Good morning, love! I know many of you have had a blessed holiday and not only are your tummies full, but your hearts are full, too. But, for many, t

Good morning, love!

I know many of you have had a blessed holiday and not only are your tummies full, but your hearts are full, too. But, for many, this is the beginning of holiday weight gain. I believe the average American gains between 10-15 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year's.

Do you want to avoid holiday weight gain this year?

Are you tired of dieting the same old way and feeling deprived as you munch on a carrot stick while everyone else chows down on sausage stars?

Are you confused by how to feed your body in a way that feels truly amazing?

Do you hate to go to the gym?

Do you have a hard time putting yourself as a priority?

Are sick of this way of be-ing and ready to step into the best version of yourself?

Do you think clean eating is boring and painful and the thought of another diet makes you want to scream?

_Are you ready to feel confident in your body? _

_Are you ready to feel fantastic about your food choices, knowing that every bite you take is nourishing yourself? _

Are you ready to move your groove thang in a way you enjoy and that makes you smile?

What if.....

You woke up New Year's Day and you bounded out of bed full of energy and ready to go?
You lost the muffin top and wine wiggle during the holidays?
You get to use your gift cards for clothes that you love and not waste it on big clothes that you hate!
You felt empowered and confident in your life?
You had the power to create your own diet blueprint, could lose weight with ease and said good bye to stubborn weight?
You felt happy again?

It's time to stop hiding and playing small in the world. It's time to stop depriving yourself or to stop shoveling food in your mouth because you are afraid to feel or aren't even sure what you feel. Empaths, you know what I mean.

It's time to reconnect with your true essence. If you're like many of my clients, you're just plum tired of dieting. And the thought makes you want to hide in a mound of chocolate.

But, by creating a meal plan that is designed to eliminate potential problematic foods and learning to listen to your individual biofeedback, you will foster a loving relationship with your body and food will be used for exactly what it was meant to do: provide energy for your body and mind. And you won't have to give up chocolate, baby!

Imagine food that is so simple and yet, so flavorful that every bite is divine. Imagine meals that can be prepared faster than the delivery guy can get to your door.
Imagine not counting calories or weighing your food and the pounds melting away.
Imagine finally seeing progress through relaxing and getting curious vs beating yourself up for every bite of 'bad' food you take.
Imagine a meal plan that is done for you.
Imagine a shopping list that has already been created for you.
Imagine more free time in your life to have fun!

Can you see it? Aaaahhhhh...... That feels good! Like, make-me-wanna-put- my-feet-up-and-breath kind of good.

This is what I strive for daily in my life. This is what I want to help you with. Nourishing Your Inner Goddess is just this. My 5-step signature system help you build a foundation with your mind-body through food.

Nourishing Your Inner Goddess is a 5-step approach to effortless weight loss by creating your personal blueprint of foods that fuel your body for energy and balance. This program is based on the elimination diet and lays the foundation for tapping into intuition to create a mind-body connection that fosters self-confidence, trust and better health.

As a private client, you’ll work with me one-on-one to begin building a relationship with your inner goddess, your intuition, through food. You’ll receive personalized attention, private mentoring with me, customized training modules for clean eating, detox and cooking, transformational coaching and powerful accountability that will take your relationship with food to a whole new and exciting level.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, apply for a spot now! These spots are limited and I only open 5 at a time so I can give each client the super VIP experience they deserve so they can feel like a goddess immediately.

Private coaching is the solution for you if….

• You are serious about creating change and are committed to make things happen once and for all.

• You don’t want another deprivation diet, but a lifestyle that feels really delicious and easy.

• You have a basic knowledge of healthy, whole food eating and already eat well, but something isn’t working and you’re ready to get serious and get curious to find the solution.

• You are a self-motivated person who is coachable and ready to try something different.

• You are ready to prioritize yourself, your health and your wellbeing to be able to give more to those you love without feeling drained.

• You don’t have time to figure everything out for yourself and you are ready to take the guesswork out of weight loss.

• You’re ready to transform your relationship with food, your body and reclaim your passion for life.

• You are a freedom seeker! You are ready to let go of what hasn’t worked for you.

• You’re READY to have a weight loss breakthrough and stretch yourself AND your mind-body connection to the next exciting level of BE-ing….and be held accountable to going for it, full out!

