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Frankie and sunrise 7 2024

Happy Summer!

How's summer your way? Here it's been dry and hot, but not as hot as some places! We had all kinds of rain in the spring but then the clouds quit spilling on us. Our garden is wilting and prospects for homegrown vegetables are looking a little iffy.

It's been so hot that I've been taking the dogs for their long walk as the sun comes up. Frankie is loving the early walks. Marley doesn't really love walks any time of the day now that he is an old dog. But believe me, if I try to leave him behind, he lets me know about it. Maybe the exercise keeps him moving. He does want to go wherever Frankie goes.

Book News

interviews and reviews 1
Ann Gabhart The Song of Sourwood Mountain-Publishers Weekly 2

Reviews have flowed in for my recent release, The Song of Sourwood Mountain. Readers say they've enjoyed visiting Sourwood Mountain with my characters. I appreciate every review. I like getting those from well known places like Publishers Weekly, but I also love hearing what readers like you think about my stories. A few words about a story can be very helpful and encouraging. In our internet world, if you post those few words in a review online it can give a book a boost.

Ada June needed a puppy

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Ada June

Ada June and her dog, Bo, in The Song of Sourwood Mountain have been stealing readers' hearts. The two certainly stole my heart while I was writing their story. Since I'm a dog lover, I especially enjoy being able to have a four-legged, furry character in my stories. Bo was one of those best dogs ever for my young mountain girl. She shares the chapter spotlights with Mira, the schoolteacher, and Gordon, the mission preacher.

Giveaway Chance

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Bluebird of Hoppiness

A newsletter means a giveaway chance. Not big prizes, but maybe some you think are fun. Since a bluebird plays a part in my book, The Song of Sourwood Mountain, this dishtowel caught my eye. So, maybe it can brighten up your kitchen and bring that bluebird happiness with it. First prize is the bluebird towel and the winner's choice of one of my books. Two second prize winners will get their choice of one of my autographed books.

No hoops to jump through to enter. Just respond to this email or from my contact page on my website.. Deadline to enter is midnight EST on August 1, 2024. (Can you believe August is only a couple of weeks away?!) You must be at least 18 to enter. Winners will be notified by email. Please be assured that I never share your contact information.

I enjoy hearing from readers. Let me know how you're doing and if you would like to, tell me the name of your favorite pet, perhaps one that came at just the right time in your life the way Bo did for Ada June. That's not necessary for an entry, but might be fun. I sometimes share stories forward on my blog, One Writer's Journal, so if you do share a story and it's for my eyes only, let me know that.

Parting Shots

How about some word and phrase memories for those of us of a certain age, and if you aren't that certain age, you can still smile at how things change.

Mergatroyd ? Do you remember that word?
Would you believe the spell-checker did not recognize the word Mergatroyd
Heavens to Mergatroyd!
The other day a mother said something to her grandson about driving a Jalopy. He frowned and said, "What's a Jalopy?"
And how about these phrases that technology has made obsolete?
Don't touch that dial. Carbon copy.

You sound like a broken record. Hung out to dry.
Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie, gee willikers! We never wanted to be a knucklehead or a nincompoop. Not for all the tea in China.
But poof, we blink twice and the words of our youth slide away.
Long gone: Pshaw. The milkman did it. Hey! It's your nickel.
Don't forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper.
I'll see you in the funny papers.
Don't take any wooden nickels.
It turns out there are more of these lost expressions than Carter has little liver pills. Oh wait, Carter's Little Liver Pills are probably gone too.
And where in the world is Superman going to find a phone booth?

Dogs and me

Well, fiddlesticks! Just forget all that and come take a walk with me and the boys. Here they are getting a treat for making the trek with me back to the gate.

Until next time, keep smiling. It might make people wonder what you're up to, but for sure it will brighten up the world around you.

Happy Reading!


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