
In This Issue

1. Meet the Brothers!
2. Stories from the Street: “Light and Salt”
3. Stories from the Street: Evangelizing Young People
1. Meet the Brothers!
2. Stories from the Street: “Light and Salt”
3. Stories from the Street: Evangelizing Young People

Meet the Brothers!

We are grateful to the National Catholic Register for interviewing and publishing this new article on the formation of our St. Paul Society of Evangelists.

The author, Patti Armstrong, begins: "It’s remarkable how electrifying faith can be once the Holy Spirit jumps in. It can even lead a person to do crazy things like spontaneously evangelize in a sandwich shop. And why not? People eating sandwiches need Jesus too. Recall that on Pentecost Sunday, there were no shy apostles after the Holy Spirit descended on them in the form of tongues of fire."

Read the rest at the Register.

The brothers are already keeping busy evangelizing in and around the Warren, MI area. Listen to our podcast with Patrick, below, to learn more.

Patrick Brennan (Coordinator) - Patrick Brennan is originally from East Lansing, Michigan. In 2012, two years after graduating from law school, he had a life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit that launched him into the adventure of knowing God and following Jesus with his whole heart. Patrick’s passion is to share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. After three years as a seminarian with the Diocese of Lansing, God recently called Patrick to help begin the St. Paul Society of Evangelists, a new religious community connected to the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization. patrick@stpaulsociety.com

Dan Marcum - Daniel Marcum was born and raised in a faithful Catholic household. He has double bachelors degrees in theology and philosophy from Holy Apostles College, and was a chapter coordinator for St. Paul Street Evangelization from 2014 through 2016. He became interested in the St. Paul Society of Evangelists when he first heard about it in early 2018, after years of discernment in which he looked for an order dedicated to evangelization. He is humbled and grateful to be a part of the foundation of this new religious community, and he asks readers to pray that the Holy Spirit will send the society new vocations as soon as He thinks it is time.

John Nguyen - John was born in Los Angeles to Vietnamese parents who immigrated from Vietnam at the close of the war. A cradle Catholic, he grew up in Orange County, California, but it wasn't until college that a powerful conversion experience set him on a quest for answers. The search led him to ponder many possibilities and religions but it ultimately led him to consider the faith of his parents. Young adult ministry played a significant role in his journey which led him to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Discerning his vocation while still in college, he entered religious life and spent seven years as a brother with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

Prayer requests from the brothers:

▪ That God would send a priest or priests who are interested in being spiritual directors for the men in the society.
▪ That God would provide priests to join the society.
▪ That God would provide a tabernacle for the chapel.
▪ That the men would be allowed to keep the Eucharist in their chapel.
That God would send a priest or priests who are interested in being spiritual directors for the men in the society.
That God would provide priests to join the society.
That God would provide a tabernacle for the chapel.
That the men would be allowed to keep the Eucharist in their chapel.

Listen to their story on our podcast!

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“Light and Salt”

Philadelphia, PA

We never know how the Holy Spirit will allow our prayers to meet people at just the right time and just the right place. We have had instances in which people said they didn’t know why they felt inclined to walk in a certain direction before encountering a SPSE table, but they were so glad they did. The Holy Spirit likes to give little “nudges” sometimes to guide our steps and that can often lead to powerful encounters of prayer and healing...just when someone was about to give up hope.

This report comes from evangelist Nancy of the Philadelphia (Lower Bucks) team:

“A young man came by, Terrence, and he had a great amount of body art and many gold chains, and beautiful sunglasses, and when he smiled he had gold on his teeth. He stopped when asked if he would like a crucifix. He said no, that he had plenty of those already, but when asked if he could use a prayer he said he could always use a prayer. We thanked God for the gift of our lives and we prayed for Terrence to have peace. We prayed about how we need God’s guidance to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Following prayer Terrence relayed that he actually was not from the area, that he was visiting from Orlando and upon waking that morning in his hotel room he did not want to get out of bed, and felt oh no not another day… He was very moved and told us that it was so strange that he came by us and that he stopped and talked with us and prayed with us and that now he felt so good about life this day and that he did want to share his love of Christ with the world. Praise be to God for His mercy and love are great!

Bruce, a homeless man, came by and looked familiar from another time doing SPSE. Nancy asked if they had met before, at a prayer station. Bruce said he did not remember but how nice it was for us to remember him He had three rosaries around his neck and he spoke of how he once had a guardian angel medal that he wore on his wrist. He had lost his angel medal and he missed it and wondered whether we might have one. We were pleased to have the two sided angel medal, with the guardian angel on one side and St. Michael the archangel on the other. We asked him if he had ever heard the story about how Lucifer was the brightest angel and that when he did not want to do God’s will St. Michael cast him out of heaven and that this is why we ask for St. Michael the archangel to help us at moments of temptation. Bruce loved it! He asked for two more angel medals with prayer cards for his friends he was meeting at the library. Upon asking for prayer, he wanted us to pray for his toothache. We asked where it hurt and touched his cheek there and joined hands in prayer, calling on the Holy Spirit and asking for his tooth to be healed in Jesus’ name. Bruce told us that it was not hurting as much anymore, and we told him that God works signs and wonders even in this day and age, and that we prayed for his tooth to be completely healed. He asked if we thought there was something else he should do about this tooth. We recommended that Bruce rinse the tooth with very warm salt water several times, but go the hospital if it got really bad as a rotten tooth can affect organ function. We continue to pray in Jesus’ name may Bruce experience complete healing of his toothache.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Never give up hope, and never tire of doing the work God has called YOU to do. What will that work be? We know through prayer and listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit in the recesses of our heart. We know when He is calling us out of our comfort zones, when we offer resistance but we know deep down inside who it is that is calling us. “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts,” says the Lord (Heb 3:15). You never know who may be relying on your prayers and hoping to encounter a messenger of the Gospel! Join us!

