New Year Bible Challenge Several years ago I committed to reading through the Bible each year. Since 2011, I have been using an app on my phone to he


New Year Bible Challenge

Several years ago I committed to reading through the Bible each year. Since 2011, I have been using an app on my phone to help me keep track of where I am in my daily reading. With this app I can also read the Bible on my tablet or computer.

Perhaps as one of your New Year's resolutions, you want to commit to reading through the Bible in 2016. If so, you may find the app YouVersion helpful. There are lots of Bible reading apps available, YouVersion is simply the one I have found most helpful. They have lots of different reading plans available. For 2016 I am using their Canonical one year plan. Whether you read from a print edition or a through an app, I recommend using a version that is easy to understand, like the Common English Bible we use in worship. If you decide to do this and need help getting set up or have questions, I would love to help you out.

Happy New Year,
Pastor Max


SERVE Opportunity: UMVIM Group Leader Training

Saturday, January 9th, 9am @ IPUMC

We will be hosting a UMVIM Mission Group Leader Training on Jan. 9th from 9am - 1pm. Cost is $30 which covers materials, snacks, and lunch. Click here to register.

earnest money check

End-of-Year Charitable Contributions

According to IRS standards, all charitable contributions for 2015 have to be postmarked or received by Dec. 31st. If it's too late to get your check in, you can contribute using Paypal (send payments to Thank you!

IPUMC icons 3.serve

SERVE: Did you get a new Tablet or eReader?

If Santa brought you a new tablet or eReader for Christmas, please don't throw away your old one! We are collecting working e-Readers or tablets for Hope Hill Elementary School. This school year their new Media Center has raised enough for two eReaders so far with a goal of four by January. Let's double their goal! Please contact Mike ( or Blake ( for details.


NAP Giving Tree Ornaments

If you picked up a NAP Giving Tree Ornament for the Refugee Apartment, then please have your items(s) returned to the church this week. Thank you!

book club

Come GROW at IPUMC Book Club!

We are starting a new book club at IPUMC! It will be every Wednesday night at 7pm starting in January.

January 20 - Kickoff and Section One at Kristen’s house (aka The Parsonage, 889 Euclid Ave)
January 27 - Section Two - TBD
February 3 - Off for Men’s CONNECT
February 10 - Section Three - TBD
February 17 - Section Four - TBD

We’re starting with Jen Hatmaker’s For the Love. Once we start meeting we’ll talk about what book we want to do next. Just join us when you can, even if you can’t come every time. And bring a friend!


New Series for the New Year

The GROW #2 class that is held in the upstairs library will start a new series on Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament by Sandra L. Richter starting January 10th. Please read the first chapter before we meet. We will do a chapter a week. There is a scholarship available if you need assistance purchasing the book. Please reach out to Laura Tanguturi at

Please join us as we GROW together!

aging well

Aging Well Series: Discussing End of Life

January 14 - 9:30AM

Inman Park United Methodist Church

Join us for an informative session, lead by professionals, on issues relating to end of life. This information is offered to help participants better understand the physical, emotional and spiritual journey of the dying process and to be better prepared to make informed decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

Max Vincent, Pastor, Inman Park Methodist Church
Jenny Buckley, RN, BSN,CHPN, Weinstein Hospice

This program is open to all. Please bring your questions, concerns and comments.
For more information contact:
Nancy Morrison - Aging Well Series Coordinator

thank you

Thank you from the IPUMC Staff

On behalf of us all, especially David and the nursery staff, thank you so much for the generous Christmas love gifts!

Kristen, Matthew and I would like to say thank you for your generous Christmas gift. Since arriving at Inman Park in June, we have felt loved and blessed beyond anything we could have imagined. We thank God for each of you and your gracious reception of us into your lives.


Dear Church,
I'm overwhelmed and humbled by your generous Christmas gift. Justin and I are so grateful. You have nurtured, taught, and taken care of both of us so well over these last two and a half years. Thank you for this token at Christmas time. We love you and are so grateful to be a part of the IPUMC family.

It has been a joy and a privilege to get to be Inman Park's new Music Coordinator! I greatly appreciate your support for our music ministry and the exciting things we are doing. Your encouragement and kind words are a gift in and of themselves, but the Farnsworth family is truly grateful for your generous Christmas love offering. IPUMC is such a blessing to our lives.
Thank you!


Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful Christmas gift. It means so much to me to be able to support such a wonderful church. I deeply appreciate your generosity and I'm so thankful to be a part of IPUMC!

Happy New Year

New Year's Prayer

Creative God, you make all things new in heaven and on earth.
We come to you in a new year with new desires and old fears,
new decisions and old controversies,
new dreams and old weaknesses.
Because you are a God of hope,
we know that you create all the possibilities of the future.
Because you are a God of love,
we know that you accept all the mistakes of the past.
Because you are the God of our faith,
we enter your gates with thanksgiving and praise,
we come into your presence with gladness and a joyful noise,
and we serve and bless you. Amen.



Happy Birthday!

There are no church member birthdays this week that we know of. If your name is not listed but you would like to be included on the birthday list, please email the church office by replying to this email.


Max Vincent, Minister
Amanda Crice, Director of Children & Youth Ministries
Lisa Farnsworth, Music Coordinator
Sarah Adair, Office Manager
David Myles, Maintenance Tech
Erika Spalin, Youth Intern
