News & Quick-bits 24 April 2018 Homeopathy for Fish? Homeopathy works with all living things which means fish diseases can also be treated or preven

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News & Quick-bits 24 April 2018


Homeopathy for Fish?

Homeopathy works with all living things which means fish diseases can also be treated or prevented by it. But how do you treat a fish? – just medicate the water in which it swims. Read more | Comment


Video: Patient Care and Homeopathy on the NHS

A doctor tells how her journey into homeopathy began as a result of seeing someone’s arthritis dramatically helped by it. Read more | Comment


A Family Discovers Homeopathy

Read about little Daniel's road to recovery with homeopathy from itchy red rashes, restlessness, fussiness, developmental delays, and more.
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brain tumor

A Case of Glioblastoma Multiforme

A doctor who specialises in homeopathy for cancer, reports on the progressive cure of a woman with glioblastoma multiforme of the brain. Read more | Comment

Special Offers


Offer 1: Iris versicolor (Iris.) 30C Pills – 70% Off!
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off Hangover & Overindulgence Complex
A blend of remedies for hangover and overindulgence. Pay just $21.45.
More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Save $10.00 Off Pet Kit
24 remedies for 90 complaints. Prescriber booklet included. More info | Buy now

Specials end midnight on Monday, 23rd April, 2018 (UTC/GMT -8 hours). Read more


Previous Stories...


Homeopathy and GIT Cancers

In spite of late stage diagnoses, 62% of these inoperable cancer patients were alive 5 years later and 17.72% were cancer-free following homeopathic treatment.
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Elaps-Corallinus snakes

A Study of the Snake Remedies

This particular snake venom remedy treats symptoms that move from left to right. Interestingly, this is the same direction in which the snake coils. Read other intriguing pointers. Read more | Comment


Study: Seizures in Dogs

Standardised homeopathy was used with dogs suffering from epilepsy and head-shaking syndrome. All improved but once the remedy was stopped, some relapsed.
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Chronic pain

Treating Chronic Pain

“There is another option to long-term use of painkillers, and that is homeopathy.” Read of two cases – the first person suffered from severe neuralgia while the second had fibromyalgia. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


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