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Hello again!

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The Gift of Another Year

Another year has sped by. No, it's not New Year's Day. But it is a new year coming my way. A good number of years ago in September, I was born in an old farmhouse built around a two room log cabin. My mother had my next oldest sister in the hospital but decided to stay home to have me. So the doctor came out to our country home and ushered me into the world. That tells you how long ago that was since doctors don't make house calls these days. But being born at home makes me think of my book These Healing Hills where the Frontier Nurse midwives delivered thousands of babies in those Appalachian homes.
In case you don't recognize me, I'm the little one trying to crawl out of the picture. Maybe I'm going to find my own cat!!


Book Fun

Story Quotes

Here are some quotes pulled out of three of my books. Would you know which book if you didn't read the fine print? I would, but then I did write the stories. However, sometimes I've had readers mention something from one of my books and I'm thinking are you sure you were reading MY book. I guess so many words are stored away in my head that it's no wonder I misplace a few now and again. :)

In that first quote I really like what Mona says to Darcie. "Didn't you pray?" Mona popped up out of nowhere in my latest book, The Refuge. It's always fun when one of those unexpected characters shows up while I'm writing. Granny Em in These Healing Hills was the same kind of surprise and I was so glad she came to join my story.

While I don't have any special book promotions to share, you can generally find some of my books at good prices online. Right now the e-copies of Scent of Lilacs and Murder at the Courthouse are both under $5. Also my kids' book, Freak of the Week and my one nonfiction book, Angels at the Crossroads have low e-book prices. Check out all my books on my Amazon Page. Oh, and if you would consider leaving a review of any of my books on some online sites, that would be so appreciated. Reviews matter these days when so many of us shop online. Hope you get to spend time in some bookstores too. Love those brick and mortar stores with shelves of books to browse.

Family News

Sarah and Gabharts

My beautiful granddaughter got married in May. It was a wonderful day of love and family. Here her four siblings aren't in the picture, but the rest of our family are smiling for the camera. The bride's brothers and sisters had already taken so many pictures since they were in the wedding party that they must have gone to hide out somewhere when somebody called for more pictures. LOL.

Giveaway Time

September 2019 prize
Marley 1

A birthday newsletter means it's time to give something away. I love giving away books, but to sweeten the giveaway this time you might also win this sweet Willow Tree Kindness figurine of a little boy and his dog. Since I just took in a new dog, it seemed appropriate. Marley (on the left) is a sweetheart and Frankie loves having a dog buddy.

To enter the giveaway just respond to this newsletter or send a message from my Contact page on my website. Any message will get you an entry, but if you would like, you can share a birthday story or your favorite thing about birthdays. My favorite thing is having them!! (Remember, if you do share a story, be sure to tell me if it's for my eyes only.) You must be 18 or older to enter and the winners will be chosen by random drawing. The usual legal bits about the contest can be found here. Deadline for entering is midnight EST September 28, 2019. I'll contact the winners by e-mail. Three winners. First place gets the Willow Tree figurine and a choice of one of my books. The two other winners get their choice of a couple of my books.

Parting Shots

The Boys

Here are my handsome twin grandsons who served ably as groomsmen for their sister's wedding and who are not at all concerned about getting older. They want to! But for those of us who wish the birthdays would keep coming but not so fast, these quotes might bring a smile.

~We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. (Will Rogers)
~I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. (Andy Rooney)
~When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of algebra. (Will Rogers)
~How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? (Satchel Paige)
~The other day a man asked me what I thought was the best time of life. “Why,” I answered without a thought, “now.” (David Grayson)
~It’s important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle. (Author Unknown)
~Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. (Larry Lorenzoni)
~A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip! (Author Unknown)


As always, thanks so much for reading. Feel free to pass my newsletter along to anyone you think might be interested. Also, if you would rather not receive any more of my newsletters, it's easy to unsubscribe. Just scroll down and click on the Unsubsribe button.

Wishing you joy,

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