WARNING: Extremely Graphic - We Cannot Remain Silent When the Jews were being slaughtered in the holocaust the world remained silent. Today Iran repe

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When the Jews were being slaughtered in the holocaust the world remained silent. Today Iran repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel and attacks ,through its proxy terrorist groups, Jewish and Israeli civilians around the world. If Iran gets the nuclear bomb will the world stay silent again? Indifference is not an option.

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Click here to watch: For All Those Who Don’t Find the Holocaust Funny

Apparently this Estonian art museum doesn't agree with you...


Click here to watch: In Every Generation They Seeks to Destroy us. This is Why we Are Still Here.

He saved us from their hands.


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Bibi Netanyahu just shared the most devastating attack on Iran...

No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. So why would anyone let the more powerful Islamic state of Iran have nuclear weapons?


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Shalom from Jerusalem, Israel!
Avi Abelow

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