Looking for a framed piece of handmade wall art to jazz up your little ones bedroom or playroom? Have you discovered the great range of hand crafted

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Looking for a framed piece of handmade wall art to jazz up your little ones bedroom or playroom?
Have you discovered the great range of hand crafted wall art from our lovely selling partner Paper with Style?

Each art creation comes framed with a quality frame made from solid wood and designed in Australia. They come in white or black and are square in size.

All frames can be personalised - what a perfect gift idea.

Happy Shopping!

Sail Boats

sail boats wall art

The Fire Engine

the fire engine wall art

The Pirate Ship

the pirate ship wall art

Mini Batmans

mini batman mask wall art design


the batman superhero wall art design

The Ballerina

the ballerina- wall art

The Fox

the fox wall art

The Mermaid

the mermaid wall art

Flutter Butterflies

flutter butterflies wall art

Girl Elf on the Shelf

Have you got your Elf on the Shelf yet? FREE postage for orders from the Book Depository

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