newsletter 2

New Moon in Gemini 6/13/18


"Gemini" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

This New Moon marks the beginning of a lunar cycle of major transformations.The Summer Solstice is next week on Thurs. the 21st and the Full Moon in Capricorn falls on Thurs. 6/28.

The next lunar cycle starts on the New Moon in Cancer / Partial Solar Eclipse on Thurs. 7/12, the first of a rare triple eclipse series, the next two being a Total Lunar on the Full Moon in Aquarius on Fri. 7/27 and another Partial Lunar on the New Moon in Leo on Sat. 8/11.

In other words, get ready for a wild ride this summer! Eclipses normally come in pairs and they're always times when big reality resets happen, so it's safe to say that this Summer's triple eclipse series will trigger transformations that reverberate through the whole Summer season.

Are you the type who white knuckles the bar and screams in terror on the roller coaster, or the type that stands up and throws their hands up in the air in gleeful abandon as the car careens through the steep drops and crazy curves at breakneck speeds?

Most of us are probably a mixture of both, and I admit that the roller coaster analogy is an exaggeration...but, intense transformation is always at least a little bit scary, especially when we have to let go of stuff that we've been attached to and identified with for a long time and, like the trapeze artist, we've let go and are flying over the abyss until we can grab the incoming bar. Ok, enough with the carnival analogies! More on the energies after these reminders.....

Hudson sunset

Pic taken by me at sunset with my Iphone on the promenade along the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan. Those are old pilings sticking up out of the water that once held up a pier.

Bulletin Board

The VortexHealing® Old Soul Compassion Session w/ Carol Ribner and I is scheduled for Thurs., June 14th, 7:15pm - 8:45pm EDT, $20. THIS IS A 60 MIN. DISTANT HEALING ONLY SESSION plus 30 MIN. CONFERENCE CALL before the healing (you can put your pets on the distant list for free). Some participants choose not to do the conference call and that's fine. For registration instructions and write up on the theme see my website

The Angelic Liquid Light Summer Solstice Distant Healing / Conference Call will be on Thurs. June 21st 7:30pm - 9pm EDT, $13. The conference call will start at 7:30 and the healing will start around 8pm and last for an hour. For more info see the Special Events page of my website.

I'll be teaching Reiki Level 1 on Sat., June 23rd and Reiki Level 2 on Sun., June 24th at 501 W. 52nd St. #5D, 10am - 6pm with an hour lunch break at 1pm. I will be assisted by my Andrea Kischkat who is taking my Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship program. The fee for one class is $180 with a $45 deposit. If you elect to take both, the discounted fee is $333 with a $108 deposit. Your ICRT Reiki manual will be provided in class and costs $20. Reiki is a simple practice that can be easily learned by anyone. It promotes healing by inducing a deeply relaxed state in which balance and harmony are restored on all levels of being - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. For those who dedicate themselves to the practice of Reiki, it also becomes a spiritual path into the highest states of enlightenment. In order to register, email me via the contact form on my contact page. For details of class curriculum see the classes page of my website.

The next Deer Spirit Reiki Circles will be held on Mon. 6/25, 7pm - 9pm, $20, at ACAT Studio, 39 W. 14th St., Rm 507. ACAT Studio is clsing at the end of June but I have found a nice new space - The Balance Arts Center at 34 W. 28th St., 3rd Fl, and I've booked Mondays there, 7/2, 7/16, 8/13 and 8/27, 7 - 9pm, $20! RSVP is required for these circles, which are open to the general public as well as Usui Reiki students of all levels and lineages. We start with a guided meditation followed by 20 - 30 min. Reiki treatments. If you've taken Reiki classes in person with a professional teacher you can both give and receive treatment. If you have not taken Reiki classes, you will receive your Reiki treatment right after the meditation. For more info on the circles see my website.


