MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Hi everyone, this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so this edition of The Whole Woman Newsletter is being dedicated to

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Hi everyone, this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so this edition of The Whole Woman Newsletter is being dedicated to all the women that are survivors of Breast Cancer.
The stories that are in this newsletter are told in the words of the women themselves and let me tell you, it is heart-warming.
Today there is hardly one household that has not been touched by Breast Cancer.
Through performing my self breast examination, I discovered a lump in my breast about six years ago, I am so grateful to God that when it was removed it was benign (non cancerous).
Since then, I have made it my business to have my Mammogram done each year on time and to live my life to its fullest.
Each Month, there are thousands of women out there that are diagnosed but they are not as fortunate.
Many of them including my mother and my sister did not survive the ravages of the disease. To these women we ought to vow to fight until we eradicate Breast Cancer.
To all my sisters out there that are survivors I say take it by the neck choke it out and you go girl!
Please know that being proactive by performing your self breast examination and having your Mammogram done each year could save your life.
I make a vow here today in this newsletter that if there is any woman out there that is afraid to go and have a mammogram done by themselves, e-mail me and I will go along with you for support.
This is my way of giving back for my mother and sister.



Julie Kenny

It was near my forty-eighth birthday in March of 2004. I had finally decided to get a complete physical after putting it off for several years. I chose a new doctor's office since I hadn't seen one for a while. At the office a very young, new, female doctor did my examination. She looked like a teenager and I was doubtful of her capabilities. During my breast exam she said to me "Do you know that you have a lump in this breast?" and she guided my finger to the tiny lump on my right breast. "That little thing, that isn't anything" I said. "Yes it is, 'that' is cause for concern" she said. "Man that's too small to be anything I said so she called the senior doctor and he gave me a fine needle biopsy which after testing came back negative. However the lab requested a bigger tissue sample to test for a better test. The doctor said he would set it up with the specialist and call me back. He didn't and I didn't check back thinking everything was fine.

About six months later I went back to the same doctor for another reason and after reviewing my file he immediately sent me to the specialist for another biopsy. A week later the results were back, this time he said the test result was positive and he said "You have Breast Cancer and you should have the breast removed, this is the name of a surgeon you should see". I was in disbelief, "Breast Cancer is not in my family" I said and I come from a family of nine sisters and none of them have or had cancer plus I'm one of the youngest. "Well, you are the first" he said. I was doubtful of this diagnosis and thought that they all had made a mistake. I went home feeling devastated and numb and told my family, they were extremely sympathetic and supportive they prayed and I prayed and this made me feel a bit relieved.

After talking with other people and the surgeon Dr. Munroe, about all of the medical circumstances surrounding breast cancer, the surgery and treatment I still couldn't quite accept that this was true so I went out of the country for a second opinion. There I received many tests and was pleased with the service I received however the prognosis was the same, "BREAST CANCER and a MASTECTOMY as soon as possible". I decide to come back home and have it done using the same surgeon who had so competently explained the whole picture to me before. Also, because I knew that my family and close friends would only be a phone call and a car drive away.

My surgery went very well, but the treatment afterward was extremely difficult for me. The six cycles of chemotherapy always affected me a few days after the actual treatment. There were times I felt as though I would not wake up if I went to sleep. However, with the prayers and support I received from my family and friends along with the information from other women who had gone through it and had survived made my strength and faith, stronger. I was also introduced to a group called the Sister Sister Breast Cancer Support Group where there was even more support and stories of women going through or had gone through similar situations. There I gained even more knowledge and it helped me to totally accept and deal with what I had gone through and continue to experience.

My hair dropped off from every place that hair grew, my fingers, toes as well as my tongue all turned black I felt as though I would never be the same again, My bones aced all the time and many times I felt like an old lady my fingers and hands were so stiff, numb and tingled so bad that I was told I had Carpel Tunnel, whatever that is. I had to have surgery in both hands at the same time to get rid of it. That is when I said "THE DEVIL IS A LIAR" no way will I give in to anything else. My prayers and faith in God got deeper still and I was determined to beat whatever sickness that came my way. After figuring out that the cancer tablets that I was taking may be the reason for all of the other side problems, I was developing I told the oncologist, he changed my medication. The bone pain, stiffness and tingling all went away.

Guess what ladies the wigs store became one of my favorite places I wore so many different styles until my hair began to grow back. When I was tired of the wigs I did my short hair styles. Ladies Breast Cancer is not a death sentence. Early detection is the key to survival along with as much knowledge as you can find. A strong faith in God and a different outlook on life and health also helped to keep me going.

Today I am a ten year survivor doing well. I praise God for his healing power and with God before me I'm a WARRIOR MOVING CANCER FREE through more and more healthy years.

