These wonderful, chewy cookies are the very essence of fall. Loaded with caramelized apples, cinnamon chips, white chocolate chips and oats they make

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APple Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies at Jamie Cooks It Up

These wonderful, chewy cookies are the very essence of fall. Loaded with caramelized apples, cinnamon chips, white chocolate chips and oats they make a fabulous cookie, of that you can be sure. If you are a fan of apple crisp, I would wager you are going to love these cookies as well. They will make your house smell wonderful! They will make your children smile! Your neighbors will love you for them, your co-workers will applaud your genius!

Make them, my friends. Make them and enjoy this beautiful fall weather! It's such a wonderful time of year, isn't it.

To see the recipe click HERE.

APple Oat Cookies Jamie
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