Liberation The early afternoon sun-rays penetrated and then bounced off of Mt. Rainer. The King’s snowy west side glinted and sparkled. Fluffy clouds

embrace the moon



Winter from Seward Park

The early afternoon sun-rays penetrated and then bounced off of Mt. Rainer. The King’s snowy west side glinted and sparkled. Fluffy clouds skirted its base, sitting still and low in reverence. Lake Washington below and the sky above reflected each other’s hues of icy blue, both of these wide, sacred bodies of nature open, still, and quiet, disturbed

only by ripples left by winter ducks as they floated in tribal tandem or the occasional starling darting out of leafless branches. Our forecasters called for a sunny day but they drastically underestimated its reality. The air temperature was brisk but also just right to comfortably stand at the water’s edge and take it all in. The path around Seward Park was lively with minimally clothed runners, small dogs pulling their mittened companions along and diaper-rumped toddlers in fluffy wool leggin’s darting around and in-between their parents legs. I joined the spryly pattern of humans moving around the 3 mile path and breathed in the delicious flavors of crisp, fresh 38 degree air balanced with notes of robust decomposing leaves. There was to be no doubt as to this day’s glory.

Along the way a surge of happiness permeated my being. We all know this feeling, it is that moment where bliss and gratitude sweep over us, unplanned and unexpected. It fills our body and the present moment entirely, leaving no space for anything else. I found myself briefly asking, “Where did that come from?” And just as quickly laughed when I heard myself answer, “look around!” I continued around the lake along the northern curve where the sun’s rays abated. I began to think about suffering – mine, this world’s, and how ironic it is that we have free access to so much beauty and joy and yet we choose such darkness. The big questions began to come along the shadowed, contemplative path, and with them the knowing that I can’t answer them, not really.

Its been a rugged, confusing year for our social collective and despite our best efforts not to, I do think most of us think quite a bit about the current state of affairs within which we are embroiled. As an intentionally cultivated optimist, there are times when even I have had a very difficult time keeping my head above water in these storms. It appears to me there is some ancient script at work that is projecting a very poorly constructed movie on the big screen of our day-to-day life. The actors have less and less skill yet are shouting their dialogue more and more loudly. It is increasingly challenging to find refuge, to skillfully turn our attention away from it all and inward to our innate beauty, to look beyond it all and into the healing presence of a day like this. As I continued around the shady bend, it got a little colder but I still felt fine, relieved that even in the midst of it all I could still truly enjoy this moment. I thought I have never been more grateful for my practice as I have been this year - not for any increase in outward skill but more for the well-practiced skill of being able to simply breathe and shift my attention away from all the noise.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about forgiveness. A few weeks ago I found myself caught in an old script of mine, replaying a very old movie. There was quite a bit of suffering involved for myself and the other actors. I wondered, how to just stop the reel? Certainly I had been trying different approaches for many, many years, yet here I was, back in the same scene. It occurred to me as I was suffering that the situation really had nothing to do with the present moment but was instead embroiled in this old script. Unexpectedly, as surprising as the feeling of bliss in my walk, I recognized there was really only one way to stop the replay. Forgive. Forgive the scriptwriters, the show runners and myself for keeping the movie playing. And to ask those unwittingly brought into my show to forgive me too. To my delight it was much less uncomfortable than I had feared – this forgiving and asking for forgiveness. To my delight the reel of that old movie just flipped a bit and stopped. The script lost its power, I was liberated into the loving present moment.

My walk returned me to the sunny part of the path. I was delighted to notice the happy feelings were still there, even amidst this descent into darker thoughts. How marvelous bliss is, to be such a huge container. My attention was shifting to the next part of my day but I did take just a bit more time to contemplate forgiveness. Could it be one of the keys to big peace from big suffering? Could it be the way to crumple the scripts where corruption, money, power, land, religion, winning and loosing have too large a role? Though I don’t know the answer to these big questions, I believe I have found a key to some of the small ones.