Reiki Master Jae Schapp's hand treating patient who has been given 5 point ear acupuncture detox protocol by me at the free clinic I run at The Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center. The combination of Reiki and acupuncture is amazing and the patients love it. I love the way Jae's nail polish matches the handles of the Seiren D Type #3 needles! Jae, who's been practicing Reiki for about 30 yrs, (way longer than anyone else I know) has been volunteering in my clinics since 2009. I call her the Mega Master because she knows a couple dozen energy healing modalities and she's probably done more hours of volunteer Reiki than anyone else alive! Thank you Jae! You're a Bodhisattva! (one who has achieved enlightenment and lives a life of selfless service) linked to LESHRC / Alliance for Positive Change

Message of the Stars

On the New Moon, the Sun and Moon fall in the same degree of the zodiac. This month it's 22 deg. 45 min. Gemini. Numerologically, the 45 reduces to 9 (4 + 5 = 9) and 9 signifies completion. I've been seeing 22 and 222 for the last couple months. It's a sign of starting a new phase, and this is definitely manifesting in several aspects of my and my partner's lives.

So the numbers are telling us that this new Moon marks the end of a cycle of learning and the beginning of a new cycle. Gemini and it's ruling planet Mercury are about communication, information, learning, networking, thinking and duality.

The Sabian Symbol for 22 deg. Gemini is Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree, a beautiful image of newborn birds getting ready to spread their wings and fly.

Everything is changing now! We're treading into totally new territory this Summer. The shift of the ages has been gathering momentum since Winter Solstice 2012. Since then we've been like the long jump contestant in the Olympics who's running down the track gathering speed for the big jump. This New Moon is "the jumping off point"!

I know many of you have been seeing the triple numbers on clocks for a while. Here's a good guide based partly on Drunvalo Melchizedek's book Serpent of Light and partly on my own knowledge.

111 - energy flowing freely (money, sexual energy, electricity, chi, healing energy etc.)
222 - new the cycle, the nature of which will be described by the next triple number you see
333 - decision - the decision will lead to 666 which means you have to repeat the lesson in some way or 999 which means you've completed the lesson.
444 - the mystery school - you're in the process of learning deep esoteric life lessons.
555 - spiritual mastery / unity consciousness. Realization that the Self, Creator and the Universe are All One.
666 - can mean evil like in the bible but also is solar, meaning the source of life.
777 - The Mystery School, not just learning / knowledge but active application which results in wisdom.
888 - success in the sense of having broken through blocks and achieved mastery, mind expansion, connection with the infinite.
999 - completion, spiritual initiation, the Divine Mother, source of all that is.

My Write - Up For The VortexHealing Old Soul Compassion Session

By "Old Souls", we mean those of us who are interested in spirituality, meditation, yoga, astrology, metaphysics, Reiki etc. We know we're here to make a difference in the world; to awaken others and create unity, sustainability and world short, to save our species and the planet and to help us all enter the Golden Age that has been prophesied in every major spiritual tradition for thousands of years.

​We tend to be more sensitive, empathic, open - hearted and less prejudiced than others, and alienation can be a big issue for us because we don't fit in and consciously choose not to adopt the less awakened and more materialistic and fear based herd mentality.

​We often get sick and tired of living in a world that has so much ignorance, cruelty and general negativity. The solution is for us is to cultivate compassion, patience, love and forgiveness. These virtues enable us to live in gratitude for the precious gift of life and all the opportunities it offers us to be of service.

When we begin to wake up out of the social herd trance, we feel angry because we realize we've been duped. Things are not the way we've been told and we may become angry at those who lied to us and angry at ourselves for being gullible. We begin to doubt and question the authorities, dismantle our limiting beliefs and expand our minds.

As our new more enlightened understanding of ourselves and the world emerges, the danger is that we may stay stuck in the anger, blame and cynicism phase. In this phase we draw "a line in the sand" between the "good guys" and "the bad guys". It's all the fault of the bad guys, and as a member of the good guys club we wear our badge of self righteous indignation proudly.

This egocentric attitude conveniently absolves us of any self - accountability. Once we begin to take full responsibility for the part we play, we realize that we, like everyone else, have both the good and the bad within us and the only way forward is to open our hearts and tap into the deep well of love, forgiveness and compassion within. This is the well that never runs dry, the gift that keeps on giving, and it's the only source of genuine enlightenment.