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Evangelizing Young People

This report comes from Richard in Rehoboth Beach, DE.

During June Katherine and I handed out 60 rosaries and pamphlets, and we had some memorable encounters. One of them was a Jewish woman with four children. She was originally from Falmouth, MA. She told us that all of her childhood friends were Catholic, and when she was younger, she wanted to be Catholic also. There was no Jewish community in Falmouth, and she felt a sense of community with her Catholic friends. She married a man from Israel, and they had three children, but they later divorced.

I offered her a rosary, which she initially rejected. However, I told her that anyone can pray the rosary, and so she accepted one from me, along with a brochure on how to pray the rosary. She seemed grateful; we had a very friendly conversation.

I met two young women, both college-age. One of them, Aria, was very well-read in the Bible. She said that she had been baptized Catholic, but she has joined a local Baptist church. She asked me why priests couldn’t marry, as ministers of other faiths can. I explained to her, to the best of my ability, why our clergy don’t marry. We talked about many other things, and she seemed to enjoy the conversation. I then introduced her to Katherine, and I turned to Chloe, the other young woman who had been quietly listening.

Chloe opened up a bit and slowly shared that her mother is Catholic, although she’s not sure about her father. She had questions about the faith and Jesus, but she doesn’t like the structure in Mass and in the Church. I shared with her what I had learned from Matthew Kelly’s books, that God has a plan for each of us to become the best version of ourselves. I shared with her some of the things I do to be involved with people who need help, such as the elderly and the sick. We had a long and good conversation. I think she may go to church with her friend Aria this week. I also gave her a book that has had a big impact on my life. Chloe seemed moved that I had given her the book.

I asked her what kind of relationship she had with her mom. She said they were close but she didn't share "stuff" with her. I suggested that after reading the book, perhaps she and her mother could read and discuss it together. Chloe said her mom would be really happy if she found out she was reading books like these. We must have talked for at least 20 to 30 minutes. It was a very special encounter for me.

Praised be Jesus Christ! SPSE team members find it especially rewarding to engage in conversations that go in seemingly life-changing directions. Young college-age adults are not only exploring who they are and what they want to do with their lives, they are also often searching for that deeper meaning to life. Spiritual thoughts are so very personal, it can often be easier to talk to a stranger than one’s own parents or even friends. Become a member of SPSE and join an evangelization team. Be that person that the young can turn to with their questions about the Church and faith.


Upcoming Events

From California to Minnesota to Alabama to Pennsylvania our workshops and training programs have been featured all over the country. Bring SPSE into your diocese, parish, or university for Basic Evangelization Training, Healing in Evangelization Training, Catholic Hospitality Training, or conference talks. Email adam@stpaulse.com for more information.

▪ July 21 | Healing in Evangelization Workshop, Warren, MI
▪ August 24-25 | Basic Evangelization Training - Valparaiso, IN
▪ September 8 | Basic Evangelization Training, Sioux City, IA
▪ September 27 | St. Paul Evangelization Institute Gala, Detroit, MI
▪ September 29 | Hospitality Training, Detroit, MI
July 21 | Healing in Evangelization Workshop, Warren, MI
August 24-25 | Basic Evangelization Training - Valparaiso, IN
September 8 | Basic Evangelization Training, Sioux City, IA
September 27 | St. Paul Evangelization Institute Gala, Detroit, MI
September 29 | Hospitality Training, Detroit, MI
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New Podcast: A New Society of Evangelists

In this episode we interview Patrick Brennan who is the Director our new St. Paul Society of Evangelists. Patrick Brennan is originally from East Lansing, Michigan. In 2012, two years after graduating from law school, he had a life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit that launched him into the adventure of knowing God and following Jesus with his whole heart. Patrick’s passion is to share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. After three years as a seminarian with the Diocese of Lansing, God recently called Patrick to help begin the St. Paul Society of Evangelists, a new religious community connected to the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization. If you have questions or feel called to apply for this community email Patrick at patrick@stpaulsociety.com



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▪ Partner: $10 per month or $100 per year
▪ Fire Starter: $25 per month or $300 per year
▪ Bridge Builder: $50 per month or $600 per year
▪ Kingdom Builder: $100 per month or $1000 per year
▪ Visionary: $500 per month or $5,000 per year
▪ Vice-President's Circle: $1,000 per month or $10,000 per year
▪ President's Circle: $2,500 per month or $25,000 per year
Partner: $10 per month or $100 per year
Fire Starter: $25 per month or $300 per year
Bridge Builder: $50 per month or $600 per year
Kingdom Builder: $100 per month or $1000 per year
Visionary: $500 per month or $5,000 per year
Vice-President's Circle: $1,000 per month or $10,000 per year
President's Circle: $2,500 per month or $25,000 per year
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