Table of Contents: \* And the Winner is \* New Books \* Pre-Order Promises to Keep \* Traveling \* Key Words \* Current Work-in-Progress (WIP)



I went to buy a Get Well card for a friend who's in the hospital. Next to the Get Well's were Father's Day cards. I rarely think about Father's Day since my father passed on many years ago. But as I stood there looking at them, I wanted to have someone acknowledge, some I could let know that being a father is a tough job.

I left without buying a card. Driving home, I thought about all my family members who are father's. Actually, I have a lot of people I can send a card. And they'll all be appreciative.

So the happy note is, I went back and had a smiling few minutes in the card store as I chose several cards that are now address and stamped and waiting to be mailed.


Congratuations - Elvina Hanson! ! !

Elvina is the winner of my newly reinstated monthly contest.

The June contest is up and running, so go over and sign up. I'm giving away an electronic copy of the first book in my Capitol Chronicles series, Under the Sheets.

(Contest Signup)


I got the cover! Promises to Keep will be released in August. I'm so glad they put Route 66 on the it. In the distance there is the red Corvette.

In reality the television series, which was in black and white in those days, had a blue Corvette because it appeared lighter on the screen. Red would have looked black on television in those days.

Promises to Keep is available for pre-order. See the online stores below. I hope you'll order your copy.

If you didn't read the excerpt yet, it's still available at

(Promises to Keep Excerpt)

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July 22–26, 2015
Romance Writers of America (RWA) Conference, July 22nd – July 26th; New York City at the Marriott Marquis. If you’re in the area and would like to come by and shout hello, there is a literacy autographing on July 22nd from 5:30 - 7:30. It is free and open to the public. There are at least 500 authors signing. Maybe one of more of your favorites will be there. The complete list of authors signing is posted on the RWA Website Romance Writers of America.


How do you find a book? When you're looking online for a book to read, what key words do you type into the search bar to browse for a book? Include all you use. Please DO NOT include author names. Post them on my the attached form.

Click Here to add Key Words


The anthology, Summer Magic, is currently on hold. This is a project from the Storytellers Unlimited. We wanted to have it available this month, but life has intervened for one of out members.

We understand her personal needs and will get the anthology out as soon as we can.

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Credit: Getty Images

I'm a double finalist. I found out a week ago that two of my books are finalists in the Phillis Wheatley Book Awards given by the Quarterly Black Review of Books and the Harlem Bookfair.

The two books are His Love Match and Someone Like You, the the first two books in my Weddings by Diana series from Harlequin's Kimani Books.

The award will be presented at Columbia University on July 17, 2015 during the Harlem Bookfair in July.


Last month I told your about the movie Russian Doll. Suzanne Brockmann was looking for financing for financing through the Kickstarter website. I'm happy to report they got it!

Filming begins in July. And guess who gets to me in the movie? I'm an extra and will probably be in a scene that involves a fitness center. But I'm happy to just be a silent figure on the screen.

Thanks to all who helped get this project going.

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Shirley Hailstock

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