PiilatesLab PIlatesDay042121 PILATES DAY POST 1
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Joe outside 2

Remember this?

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Stills from drone video made by Jim Cielencki @milebymilephoto

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Beth was honored to be interviewed by Pilates Anytime about our outdoor classes! Here is the accompanying article.



The Pilates LAB is excited to announce that we will be offering Feldenkrais (pronounced fel-duhn-krice) classes on Monday evenings for the month of June.

The Feldenkrais Method® uses movement as a resource for learning how to achieve a pain free existence with better application of movement at work or in an artistic or athletic performance, recovery from trauma, surgical procedures, or neurological impairments.

Awareness Through Movement® group classes focus on relinquishing habitual movement patterns that cause or contribute to chronic pain while teaching the body new and more efficient ways to move and develop optimal self-use. Each class involves making gentle movements slowly and with minimal effort on the floor, while paying attention to your own sensations and experience. Results include better posture, improved walking and balance, faster healing and recovery from injury, and a way of learning how to move out of chronic pain and improve movement function with a new-found sense of fluidity and body awareness.

Mara Neimanis will be the teacher; she is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. (Mara is also teaching an all ages Aerial class on Tuesdays at Buffalo Aerial Dance!)

Here are two articles you can check out to understand Feldenkrais better:
Washington Post
New York Times

This four-week series will be at Bidwell Parkway; on ZOOM in case of bad weather.

You can sign-up on our website!

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Many of you have subscribed to our On-demand video site. THANK YOU SO MUCH! We add new classes each week.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Beth: 716-866-8200.

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Amy & Beth are offering private lessons via ZOOM. Reach out to Beth: beth@thepilateslabbuffalo.com or 716-866-8200 to schedule.


Real talk--

We are still working on renovating the first floor space. We know it is taking a long time! This is because it has been Brad's architecture office for many years and he is still using it! He is extremely busy-- with private clients and teaching at UB-- and because he is our main bread-winner (especially now!) we just can't afford to push him out of his space. We are still doing things: laying the cork floor, putting paint on the walls, ordering things we need, etc-- so that when the time comes, we can move quickly with the full renovations.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. We also very much appreciate those of you who have supported us through our On-Demand Classes subscription service and ZOOM classes. We know these types of learning are not for everyone, though; we hope you will re-join us IRL as soon as we re-open.

We love you all.

In health + breath,
Beth and crew

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