Contents 1. Three Key Remedies for the Homeopathic Treatment of Autism and Behavioural Problems Webinar by Fran Sheffield2. Anxiety and panic attack

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1. Three Key Remedies for the Homeopathic Treatment of Autism and Behavioural Problems Webinar by Fran Sheffield
2. Anxiety and panic attacks tamed by homeopathy
3. Study: Thalassaemia sufferers improve with homeopathy
4. New support for the concept of homeopathic potentisation
5. Homeopathy in Epidemics
6. Homeopathic help for pre-menstrual tension
7. Coughs – Simple homeopathy and other self-help treatments
8. Homeopathic research - not as good as it could have been
9. Information About Our Information
10. Stay in contact


1. Three Key Remedies for Children


The Homeopathic Treatment of behavioural problems, learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorders

Watch a free condensed version of the 5 Key Remedies webinar presented by homeopath Fran Sheffield earlier this year. That webinar was followed by many requests for a replay so Fran has now condensed into a shorter but still helpful presentation.

In just over 20 minutes she covers the three most important remedies homeopaths use for the learning and behavioural problems of children.

(This webinar also contains information on the Homeopathy for Children webinars scheduled to commence on the 21st of July.)

The Three Remedies webinar is now live and available here.

Once you've watched it we'd love to know what you thought so please send us a quick message by email at: office [at] homeopathyplus [dot] com [dot] au.


2. Anxiety and panic attacks tamed by homeopathy


Do you shake at the knees in front of an audience, worry about what the future may hold, or cancel engagements at the last minute because you just can't go through with them? You're not alone. Anxiety or panic attacks affect everyone at some stage or another - but homeopathy has remedies to help.

According to recent trials, homeopathy is just as effective as diazepam (Valium) and benzodiazepine (Lorazepam or Ativan) at treating nervousness and anxiety disorders, but without addictive or harmful side effects.

More Information: Anxiety and panic attacks tamed by homeopathy


3. Study: Thalassaemia sufferers improve with homeopathy


When homeopathic remedies were added to the treatment plan of thalassaemia patients, they needed fewer blood transfusions, iron levels normalised and were better controlled, and there was a significant decrease in the size of enlarged spleens.

The authors of the study concluded, “The homeopathic remedies being inexpensive and without any known side-effects seem to have great potentials in bringing additional benefits to thalassemic patients; particularly in the developing world where blood transfusions suffer from inadequate screening and fall short of the stringent safety standards followed in the developed countries.”

It sounds like homeopathy may also alleviate several problems experienced by Thalassaemia sufferers in developed countries, too.

More Information: Can homeopathy bring additional benefits to thalassemic patients on hydroxyurea therapy? Encouraging results of a preliminary study


4. New support for the concept of homeopathic potentisation


During recent years, nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has been researching the "memory of water", and some of this research has just been presented in a French documentary. Our friends at H:MC21 have made a summary of its content in English:

Montagnier experiment on French television: A one hour documentary On a retrouvé la mémoire de l'eau [Rediscovering the Memory of Water] has been broadcast by the state-owned France 5 television station and is also on You Tube. The film looks at an experiment conducted by Luc Montagnier, who won a Nobel Prize for discovering the AIDS virus.

In France DNA from a patient infected with aids is serially diluted in a similar way to making a homeopathic potency;
Phials of this highly diluted material are then randomly mixed with phials of distilled water;
A phial of prepared DNA is identified from the randomised samples by its electromagnetic signature;
This signature is recorded as a digital file, and the file is transmitted to a laboratory in Italy;
There the file is used to generate an electromagnetic field, and a phial of distilled water is exposed to this field for one hour;
Protein bases and a catalyst are added to the the water, and the original DNA molecule is reconstructed;
The structure of the two DNA molecules in France and Italy are then analysed and compared, and are found to be virtually identical.

As they say, in theory this “is like making a photocopy without an original”, unless the homeopathic process of potentisation enables water to record information about material placed in it.

This experiment follows in the footsteps of Jacques Benveniste, and it is a particularly striking demonstration of how it is possible for homeopathic remedies to be active despite not having any of the original material in them. Over 11,000 people had viewed the programme on You Tube so far, and the number keeps rising.

H:MC21 provides the youtube link along with another link that produces English captions for the video.

More Information: H:MC21


5. Homeopathy in Epidemics


The Ebola virus has raised its ugly head again, resulting in hundreds of deaths across West Africa. So far homeopathy hasn't been used as a preventative for this particular disease, but several remedies have been flagged in materia medicas that produce symptoms similar to it and so have a good chance of either treating or preventing it.

And how good is homeopathy at preventing serious epidemic disease? Very good, according to recent and past accounts. Read how governments have used it to protect against malaria in India; meningococcal disease in Brazil; Japanese encephalitis in India; dengue fever in Brazil, India, Colombo and Thailand; leptospirosis in Cuba; and epidemic fever in India. This pdf compilation also contains other medical, non-government and historical uses of homeoprophylaxis.


6. Homeopathic help for pre-menstrual tension


Homeopathy for pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS): Do you have mood swings, crave chocolate, carbohydrates and salt, or bloat with fluid before your periods each month? Or perhaps you shriek at those around you, can’t leave the house for anxiety, or burst into tears at the drop of a hat?

If you are female and struggle once a month with these symptoms, you probably have premenstrual tension, better known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The good news is that something can be done about it. In this article, we show you:

1. How a few simple self-help strategies reduce the impact of PMS on your life, and
2. Which homeopathic remedies help return you to a healthy balance.

More Information: Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)


7. Coughs – Simple homeopathy and other self-help treatments


In years past, children's over-the-counter cough and cold medicines have been associated with hospital admissions and even deaths of young children. Today, most drug regulating authorities have prohibited the supply or marketing of these medicines to children younger than 6 years of age, and advise they should only be taken by older children on the advice of a doctor, pharmacist or nurse practitioner.

So what’s a parent to do when their child is coughing, sneezing and spluttering throughout the night? Several tried-and-true home treatments may help, and, of course, there's always homeopathy, which is non-toxic and simple to use. Our following article lists the key remedies and other self-help tips to relieve that hacking cough.
More Information: Coughs – and how to treat them


8. Homeopathic research - not as good as it could have been

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The UK Faculty of Homeopathy has compiled a list of 188 peer-reviewed homeopathy papers published between the years of 1950 to 2013. Of these, 44% reported positive findings; 47% were non-conclusive; 5% were negative, and 4% contained non-extractable data. The results are similiar to those of conventional medical papers, but do not paint a true picture of homeopathic effectiveness. The randomised controlled trial (RCT), while perfect for conventional medicine's "group treatment", is not the right tool to use for the individualised treatments of homeopathy - it's like trying to turn a screw with a hammer.

In spite of this, there was either a "clearly positive direction" or "tentatively positive direction" of RCT evidence in 56 conditions. (One would think that the right methodology would reflect even better results - similar to what is seen in practice.) Those conditions were:

Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Replicated research:
Allergic asthma
Arsenic toxicity
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Blood coagulation
Childhood diarrhoea
Common cold
Female infertility
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Low back pain
Menopausal syndrome
Muscle soreness
Otitis media (acute)
Post-operative bruising
Post-operative pain
Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)

More Information: Randomised controlled trials in homeopathy


9. Information about our Information

The information we provide and comments we make are from the homeopathic perspective. They are not necessarily endorsed by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:


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