Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . Here's the link to the trailer for the movie: The Shift. It was released in June, 2014. Very well done. Lifts your

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Here's the link to the trailer for the movie: The Shift. It was released in June, 2014. Very well done. Lifts your spirits because watching it makes you want to declare: YES WE CAN! This is a movie made by a movement, THE SHIFT to global human THRIVING.

THE SHIFT Movie Trailer 2014 - YouTube

Published on Jun 2, 2014

Screen shot 2014-08-16 at 12.45.23 PM

The Pleiadeans played, and are playing, a key role in the future of GAIA and Humanity.

This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.

Topics Include:

Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus
Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
12 Clans of the Pleiades
Gaia's History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
Pleiadeans' role in the Galactic Federation
* Our joint Galactic Future

Sunday, August 23, 12:00 to 1:30pm PDT


Thursday, August 27, 6:00 to 7:30pm PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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Avocado Oil: The Rising Star of Healthy Fats

from NaturalMentor


We’ve talked a lot in the past about how fats have been wrongfully blamed for many of our health woes

Coconut oil is leading the charge, and healthy, high-fat nutrition—like the Paleo diet and other healthy ketogenic diets—have become a leading fad.

One remarkably healing fat that has been slower to catch on, though, is avocado oil. As is the case with other healthy oils, there’s no end to the potential applications of avocado oil. It makes an excellent base for salad dressings and sauces, and its high-smoke point makes it perfect for cooking.

If you’re a believer in healthy fats, but need a break from coconut oil (if you don't like the taste when cooking), avocado oil is perfect for you.

Multitude of Health Benefits:

For a long time, avocado oil wasn’t regarded as an edible oil—mostly thanks to the industrial cosmetic industry, which made low-quality oil using nasty chemical solvents for use in their skin products.

Its emergence into health food circles was quickly followed by a
slew of new research, all of which confirmed its amazing, health-promoting properties.

One study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrated that, by providing the kidneys with the fatty acids they need to regulate blood pressure, avocado oil significantly reduces high blood pressure and its related risks.

Another study showed that avocado oil helps you lose weight and burn fat—including that pesky belly fat that seems impossible to get rid of. It does so by directly kickstarting the body’s fat-burning ability (especially in the belly area, which is where a lot of our fat stores accumulate).

It’s also incredible for skin health. No need to buy all those expensive skincare products; with its high content of lecithin,
potassium, vitamin E, and sterolin, pure avocado oil can work wonders.

Avocado oil is also loaded with nutrients and antioxidants,
such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and vitamin E (all of which are powerful supporters of eye health), as well as lutein and carotenoids (both of which are natural cancer fighters. Best of all, its rich carotenoid profile has been shown to increase the absorption of all its other beneficial components by up to 15 times.

Even the mainstream medical establishment agrees:

“Saturated fat” still comes across like a bad word, because we’ve been so deeply conditioned to believe that it clogs our arteries and gives us heart disease. But even the bureaucratic American Heart Association now admits that this is old-paradigm thinking:

“[Monounsaturated fats] help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body’s cells."

Avocado oil is comprised of whopping 76% monosaturated
fat and 12% saturated fat, which makes it one of the richest sources of health-giving fats on the planet.

How to find the BEST Avocado Oil:

When seeking out avocado oil, make sure to purchase one that was made using low-heat extraction methods. The liquid should appear emerald green (not pale yellow or gold). When you find a brand that
you like, make it a part of your life for a good portion of time, so
that you can really notice its may just become your new favorite oil!


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