68. TLC Storefront

Hello, Friends!

8. Kimber color TLC TG

Look How Far We've Come, Baby!!!

So Fresh, So New! TLC's Brand New Look!

Out with the old and in with the NEW!
The original Logo Chic (a caricature of me) has served our brand well for 15 years...but it was time for a refresh to elevate our brand with more sass, style, and swank! In combination with the groovy new illustration of yours truly, we went with a quirky, new font, a lush, new color palette and a fun, new tag line....WE ARE TLC FOR YOUR BRAND!


The Original Logo Chic Retires!

49. Mustard Bubble TG

Logo-Licious NEW WEBSITE!!!

It is a massive understatement to say that we are soooo EXCITED to share our new site with you! We invite you to take a tour of the colorful and engaging pages. We aimed to build a site that reflects the funky and fun personality of TLC and showcase some of our favorite products and apparel.
Your thoughts matter to us...we'd love to receive you feedback!
The Groove is in the Promo

36. Dark Teal TLC

Celebratory CHIC-PON

Free 15 minute consultation to discuss
branded marketing plans for your business. Dial us help to schedule an
appointment... 754-444-2321
AND 1/2 off Setup Charges on all new orders of promo products, swag or merch! Offer ends 12/31/22
Not valid on Apparel Orders

Peace, Love & Promo,

Kimber, CCIC

Chief Chic In Charge

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