
To build a networking bridge of local resources in the Lehigh Valley which unites and to assist in helping others to include individuals, businesses and our community

To bring awareness through education and sharing of human services available to our members for the betterment of individuals and / or families throughout the Lehigh Valley community

Annual dues are $ 20.00 per agency / organization. This cost helps to offset out of pocket expenses for materials, printing, etc. and supports the Lehigh Valley Business Group projects such as Project Keep Warm, Santa Secret Midnight Mission, Lehigh Valley HOPE clothing room(s), Scholarships, etc.

Members are given priority to become a speaker and talk about their organization at our scheduled monthly meetings.

A separate page with our members business information will be listed on the Lehigh Valley Business Group website

To join go to www.lvbg.org and click on the LVIAC picture on the home page.

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