The path of compassion is the path of healing, happiness and fulfillment. It's the path of love, gratitude and unity. As Old Souls, our mission is to be enlightened way - showers on the path of compassion. In this session, we'll help the group tap into the deep well of compassion within.

Here's an excerpt from the spiritual classic I Am That -

Q:Why is self-realization so important?

NIsargadatta - Without it, you will be consumed by desires and fears, repeating themselves meaninglessly in endless suffering. Most of the people do not know that there can be an end to pain. But once they have heard the good news, obviously going beyond all strife and struggle is the most urgent task that can be. You know that you can be free and now it is up to you. Either you remain forever hungry and thirsty, longing, searching, grabbing, holding, ever losing and sorrowing, or go out wholeheartedly in search of the state of timeless perfection to which nothing can be added, from which nothing taken away. In it all desires and fears are absent, not because they were given up, but because they have lost their meaning.
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj – I Am That – Chapter 69

We must discard all our baggage in order to create the empty vessel which can then be filled with the pure spirit waters of love and compassion.

Carol’s Write - Up For The VortexHealing Old Soul Compassion Session


A lot has been going on in the outer world lately especially in Ontario with the election and in Quebec with the G7 summit. Things may challenge our equanimity so it is a good time to be focusing on the next topic in our Old Soul Support Series.

The next session in the Old Soul Support Series will be focusing on Compassion and/or Compassionate Action and the Old Soul. This session will be happening on Thursday June 14, 2018. There will be a half hour conference call starting at 7:15 p.m. Eastern time followed by the hour long Group Healing starting at 7:45 p.m.

About Compassion

Many of us have an intuitive sense of compassion but would find it difficult to put this intuitive sense into words. I found myself going through this as I thought about this topic so I consulted some of my book friends, (meaning books that are my friends, not people friends who like books.) I found it interesting that my psychology books usually listed empathy in the index but not compassion while my spiritual books listed compassion but usually not empathy. This should be a clue about understanding compassion, that is to say, compassion is more of a spiritual capacity or an aspect of our being that comes from our higher nature.

To put compassion in context, let’s first look at some of the emotional states or positions that we can take in regard to the suffering of others. First there is pity. Pity involves awareness of the plight of another but with minimal emotional involvement and often an overlay of condescension. It tends to convey a power dynamic. The one who pities is in a more powerful position than the one who is the object of the pity. This stance is often tinged with a flavor of powerlessness that includes both the person in the situation and the person witnessing the situation.

Next there is sympathy. Sympathy is similar to pity but does not convey the same power differential and accompanying condescension. There may be more emotional involvement here but it is still a state where the feelings are in response to someone, not feeling along with someone.

Empathy is the next state on this ladder, the one that my psychology books took space to consider. Empathy is feeling along with another. This means that your own system mirrors the feelings that you are experiencing in another. You are participating in the emotional experience of another as it unfolds. Empathy helps us feel “felt” and understood in a way that is immediately soothing, nourishing and deeply meaningful.

This is vastly different from being aware of another’s state but not participating in it. One aspect of feeling empathy is that because it involves our own feeling states being activated, we can identify with the state of another in a way that does not happen with pity and sympathy. This identification leads to a deeper level of understanding the other. Neuroscientists have discovered neurons in our brains that fire when we witness another moving in certain ways. These neurons are called “mirror neurons.” When we see another moving our own motor cortex lights up in the same places as though we were moving ourselves. Neuroscientists posit that these mirror neurons develop in the context of our earliest relationship with our caregiver, usually the mother and are thought to be an important gateway to empathy and subsequently our capacity to form healthy relationships.

Empathy was a hot topic when I was training to be a psychotherapist. Empathy was viewed as the state that really opened up the healing capacity of the relationship between therapist and client. I still believe that empathy has great capacity to help someone who is suffering, but it involves identification with another’s state which often means another’s suffering. For therapist’s, doing this over and over and over again with many clients can lead to a special kind of burn out called, ironically, “compassion fatigue.” It should really be called “empathy fatigue” because increasing the level of compassion and not getting lost in too much empathy is the way therapists can continue to serve clients and protect themselves.

