition when it genuinely is deserved is easy and cost-free and can mean a great deal for those on the receiving end."

3. Accountability

"46% of upper level managers rated poorly on the quality of holding people accountable and being firm when workers didn’t deliver."

4. Establishing clear goals

"..setting out clear goals has real implications on how employee performance is measured and evaluated"

5. Communication

“I never met a good manager who wasn’t also a good communicator, yet the reality is many managers are at best reluctant communicators.”

Read the post here...


Vetanswers Daily Top Tips...


This week I also found these resources....

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