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A full calendar of events can be found in the Compass App

16th - 18th May - Book Fair
2nd June - Working Bee from 2.30pm
16th June - Pupil Free Day
19th June - Pupil Free Day
10th July - Pupil Free Day
6th November - Pupil Free Day

In this edition...

A very happy Mother’s Day last Sunday to all our mothers, grandmothers, and other special family members and friends. I hope you were very spoiled. Please click on this link to watch our Mother’s Day video from last Friday’s Parents’ Association breakfast. A very big thank you to the Parents’ Association and volunteer dads who made this event such a great success.

Prep Excursion

A very big congratulations to the Preps for undertaking their first excursion to the zoo last week. Many of the children reported back that they had sore feet from their explorations but loved seeing the vast array of animals with their classmates and teachers. Click on this link to see more of their adventures. Thank you to the amazing parents and carers who volunteered their time to assist with making this event a success.

Feedback from Surveys

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback regarding our school philosophy and values. We had twenty-one respondents and I have attached some of the feedback as screenshots below for interested families. This feedback will be reviewed by the Curriculum, Wellbeing and Policy sub-committee at their next meeting and reviewed by School Council at their next meeting.

School Philosophy 1a 002
School Philosophy 1b 002

We would love some more community feedback via this survey for our school review. Please click on this link to have your say.

Canteen Update

We had forty-one responses to our Canteen Survey. The canteen committee met last week to review the school survey data and make an informed decision regarding next steps. Based on the survey and considering the struggle to source volunteers and find suitable staff to manage a school canteen, we are contacting a number of outsource providers who may be able to deliver lunches to the school. This move would also mean that the school, through the PA, could use the canteen kitchen for morning recess snacks as a fundraiser and the kitchen could then be used for students to cook in. More information will follow regarding this transition and if you have any suggestions regarding canteen service providers, please email me to share with the committee members.
Thank you to the Alison, Tina, Fiona, and Kate who have kindly volunteered their time to assist with this important decision for our school.

Education Week Open Night

We are very excited to welcome our families next week for our Education Week Open Evening. The staff have been busily organising lots of fun and engaging activities to celebrate our 70th Anniversary and we hope our families will be able to come along and take part. Doors will be open from 6pm-7pm. Please note that children attending the event will need to be supervised by a parent or carer.

Education Week poster 2

Semester One Reports

The end of semester reports will be available via Compass on the 16th of June. Based on community feedback from last year, each student will receive personalised comments for English, Mathematics, Humanities and for each Specialist subject. For English and Mathematics, we have introduced a “Next steps in Learning” section to enable families to know how they can support their child with future learning in these key areas.

An important of the reporting process will be the Parent Teacher meeting scheduled for Monday 19th of June. These are 15-minute interviews on school site which will provide families the opportunity to discuss their child’s achievements, social development, and future learning goals. If you require a meeting online or an alternative day and time, please contact the teacher directly.
The Parent Teacher Interviews will open for booking on Tuesday 23rd of May at 9am. A Compass reminder will also go out to remind families to book.
*Please note that Mr Patterson and Ms Airey’s Interview times will be scheduled for another time so please wait for communication from the teachers regarding a booking time.

Staffing Update:

Please note that Ms Tinetti is currently teaching 1/2D on Fridays and in the morning on Mondays and will be unavailable for meetings or to respond to emails. If it is of an urgent matter, please contact the office directly via phone call or email.

Working Bee 2nd June 2:30pm

We are seeking your help on the 2nd of June to complete the painting works and assist with some general maintenance from 2:30pm. This will be our first Working Bee for the year and hopefully we do not get rained out! You do not need to have specialised experience. Some tasks will be painting, raking, helping stain the decking area and general tidying up. Come and join in the fun!

working bee 2 june 2023

Have a great week and see you tonight for Education week!
Tracy Skiba

Students of the Week

4 Values

Prep D - Poppy S
1/2N - Max C
1/2P - Peityn D
3/4P - Alice S
5/6A - Dulanya K
5/6FP - Stratos B
5/6PG - Ayden T

Please come and visit us.
We will be open tonight during the open night from 6-7pm. Wednesday and Thursday we are open from 8:30-9am and 3:30-4:15pm.
If you are unable to attend any session, your child may come home with a wish list. You can order any of these items online via this link.
Proceeds from sales goes towards new books for the school library.
Thank you for your support

Jo Alfano

Major Partners

One thing we are very proud of here at Malvern Valley is the strength of our community. Whilst often that means having fun together and collectively sharing in the joy of our children’s education, sometimes it also means helping each other out in times of need. We are all thrown obstacles during our journey through life and sometimes a little help from our friends makes a world of difference.

“Friends of Malvern Valley” is a mechanism by which families in need can anonymously seek support from the broader MVPS community. This may be in the form of providing meals, picking up or dropping off children, donating clothing/books/toys etc.

Every year we call on families to register their interest in becoming a “Friend of Malvern Valley” and indicate in our database where you may be able to assist a family in need. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be called on, but that you will receive an alert if a family is in need and can indicate at the time whether you can assist or not. If you are happy to be on the Friends of Malvern Valley contact list please register your details here. Please also mark the email address in your safe senders list to ensure that emails don’t go to your junk mail.

If you feel that you’re in a situation yourself that could use some assistance through this program, please contact the Principal, Tracy Skiba.

Thanks in advance for your support.

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