There is another stance regarding the suffering of others I want to consider; Co-dependence. It is important to understand the difference between co-dependence and compassion because they are sometimes mistaken for each other usually by those in the grips of co-dependence.

Here is a quote form Michael A. Jawer and Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D. from their book “The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion.”

“Are you familiar with the term ‘co-dependent’? It refers to two people who rely so much on each other, whose strengths and weaknesses counterbalance each other so completely, that their individual egos are…intermingled. …..The situation is not a healthy one for either party because they are too wrapped up in one another to grow sufficiently as individuals.”

Co-dependence is a condition of boundary confusion. The individual egos of the ones involved have not been sufficiently individuated so when one does things for the other it is really for the survival of the self. It is not feeling for or feeling with, although there are aspects of both involved, rather it is a condition of “enmeshment” to use the psycho-therapeutic jargon.

Now let’s look at compassion. I’m giving you my understanding of compassion at this point in my spiritual development, so take what I say and feed it through your own truth filter.

True compassion is not an ego bound state. The other states and stances I have covered so far are bound by ego functioning. Not being an ego bound state makes compassion hard to describe to our minds that are still operating in 3 dimensional ego awareness. I think true compassion is a multi-dimensional state. Buddhists call this state “Loving-Kindness” and Christians call it “Christian Love.”

Empathy is an important step on the path of developing compassion. The gateway to compassion, beyond empathy, is the Spiritual Heart, the opening of the Spiritual Heart. This happens through something that “breaks our heart” or something that pushes on its boundaries until they are expanded. Not all heart break experiences lead to true compassion. Heart break can lead to a hardening of the heart out of a need for self-protection. When the need for self-protection is relinquished in favour of a surrender to the Divine then an allowing rises up, an allowing to be pulled into the unknown aspects of creation (Mystery). Heart break serves to break down our stories and meaning making maps about how our lives are working. Without them we are left swimming in mystery and “beginner’s mind.” In this condition the underlying preciousness of things makes itself known. This can happen because the heartbreak has blasted our stories out of their central place and left a space for our true nature, which is one with the Divine, to flow through.

John Welwood says in his book “Toward a Psychology of Awakening.”

“If we can also open to our ‘broken-open heart,’ it has a bittersweet quality. Reality never quite fits our fond hopes—that is the bitter taste. The sweetness is that when reality breaks our heart open, we discover a sweet raw tenderness towards ourselves and the fragile beauty of life as a whole……This is the beginning of feeling compassion toward ourselves and others….”

An odd thing about this state is that it is not a state of identification. There is an element of detachment from the drama of events while at the same time being open to the tenderness of aspects of creation. With true compassion there is not the heavy identification with the other. Instead of identification there is a holding of the other in a cloud or field of love. Compassion at this level creates a field and just being in the field is healing. Compassion at this level confers a blessing. Once the heart starts to open it can open more and more and allow more of the Divine to flow through. Great saints have been taken over completely by this process and the Divine shines through them effortlessly. The field around them confers very powerful blessings.

In his book “A Path with Heart” Jack Kornfield quotes a poem by Yeats:

My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book, an empty cup
On the marble tabeltop.

While on the shop and street I gazed,
My body of a sudden blazed!
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed so great my happiness,
That I was blessed—and could bless.

Kornfield then goes on to say;

“To discover the capacity to bless whatever is in front of us, this is the enlightenment that is intimate with all things. It is a freedom and happiness with no cause, a gift we bring to each moment and each encounter.”

To me being in this field and acting as it prompts us is compassionate action. Just being able to extend this field of compassion to others is compassionate action.

Kryon says it is compassion and compassionate action that will change our society and the world into a more inclusive and loving place.

I believe Old Souls are the ones who have been here for many lifetimes and as such have experienced many experiences of heart break. I believe Old Souls are the ones who are more likely to break open with surrender and move into compassion when it happens rather than closing down and walling off in pain.

