Introducing New Member CareCap “LIFE MADE AFFORDABLE” WHAT IS CARECAP? An innovative new tool that cosmetic surgeons and medical aestheticians are


Introducing New Member CareCap

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An innovative new tool that cosmetic surgeons and medical aestheticians are using to grow their practices by making their services accessible to all clients.

With CareCap, businesses are able to customize payment options for their clients who need a more manageable way to pay for the services they need, want and deserve.

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It’s simple: offering your clients payment options leads to more business.

By the time you see a client, they have already made it past the tough decisions related to seeking a treatment or procedure. The final barrier is often cost. By offering payment plans with CareCap, cosmetic surgeons and medical aestheticians are hearing more clients say "yes" and eliminating the compromises often made to fit treatments within a budget. This leads to practice growth, lower administrative stress & expense, and happier long-term client relationships. There is no cost to offer payment plans through CareCap. If doing so results in the ability to help just one more person obtain the image they want, then why not? It’s that simple.

Icon GrowYourBusiness

**Grow Your Business** Offering payment plans custom fit to your clients significantly give them a way to say "yes" to the treatments they want. And eliminates compromises related to budget.

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**Happier Clients** In-house options fit to your clients show you care. This leads to happier clients, longer-term relationships and the opportunity to provide more services.

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**Save Time** CareCap automates the payment process. And customized payments decrease past due AR hassles. That means more time to focus on your business.

Icon NoThirdPartyFinancing

**No third party financing** Offering CareCap eliminates the need for third party financing, saving you time and money. As well as the headaches of third parties declining clients.


"Now, I can tell my patients we have a payment plan option. It immediately makes them feel more comfortable. All of a sudden, their horizon is broadened and they feel like they can do any of the services I am offering. It’s sort of like the sky is the limit."

- Dr. McCann, Derma Medical Spa


CareCap How it Works Video

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An Interview with Dr. McCann About CareCap

Dr. Bessie McCann is a board certified physician and owner of Derma Medical Spa in Olympia, Washington. We recently sat down with her to talk about CareCap, a new way for medical aestheticians and cosmetic surgeons to offer payment plan options to their clients.

Q: What problems were you hoping to solve when you started looking into additional payment options for your clients?

Our clients come in two forms when looking at things financially: there are those with a large chunk of change to spend on a service at one time. Then, there’s the rest of us who don’t have several thousands dollars to spend on a procedure in one day.

However, a lot of what we do we do lasts for quite a while, so it makes sense to be able to pay off those services over a period of time. We had many people asking us if they could make payments, telling us that then, they could afford to do the procedure. Until CareCap, we really didn’t have any good options for doing that.

Q: Why did you choose CareCap over the other options available to you?

The credit criteria of some of the other “payment plans” or “credit cards” was a deterrent for us. CareCap seemed to meet all of our needs and it was extremely easy to get started using.

It was immediately a good fit for our business. It takes minutes for me to set up a new client with CareCap. And then they get to choose what fits into their budget. And that gives them control, which makes them feel like our services are accessible. That’s really important in the sales process, but also for my relationships with my clients.

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Dr. McCann offering CareCap in patient consultation.

Q: What impact has CareCap made on your business?

About half of what I do is consultations. The other half is actually procedures. In those consultations, people come to me with something that they don’t like and they want me to work with them to try and change it. And it’s then up to me to lay out several options to them as to how best to achieve that goal. Many times, it’s the most the expensive treatment that will have the most impact for them and that excites them the most. And then the uncomfortable part— telling them how much that costs. Up until we took on CareCap, that really was a very uncomfortable moment because for most people, they would just immediately say they can’t afford the treatment because they didn’t have that big lump sum of money to spend. Now what I get to do with CareCap is immediately say, “we have a payment plan.” Usually their next statement is that they don’t want to apply for credit— which I really understand. I can explain that this is not a credit card; there is no credit check involved. This is just your money that you already have. And CareCap organizes payments that fit into your budget, and YOU get to pick what that payment is going to be.

It immediately makes people feel more comfortable, and all of a sudden their horizon is broadened and they feel like they can do any of the services I am offering, they can combine services, it’s sort of like the sky is the limit.

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Q: Would you recommend CareCap to your colleagues? Why?

When new technology comes into our industry, it’s always a little intimidating. I’m not really a computer geek and the idea of taking on a new piece of technology or a new system can feel very unapproachable. However, I would urge my colleagues to be open to new technology because I feel, especially after having used this system, that the sign of great technology is that it actually makes things feel easier. It doesn’t make things feel more complicated. And that is how I feel about CareCap.

My clients feel the same way. The feedback that I get from them is wonderful. They want to come back and use it over and over again.

Interested in offering CareCap at your practice? There is no cost to sign up for an account. Start here.


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