Why did I create Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program?

My philosophy is that creating health and wellness is a 3-prong approach that involves a partnership between the mind, the body and the spirit. My philosophy is that you must not only focus on the food you eat, but also who you are being when you eat. Your body is holding onto weight for a reason and it is my mission to help you discover what that reason is. For many, it is that other areas in life are neglected, but in order to connect those dots, it is important to foster a loving relationship with your body.

I created this program because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be so focused on a scale weight that nothing matters. I know what it’s like to deprive yourself of foods you love because of fear of weight gain. I know what it’s like to judge every bite you take as good or bad and to mentally count every calorie you ingest. I know what it’s like to be sick and lacking energy to get up off the sofa. I know what it’s like for the foods you eat daily to make you sick!

I created this program because I needed to put the fun back in eating. I needed to have food that was nourishing and tasted good, but it was also quick to prepare. I needed to build my health back up. I did NOT want another diet to follow. I needed to learn to listen to my body and follow it’s signals. I needed freedom from food rules and I needed to reconnect in a powerful way with my true self.

It’s essential to have a mentor who has been in your shoes and who has done the work. It’s necessary to have a mentor who will pull you back on track and show you how to stay on that track when things get rough. It’s important to manage a lifestyle and not just a diet that comes and goes. It’s essential to learn exactly how what you eat affects your body, your mind and everything in between.

This is a new age. This is a time when women are craving more connection and more meaning in life. THIS is why I created this program. It is crucial to connect to YOU, create a strong sense of self and become your own best friend.

I created this program for the independent, determined, open-minded women who feel at wit’s end because diets have failed them and they are overwhelmed by food rules. I created this program for the woman who is ready for the ultimate goal: FREEDOM, and she is ready to slow down, listen and dig deep to create true change.

I’ve created this program so that I can be your private coach and mentor, and provide the highest level of expertise and support that I offer, so you can reach your highest level of BE-ing, to live an integrated, fulfilling life that is free from deprivation diets, food rules, body shame and disconnect.

Women spend too much time trying to reach a certain number on the scale or judging food to be good or bad and placing those same labels on themselves depending on diet adherence. There is so much more to living a radiant life than the food on your plate. When life is busy, hectic and jam packed you
may be racing from one thing to another and not having much time left for you. This creates burnout, feeds the stress loop and leads to dissatisfaction, anxiety, body aches and pains and unwanted weight gain. It is essential to have the support of a mentor who has walked the path and can help you stay true to your goals, discover your true self, to listen to your own inner wisdom and quiet the negative self talk so that your radiant inner goddess can be revealed.

How can you be accepted into the Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program?

First, please read this entire letter so that you are clear as to how you’ll benefit from this transformational program. (If you have a spouse who will be supporting you in your decision, please share this letter with them as well.)

Then, complete the application and send it to the You By Design Transformational Coaching team, indicating your sincere interest in being considered for the program. The details for receiving the application are below.

Then, schedule a time to have a personal conversation via telephone. Use this link to schedule our conversation

If this program speaks to you and you are ready to transform your relationship with food, keep reading to discover all the exciting details of this life changing program…and listen to your heart and soul.

purple smoothie recipe

Enrollment in the Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program is strictly limited.

So if you feel yourself getting excited as you read on, or you’re feeling the gentle nudge from your inner wisdom that this might be exactly the solution you’ve been looking for, I urge you to complete the application and return to me right away. Completing the application does NOT commit you to the program. It’s just a sincere expression that you would like to be considered for mentorship. I’ll read your application personally and we’ll have a brief conversation to see if the program is right for you. Unlike many weight loss coaches out there, I’m known for being extremely selective about the clients I accept into this program. You will ONLY be offered a spot in the program if it’s a perfect match. Which means you’re safe to explore this exciting opportunity without risk, fear or hesitation. You DON’T have to be content staying quiet, playing small or taking small steps. You can boldly claim your next level of health, weight, and create a new relationship to food that allows your inner radiance to shine. Creating the life you want and living it in a body you love begins with a decision to go for it. Your first step is filling out your application – I can’t wait to read it!

Blessings & gratitude,

Are you ready to truly transform your relationship with food and begin nourishing your inner goddess?