If we could combine the energy and the reach of the fields of compassion that spring from our hearts how transformational would that be? I think that is what is happening all over the world right now. Old Souls

About The Session

In this session Carol Ribner and Geordie Numata will be using Merlin’s Grace Level Vortex Healing® Divine Energy Healing, Geordie’s Angelic Liquid Light Healing© and a divine consciousness tool that comes through for Carol. We will be channeling to release conditioning that is blocking expressing compassion and compassionate action. We will also be invoking the presence of the archangels and other groups of angels and asking for their assistance.

Bonus, Bonus, bonus!!! Carol will be using her newest level Vortex Healing® tool Manifesting Intention on members of the group in smaller groupings for short times as the healing goes on. ( As of right now, we can’t do Manifesting Intention on groups with the numbers we tend to get.)

What to Expect from a Session

The energetic and consciousness healing modalities we are using have their own wisdom and they affect each participant in a unique and individual way. The energies always work for the highest benefit of each person. Participants often report feeling relaxed, nurtured and / or energized. Some people drift off into a pleasant altered state and don’t remember much. If this happens the healing energies are still working with you. Other people have physical sensations or inner experiences such as inner visualizations or feelings of energy flow. Sometimes people experience memories regarding a certain issue or insights to do with it. The energy of the session may continue to work after the session for several days or even weeks. The way an issue is manifesting in your life may shift, clear or change so it is good to be open and notice anything coming up or settling down.

Services, Classes & Regular Events

deer medicine

Healing Sessions In Person - $126 for 90 min., 3 sessions - $342, 5 sessions $558 - 1 hr. sessions - $99
Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Skype - $108 for 90 min., , $298 for 3 sessions, $81 for 60 min. session, $63 for 45 min. session
House Call or Hospital Healing sessions - $135 for 90 min., 3 sessions $360 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)

Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot - $135 for 90min. in person or $108 over the phone or Skype
$99 for 60 min. in person or $90 over phone or Skype

60 min. Astrology Reading + 60 min. Healing Session Combo In Person - $225, Over phone or Skype - $180
90 min Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot + 90 min. Healing Session in person - $270, Over phone or Skype - $207
Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidates success as a Reiki teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions.

2018 Classes
Reiki Level 1 -Sat., June 23rd
Reiki Level 2 - Sun., June 24th
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 1 - Sat., July 21st
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - Sun. July 22nd
Reiki Level 3 - Sat, Aug. 25th
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat., Sept. 22nd & Sun. Sept., 23rd
Reiki Level 1 - Sat., Oct. 20th
Reiki Level 2 - Sun., Oct 21st
Reiki Level 3 - Sat., Nov. 17th
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat., Dec. 15th & Sun., Dec. 16th
See the classes page of my website for details of class curriculum, fees and deposits. In special cases where students cannot attend regularly scheduled weekend classes, private one on one classes can be arranged.

Corporate Wellness Clinics
Hire me and my team of healers to come to your workplace for a day of holistic healing and intuitive counseling including Reiki, Massage, Chiropractic, Ear Acupuncture and Tarot readings. Contact me for rates and booking.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $270.

Group VortexHealing® Sessions w/ Geordie & Carol - distant healing for anyone anywhere in the world, bi - weekly on Thursdays, $20, 7:45pm - 8:45pm NYC time (you can put your pets get on distant healing list for free) . These sessions start with a 30 min conference call. At 7:45, we log off the call and start the healing session. Email me to register and pay via Paypal. High quality / low cost divine magic energy healing and awakening sessions for the people. These groups sell out fast so please RSVP in advance. See testimonials on my site.

Deer Spirit Reiki Circle - Bi - weekly on Tuesdays, 7pm - 9pm, $20, at ACAT Studio, 39 W. 14th St., Suite 507, RSVP required. This circle is open to the general public - you do not have to be attuned to Reiki to attend and receive treatment. If you are attuned to Reiki, any level or lineage, you are welcome to come and give and receive treatment. We start with a guided meditation and then give 30 min. treatments.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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