A few months ago one of my long time students, Miriam, passed a way. I spent a lot of time with her in her last weeks, even up to a few days before her death. It was so clear to me she was at peace. I imagined she had said everything to everyone she wanted too. She was at the threshold; there was no more past, no future ahead; just this intimate moment. This was Miriam’s favorite prayer at the end:

I love you
I thank you
I forgive you
Please forgive me


It's a new year! I wish for us all practice that gives us the power to breathe deeply, and the strength to turn our attention inward. I wish for us to, in the midst of the dark, remain inspired to keep our eyes open to the healing beauty in each day. I wish us all robust friendships, stout health and deep wells of joy. I wish us lovely walks around the park. I wish us courage to crumple those scripts that no longer serve us. I wish us all to forgive and be forgiven. I wish us all liberation from suffering.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.



Winter Workshops!


Are you curious about Taoism? Master Jan Silberstorff from Germany is joining us next week to teach a rare seated meditation practice designed to give a direct experience of the dantien as well as a vehicle to deepen our overall practices. I have asked him to offer his expertise in Taoism specifically in a Friday night lecture as part of the overall workshop. If you would like to join for this part of the weekend only, you are invited. Its only $50 and you will learn a lot! There are still a few spots remaining for the main workshop too. Register for everything here.


Hands of the 18 Luohan Depth Workshop Series For my friends in the south end, I’m offering a Hands of the 18 Luohan Qigong series over 3 Saturdays this winter quarter in Beacon Hill. This may interest even those who have a solid practice too as the series is designed to give academic information on meridians and energetics beyond what we are able to cover in our hour-long classes. For those who already have an established practice, feel free to drop in to any of the Saturdays. For those of you new to the practice, it will be to your benefit to take the whole series. If you don’t know, take the first one and go from there. More information here.


Year of the Fire Monkey!
Welcome Year 4714: Year of the Fire Monkey! This lunar year beginning February 8th, 2016 will be ambitious, active, smart, mischievous and adventuresome. Watch out! Set your intention right with Shiuwen Tai of Floating Leaves and me for this delightfully energetic year. Join us on Saturday February 6th from 1-3 pm for an afternoon of fun and informative activities. Bring the family! And if you would like to really seal good luck, learn how to make dumplings too! Check it all out & register here.

And please save the dates for Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing's Seattle Village Training, March 10-15. We have a very unique program: Xinjia, Special Lecture/conversation on Taijiquan History, and a capsule on Teaching & Training Methods. Stay tuned for details and pricing.


Winter Quarter Details


Winter training is the best! There are so few distractions. Its "yin time," time for inward cultivation before the spring energy fling. Its warm and cozy in the dojo, decorated for the New Year. If you have not registered yet, please try us out. You can enjoy one month of classes for $90 if you are new to our studio. Bring a friend for only $150. The first session of the new year is always a great time to begin or renew your practice. Check the schedule and come on in! Contrary to myths that state otherwise there is still parking in Ballard!

By the way, in case of snowy city closures, please refer to the website and I will state on the homepage if we are closed. I will also leave a message on the phone: (206) 789-0993 and send out an email to registered students.


Congratulations to Luohan Qigong Teachers!

luohan cert

Our wonderful group of skilled Qigong instructors.

Thank you all for attending the presentation of certificates to our group of skilled Luohan Qigong instructors. It was a special day made more so by many of you showing up to soak in their class. I'm very proud at how everyone continues to cultivate themselves and offer their gifts to the world. Salute!

Are you interested in going deeper into your practice? We are beginning our next 2 year structured in-depth training program this month. Let me know if you are compelled.


Worthy of Your Time

I found this article, No Teacher of Zen, a very worthwhile read. Its context is Zen study but many points are universal to transformational practices and what is it like to be a student and a teacher within them.

Why is Relaxation so Important in Taijiquan? (and Qigong) This article does an excellent job of going beyond "just relax."

With so many musicians and artists in our school, you will certainly enjoy this excellent article by my Taijiquan brother Joe Rea Phillips, professor of music at Vanderbilt University on Taijiquan for Musicians

More research findings: Qigong shows promise for COPD Patients


How are we doing?

We are listening! Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey and let us know how we are doing and what we can improve upon! Its completely anonymous. 10,000 Thank you's!


Rent the Moon!


Rent the Moon! We have some wonderful additions to our school. Please let me know if you are seeking the right space for your class or event!


February Preview

Thank you for enjoying the January Newsletter. I'll be sending them out monthly now, due to popular demand! February will include articles on Seasonal Training, WuDe (Code of Conduct), Book Reviews and more! Please make any requests on topics you would like to know more about.

Happy New Year everyone! See you on the floor!

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