In this private coaching program, you’ll receive my best systems, guides, training and mentoring to eat intuitively and to create the energy and healing your body needs to reach your ideal weight with ease and have fun doing it.

You’ll upgrade what’s on your plate so that you can better listen to your personal inner wisdom and guidance. You’ll find the fun of getting really curious vs judging every morsel you eat. You’ll clean out the gunk to reveal hidden causes of stubborn weight loss issues. You’ll learn how slowing down can be your new bff and truly create a loving bond with your body. You’ll learn what may be causing your digestive issues and how to correct them, ditch the bloating, release inflammation that is causing you distress and finally relax around food.

Along the way, you’ll receive a high degree of accountability, coaching and support so you make powerful decisions and take empowered action toward the goals you create as you step into your personal vision of success and the best version of you possible.

Here is a sampling of some of the keys components of the Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program:

Detox your environment and your body to create the sacred container for a healthy mind, body and soul to bloom and step forward. We will de-clutter spaces, ditch the junk and clear out toxic thinking that has held you back from reaching your ideal weight and having true health.

Create a vision for you to step into. We will look into what you want to create and set up action steps to get you there. This will be a fun project that will unleash your inner creative goddess and allow her to be heard and acknowledged.

Collaboration. Two heads are always better than one. You can’t get there alone! We’ll hone in on exactly what foods work well for you, which ones don’t and how to check in with your body to determine your personal eating blueprint.
Systems that are proven and done for you. You won’t need to recreate the wheel here. I have done the work for you. You’ll receive all the instructions to help you manage each day with ease.

Personal Mastery. It takes much more than tools and strategy to create the transformation we’ll be doing. A new way of BE-ing is required. Which is why you’ll also be powerfully coached and held accountable to break free from limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns that no longer serve your inner goddess, to create deep transformation at the soul level.

Personal Accountability. You’ll stay on track to meet your goals and desires with specific accountability steps and daily action steps to keep you engaged and moving forward.

Gerry Brunton pic test

What results and outcomes can you expect?

Here are just some of the shifts you can expect when you show up powerfully, play full out and deeply immerse yourself in this training and mentoring experience….

Claim your vision for nourishing your inner goddess lifestyle makeover.

Toss out the old, outdated deprivation diet mentality, body shaming, disconnect and create a personalized, delicious, loving, easy way to feed your body that serves your unique body and lifestyle while feeling supported as you create deep change to step into your highest version of you.

Experience the joy of effortless weight loss along with…

Rejuvenating sleep, increased sex drive, stable moods, reduced belly bloat/gas/diarrhea/constipation, less anxiety, more confidence and reduced stress while uncovering hidden foods that could be contributing to all of these symptoms.

Become the master of your own body.

Release weight, thoughts, actions and mindset that no longer serve your inner goddess. You will learn new ways to look at food and your body. You will learn to cultivate a curiosity mindset and an attitude of gratitude while experiencing the importance of the moment.

Learn strategies to combat self-sabotage before it happens.

We all struggle at times and allow our monkey mind to take control. We’re only human. In this program you will learn signs of sabotage and ways to take action to reroute and regain the driver’s seat. You’ll also have a mentor walking along side you to keep you focused on the end result.

Celebrate your victories.

No accomplishment is too small to celebrate. You will learn to see how many small steps lead to big changes and big changes require small steps. You will build your self-confidence and self-trust throughout this program to complete feeling empowered.

Experience personal breakthroughs and step up your “inner game”

Your BE-ING creates your reality! Grow and stretch yourself like never before, let go of old beliefs, and liberate yourself from the past so you are free to create your life exactly as you wish to live it – including abundant health, ideal weight, and finally feeling nourished from the inside out.

Enjoy unconditional support…

From a powerful mentor who is committed to your growth, excellence and success.

“Thank you so much Tori.... my work with you is truly a breakthrough I never thought possible around food.... and getting down into the why of my relationship with food. I have held on to pain and suffering with clinched fists for so long. I’m now starting to see where I can let it go to progress.....” J.S. -MO

Your 90-Day Nourish Your Inner Goddess Program Benefits Include:

90 minute Private Visioning & Strategy Session
This is your kick off session. In this session we will clearly define the outcome you want and outline your steps to get there. This is your chance to get crystal clear on the way the program will run and to set the stage for success to happen. You will be given just the right action steps to get started on your journey that meet your needs for empowered action without feeling overwhelmed.

