Dear Young Scholar, About 250 Young Scholars participated in the Institute’s annual conference in Paris “Liberté, égalité, fragilité” and we welcomed

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Dear Young Scholar,


About 250 Young Scholars participated in the Institute’s annual conference in Paris “Liberté, égalité, fragilité” and we welcomed many new faces to the community.

For our community, the annual conference is the largest gathering of the year; our working groups had the chance to meet in person and many new initiatives are emerging.

However, there is no time to sit back as several interesting events are coming up. This includes the “Finance and Society” conference in Washington D.C. and the 2015 Trento Festival of Economics.

YSI at “Finance and Society” conference
On May 6th, INET is host to the “Finance and Society” conference in Washington D.C. The conference features high-profile keynote speakers such as Senator Elizabeth Warren, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, who will deliberate reform of the financial sector to serve the needs of society and how to improve the accountability of its major actors.

For those who can make it to Washington D.C, YSI will be hosting a parallel event. At this event, the main conference will be live-streamed and we will have the opportunity to discuss the talks with each other and with guests who will join us from the conference.

For those around the world who cannot make it to D.C., YSI is hosting live-streaming parties in New York, Toronto, Amherst, London, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Turin, Duisburg and Limerick.

More information and registration can be found here.

COMPETITION: Win your way to Washington D.C.

A lucky few Young Scholars will have the opportunity to attend the "Finance and Society" conference in person. In order to become one of them, you should articulate a pertinent question for the keynote speakers Janet Yellen, Christine Lagarde or Elizabeth Warren. At the event you will get to pose your question in person.

The contest winner, who poses the selected question, will receive air travel to and from Washington D.C, accommodation and full access to the "Finance and Society" conference.

The winner will also live-blog from the conference to help connect young scholars who are viewing the event via live-stream from across the world. You will also get to pose questions raised by other young scholars via twitter.

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2015. Click here to apply.

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Trento Festival of Economics 2015
YSI invites young scholars to participate in various activities at the fringes of and in cooperation with the Festival of Economics in Trento, Italy, from May 29th to June 2nd, 2015.

YSI offers a range of lectures and activities alongside the main Festival program. Joseph Stiglitz, Martin Guzman, and Steve Fazzari give YSI lectures on inequality, sovereign debt restructuring, and Keynesian macroeconomics.

This year’s main theme is "Social Mobility" and confirmed speakers include Tony Atkinson, William Easterly, Daniel Gros, Wolfgang Münchau, Thomas Piketty, Dani Rodrik, and Martin Wolf.

More information can be found here.


Upcoming Workshops

YSI is organizing a series of PhD student workshops which feature mini courses on topics that are overlooked in the conventional economics curriculum. The workshops also feature student presentation sessions, which give young scholars the opportunity to present and discuss their research in a collaborative environment.

YSI Workshop Rome @ 2015 ESHET Conference

May 12-13, 2015. Rome

"Economic Stagnation: Causes and Way Out. A View from the History of Economic Analysis" by Heinz Kurz
"Money and General Equilibrium: An Analytical History of an Unsolvable Question" by Pascal Bridel

Event page

YSI-IMK Workshop Berlin

May 21-23, 2015, Berlin.
“Economics of inequality”, by Samuel Bowles
“Econometrics of imperfect knowledge economics” by Katarina Juselius

Event page


From the Working Groups

YSI Financial Stability Working Group
Next webinar: Friday, April 24th: Reading Perry Mehrling's "The New Lombard Street" Financial Stability Working Group Webinar Series
Facebook Event

Philip Mirowski Reading Group
Monday, April 27th: Phillip Mirowski Reading Group Week 2: Classical Economics as Social Physics.
Facebook Event

YSI Financial Stability Working Group
Monday, April 27th: Rebuilding Trust in Financial Services
Facebook Event

YSI Philosophy of Economics Working Group
Tuesday 5/5: Wade Hands on Behavioral Economics, Rational Choice Theory and the Representative Agent
Facebook Event
Working Group Flyer

YSI Finance, Law and Economics Working Group
Wednesday 5/27: The Russian Currency Crisis, a Deja-Vu? A Comparison of 2014/15 and 1998 with Juliet Johson (McGill)
Facebook Event

YSI Economic History Working Group: Call for Papers “The Nation-State and the World Economy between Two Eras of Globalization, 1913-1975”, July 14-16, Pisa, Italy
YSI Event page



ISIPE Global Action Day for Pluralism in Economics 2015, May 5th
Facebook events page

Webinar: Sovereign Debt Restructuring after Griesa (IN SPANISH), May 5th
Event webpage

New Coursera Course: “The Economics of Money and Banking” with Perry Mehrling, starting May 27th
Course page with registration

Progressive Economics Forum 2015 Summer School: Expanding Economic Thinking, May 28th, Toronto
Event webpage

16th Trento Summer School: Intensive Course on Inequality and the Changing Distribution of Income, 15 - 26 June, 2015, Trento, Italy
YSI Event page

Summer School in Economics & Philosophy, 6-8 July, San Sebastian, Spain Event webpage

Essay competition by Argentinian embassy to the United States on Sovereign Debt Restructuring (for students enrolled in US institutions)
Press release

For more workshops and events please visit
