Tired of struggling with exercise-resistant bra bulges, saddlebags, or post-pregnancy baby fat? Sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough to ach

Spatique Skin Care and Aromatics
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Tired of struggling with exercise-resistant bra bulges, saddlebags, or post-pregnancy baby fat?

Sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough to achieve the lean, toned body you desire. If you’re tired of struggling with exercise-resistant bra bulges, saddlebags, or post-pregnancy “baby fat," Lipo-Light may be your solution! Lipo-Light is the latest professional body shaping system to help naturally slim, shape and tone specific areas. Our top of the range 16 pad system has 30 light emitting diodes per pad offering the quickest and best way of controlling body shape using Light Therapy plus whole body vibration exercise. Schedule your complimentary consultation to learn how our clients are losing 3 to 9 inches in as little as 3 weeks.

Book Your FREE Body Contouring Session!


$45 European Facial ($65 Value)

This facial treatment is the quintessential experience for good skin care and is completely customized to improve the look, feel, and health of your skin. It includes skin analysis, aromatherapy, and extractions to unclog pores and remove impurities. A relaxing massage revitalizes and tones facial contours, eases tension in the face and helps to reduce the onset of headaches; incorporates the scalp, neck, shoulders, arms and hands to provide you with an overall sense of improved well-being. ~60 minutes

Available for purchase until 10/31/2014.

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