14 Day Detox & Jumpstart Weight Loss Program

This is the foundation of the program. This guide outlines everything you need to makeover your kitchen and get started eating for energy and radiance from the inside out while effortlessly watching the belly bloat and extra pounds melt away. You will receive the Day-at-a-Glance guide that makes planning your day fast and simple. It’s all in here to get you started on the right track and you can begin as soon as you complete enrollment. No waiting for these remarkable results this plan offers. Your inner goddess will feel nourished and loved from the start.

Clean Eating & Lifestyle Guide

This guide encompasses not only how to nourish yourself with food, but also how to implement extreme self-care and how to move your body in a way that feels good. You’ll have all the tools to take the guesswork out of what to do and what to eat. Recipes, daily suggested meal plans, shopping guide, exercise tips and more.

1 Private Virtual VIP Day

This is a rare and powerful opportunity for you to step into your power and claim your true happiness. This private, 1:1, virtual day will be scheduled before the completion of your program. This is an intensive, deep dive, coaching day to take you even deeper into your transformation. We will look into other areas of your life that need nurturing and healing. The breakthroughs you’ll gain from this highly productive time will lay the basis for your success for months, even years to come.

Private coaching sessions with Tori

Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program members will benefit from 6, 60-minute private coaching calls that are usually scheduled every other week. Sessions are focused on helping you implement new skills and strategies, coach around difficulties or questions that arise between sessions, outline the next steps of action to take you closer to your desired outcome and to celebrate the victories. These sessions will also teach new skills and foster a safe place for sharing and personal growth as you step into a goddess lifestyle.

Three (3) 15-minute “SOS” calls with Tori

Access to Tori when you need it, on her private phone line!

Priority email access

For quick questions and “check-in” support during your program.

Recordings of all calls

Each session is recorded for you so will have access to the information for life.

Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program BONUSES

“Done-For-You” Resources for fast implementation and step-by-step instruction ($1197 value)

Throughout the program, you will receive “DFY” tools, templates, guides and other resources to help you quickly and confidently take action toward your desired outcome.

These resources represent the past 10 years of Tori’s coaching, diet design, health coaching, and intuitive training expertise and are the same ones she uses in her life every day, saving you thousands of dollars in wasted time and effort.

Recorded Presentations to help you get started right away and answer your most urgent questions. ($997 value)

Recipe Guides
50+ chef-created, delicious, clean and nourishing recipes that are not only whole food, but are fast, simple and easy to make. All are fully customizable for eating preferences from vegan to Paleo and are gluten free. Perfect for the whole family. ($47 value)

Are you a good fit for the Nourishing Your Inner Goddess 90 Day Program?

Not everyone is called to be an empowered change maker and step boldly into their sacred self at this time. Many women are perfectly happy losing weight the old fashioned way via the next new diet craze. Many women may not feel like this is the right time to put their self as a priority. Still other women may not feel driven by a need to connect mind, body and spirit to gain better health and a body they love. And for them, that path is right and perfect at this time.

But for the woman with a deep inner calling...a big mission...passion for a different way of BE-ing and a yearning in her heart to finally connect on a more personal level to find her best eating blueprint and her secret sauce to effortless weight loss that will create a lifestyle makeover, this is your program.

This program is right for you if you truly desire to lose weight once and for all by eating food that nourishes your body. If you’re inner goddess deeply craves FREEDOM and you’ve been feeling a little confused as to how to get it. You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and dieting makes you want to roll your eyes. You’re ready to let go of all the old rules that gave you the impression that you had to feel punished to get the body and health you desired and ready to embrace a new way of thinking.

You’re ready to leave judgment, good food/bad food labels and diet mentality behind and play full out to create what you want with your weight, your health, your life. You are ready to lay the foundation for true mind-body-spirit health and healing and to embrace a goddess way of eating.

You also need to know that I am VERY selective about who I choose to work with privately. I’ve found that it’s not of service for me to take on a client who simply isn’t ready to receive this kind of support, or is not willing to take the action required to up level not only what is on their plate, but to approach weight loss and health a different way.

