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Happy Summer!

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iphone pictures ending August 2013 1208

News from down on the Farm

It's official. Summer's here. The calendar says so. But last week here in Kentucky the thermometer said so before the calendar did as we had a heat wave. Dry sunny days did let the farmers get their hay baled. So the cows will be happy next winter when the snow is flying. Back when the grandkids were younger they loved going out in the truck to feed the cows some windfall apples and they loved the challenge of running down the rows of rolled bales of hay. They are getting to the age now where they are thinking cars and driving. But we have some good cow feeding and hay running memories.

Book News

When the Meadow Blooms Write Read Life
When the Meadow Blooms cover
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I've enjoyed hearing from readers who let me know they enjoyed going to Meadowland with my characters in When the Meadow Blooms. Some said that great line an author loves to hear. "I couldn't put it down." I love reading books like that and it makes me smile to know some of you think I wrote the same kind of story that kept you wanting to know what happened next. Readers have taken my two young characters, Calla and Sienna, to their hearts. I love that too. Sienna was a fun character to get to know and I was glad those crows decided to be her friends and help things work out in the story. Do you think Stanley and Josephine are good names for crows? Since the book came out for readers, several have shared stories of their experiences with crows. You can read a couple of them on my blog here.

I love hearing from readers and what they think about my books.

Book Giveaway Times 3

Historical Book Talk

Giveaway Chance #1

I had fun taking part in a panel of historical fiction writers hosted by Cara Putman. We talked about why we write historical fiction, which books we might recommend to a reader who hadn't read any of our books (I said Angel Sister, but what would you say?), how we come up with ideas, and more. If you missed it live, that's no problem. It's out there on the net. Here's the YouTube link. You can also find it on this link on Cara's Facebook Book Talk page.

But wait! Don't forget about the book giveaway chance #1. Our publisher, Revell Books teamed up with Cara for a giveaway of the new releases of the authors pictured in the Book Talk ad. You can read about the books on Cara's website here, find out more about the giveaway and enter on the Rafflecopter form on Cara's site. But check it out soon. There's a deadline for entries.

M at Courthouse square 2
Love Comes Home Audio

Giveaway Chance #2 - A Free Audio Book

Some of you asked for my free download codes for the previous books I narrated for the audio. I appreciate the reviews you left about the books. Almost every review mentions my country Southern accent, and I'm going "Accent? What accent?" LOL

Here's what Sonja said after she listened to Murder at the Courthouse. " I found this book entertaining and enjoyed the fact that the author, herself, was the voice of the narrator. Loved the Kentucky accent! And she did a great job in the narration."

Martha listened to Love Comes Home. Here's what she said. "I loved hearing Ann Gabhart's voice in this audio book. I had not previously read the other novels in this series, but soon grew to love the Merritt family and the sisters whose husbands were returning from WWII."

I still have some free download codes for Murder at the Courthouse and for Love Comes Home. First come, first serve. So if you would like to listen to me read one of my stories with yes, that accent, just shoot me an email in answer to this newsletter saying which you might like or both. I can send the links in an email to you. I'm giving them away until they're gone.

You can find almost all my books on audio (most with professional narrators and those few with me narrating) on Audible,, Chirp, and other audio book sites.

books by reading chair

Giveaway Chance #3 - Gift Card & Books

Can't send out a newsletter without a special giveaway chance. Since summer is such a great time to settle down in your favorite reading spot with a glass of iced tea and a story that is going to take you on a mini vacation, books are the prizes. I know that is a big surprise. LOL.

First place winner will also get a $25 gift card from or Amazon or Barnes & Noble (winner's choice) along with his or her choice of one of my autographed books. Two other winners will get their choice of one of my autographed books. To enter just respond to this email or contact me from the contact page on my website. Lots of info about my books and me along with my blog posts on that website. The deadline to enter is midnight EST July 7, 2022. You must be 18 or older to enter.

No stories are necessary - any email will get you an entry - but if you want to share a story with me and perhaps my readers on my blog, One Writer's Journal, you can tell me about a summer you'll never forget. I love hearing from readers. As always, if the story is for my eyes only, let me know that. I never share your full name, where you live, or your email address. Your privacy is important to me.

Parting Shots

thistle and butterfly

How hot is it?
~The cows are giving evaporated milk.
~Hot water now comes out of both taps.
~You discover asphalt has a liquid state.
~Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
~You start buying stock in Gatorade.
~Trees start whistling for dogs.
~You can say 113 degrees without fainting.
~Your dream house is any house in Alaska.
~You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
~If the temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.
~The four seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot and ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Frankie and Marley

Hope those gave you some smiles.

As always thanks for reading my newsletter and for reading my books. If you've posted reviews for any of my books out on the internet, I thank you. Reviews are the best way to boost your favorite writers. Well, that is, after telling all your reading friends about books you enjoy. Word of mouth is still the best advertising a book can get.

Frankie would tell you now that Marley is his best friend and he aims to keep him close!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer and finding a way to keep cool if things are as warm your way as they are around Kentucky today.

Happy Reading!


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