As a woman on the verge of true transformation…..

• You are decisive and are willing to make decisions, make a commitment and take empowered action even when it’s uncomfortable.

• You are open to new ideas and ways to do things and are willing to try them to gain insight and feedback. You are ok with failure and learning along the way.

• You are committed to being a Nourished Goddess and going all out to create change you have wanted for so long.

• You are a spiritual/intuitive/empathic woman who wants to take inspired action to begin listening to the inner KNOW-ing that is within us all and to foster a deep trust of your inner goddess.

• You are coachable, are willing to receive feedback (especially on what’s not working) and show up powerfully to get the results you want.

• You are willing to do things differently than you have done before.

• You are comfortable with honesty and appreciate it. You speak up for what you need if you aren’t getting it.

• You are low drama.

• You are positive and generally look at life like the glass is half full.

• You make your payments on time.

• You are impeccable with your word.

• You respect my boundaries and that of my team.

• You accept 100% responsibility for your results – no exceptions or excuses.

• You aren’t looking for a quick fix and know that change takes time to integrate and you are ready.

• You are excited about working together towards manifesting your ideal weight, alleviating annoying health issues, and creating a truly personalized nourishment blueprint!

It’s a MUST that this program be a fit for both of us. Once I receive your completed application, we’ll have a short interview to make sure that you and I are a perfect fit for each other and that this program is the right decision for you. You will ONLY be offered a spot in the program if it’s a perfect match. Also, because this program has to be the perfect fit for you, I’ll share the investment in our interview. As you undoubtedly know, this level of support and mentorship requires a deep investment of time, energy, attention and money. It’s these kinds of investments that pull you forward the most – the benefits are priceless!

o november photo

The Choice Is Clear…And The Next Step Is Simple!

If you see yourself reflected in these words…if you’re feeling that gentle tug of Divine guidance, your inner goddess, that is telling you you’re on the verge of a truly magical transformation and a major shift in your relationship to food, then this is your moment to step forward and boldly claim the weight, the body, the health, the goddess lifestyle you truly want to create.

It matters that you take action NOW. And the next step couldn’t be simpler. To be considered for the program, simply complete the application and return it to me. No matter what, this positive action of filling in the application will be transformative for you. I know you’ll receive at least ONE powerful breakthrough, insight, or awareness about yourself, simply by answering the questions.

The next 90 days have the power to change your life, but only if you complete your application today. I can’t wait to read your application and connect with you personally!

Many blessings & much success to you!

TO RECEIVE THE APPLICATION: Send an email with "REQUEST APPLICATION" in the subject line to: Be sure you have your preferred email listed and you will receive the Application Questionnaire via email.


Are you on FACEBOOK?

Ok, great! Join my community there! I'm in there daily posting helpful tips, sharing information, getting real and raw. I'm going to do some live events this fall, too. Come on over!


Tori is a transformational health coach and healer who has built her foundation on health and wellness. She believes strongly in the power of natural healing and food as the first medicine of choice. She helps empathic and intuitive women who are struggling with weight issues, low energy, digestive distress and more lose weight with ease, relax around food and manage their empathic gifts. Her expertise is in whole food detoxes and clean eating programs that are always gluten free. She is adept at seeing patterns in her clients that repeat in all areas of life and with intuitive insights is able to help clients bust through limiting beliefs to reach goals never before thought possible.

Tori is the creator of several popular and effective weight loss programs (14 Days to Radiance, 28 Days to Thrive and 90 Days to Bliss), a speaker and owner of You By Design Transformational Health Coaching. She has worked with women in various capacities over the past 10 years from personal training to Sports Specific Nutrition programs and finally holistic health coaching and transformation. She is currently taking a Shaman apprenticeship program and will be adding specialized healing and clearing to her programs.

Among many coaching modalities, she also likes to add spiritual tools to her coaching such as Oracle card readings, essential oils, chakra work, crystals and meditations. She puts a truly unique twist into her coaching programs that supports her clients on a deeply healing level.

Her mission is to help women learn to love themselves exactly as they are, see their inner beauty, to connect with their inner goddess and to keep food simple and uncomplicated while feeling empowered.