"To believe is to find strength and courage that lies within us. To know that life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it."

Julie Kenny
Educator & Breast Cancer Survivor


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Black Opal Invisible Oil Blocking Compact


If you are anything like me, you have lived with an oily T-Zone for as long as you can remember. Half way through the day your nose and fore head are as shiny as a brand new quarter.

The perfect solution to this problem is Black Opal’s Matte finish Invisible Oil Blocking powder which comes in a compact or in a loose powder, all you have to do is choose which one you prefer.

This colorless press powder is formulated with unique oil blotters that help control shine and offer a matte finish without leaving powdery residue or leaving your skin dry.

Remember ladies this product can be used by women of ALL colors, from a very light complexion to a very dark complexion and all shades in between. So if you start to look oily by lunchtime, this is the perfect product for you. Instead of using your press powder that only results in you applying makeup on top of makeup, use the Invisible Black Opal powder that’s transparent. This means that it has absolutely no color so it will leave your skin oil free and matte.


Use this product with puff or large brush, press powder over oily areas, such as T-Zone.
For a winning combination, choose a Black Opal Invisible Oil Blocking Matte Finish for your oily skin!

Just as we promised last week, each and every week from now until the end of the year, TWWN and Black Opal will be giving you chances to win.
This week once you sign up at the bottom of the Black Opal story you will become eligible to win one of three Invisible Oil Blocking Press Powders.
Don't forget to look out for the winner of the Black Opal products in our October 15th edition.
It just might be you!


Invisible Oil Blocking loose Powder




Yvette Cargill

"If God Be For Me, . . Who Can Be Against Me?

Hi! I am Yvette Rosetta William Cargill. Around March of 2002 I found a pea-sized lump in the outer left portion of my left breast. Being the exact person that I am, I immediately sought my doctor's advice. Upon examining me, he suggested we wait a while to watch its movement. Two weeks later it got smaller, but upon looking at my files, he noticed that I was already thirty-eight and had not had a mammogram. A couple of days later, my first mammogram was done at Doctors Hospital. To my surprise, that little lump was not found, but it detected a mass forming in my chest where it joined my breast.

An ultrasound was suggested: but, I did not have the ultrasound done right away because I thought I was out of danger because there was no lump. I thought I had injured my breast in the store, and because it hurt at touch, it was okay. (I'm a florist, so it was quite possible).

I was urged by an acquaintance to have the ultrasound done, I did and It was abnormal. A biopsy was done shortly after and cancer was found.

This was not supposed to happen to me. I was too sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost; God was supposed to keep me, He was supposed to care for me and protect me from this kind of danger, or so I thought.

I was referred to Dr. Locksley Munroe who, after presenting me with many options, presented me with the reality - CANCER!!!!! A week later, on August 5, 2002, I had a mastectomy of my left breast. God kept me. I encountered no major difficulties, and started chemotherapy six to eight weeks later.

A new chapter in my book was written.
Today I am still surviving.
He will do it for you.
Yvette Cargill


This outfit can be found at


Like the Peplum blouse the Palazzo pants is one of those pieces of fashion that can be worn by all sizes: big, small and every size in between.
And please do not get the Palazzo Pants confused with the wide leg pants because there is a difference. The difference is that the wide leg pants flares from the knees and the Palazzo pants flares almost from the waist.
This style has been around from the 1960’s and early 1970’s according to
The thing that we here at TWWN find so wonderful about this type of pants is that they come in a myriad of colors, fabrics and styles.

For example, you can find them made from lace with an underlining, you can find them in cotton, linen, you can find them in solid colors like Blue, Red, Pink, Green but the ones that tend to stand out are the ones with a variety of colors and patterns.
There are quite a number of ways to wear this style and the truth is, each choice is right in its own way because once you put it together right and own it while you are wearing it, then it is right.
For sure the Palazzo Pants can be dressed up or down, it can be worn at a fancy shindig or it can be worn casually and in both cases make a statement.
Ladies, be mindful that in some cases this style can be made from thin fabric, so that means that you have to be careful of the undergarments that you choose to wear when putting this type of Palazzo Pants on.
For women of color, you should wear black undergarments and for my lighter skin sisters, beige or nude undergarments will do the trick.
Another way to cover up little flaws like a bulging stomach or no hips is to wear a big shirt that covers both those little issues.
For the women that have everything in its place, it is breathtaking to see you with a shirt tucked into a pair of these pants with a pair of wedges.
Just know that when wearing any type of fashion, it is wise to make sure that it fits and looks good before leaving the house.
So for all you ladies out there that want to be seen in something other than a pair of Jeans, cozy up in a pair of Palazzo Pants and enjoy the attention that it gets you.

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Olive Collie

At age twenty-nine I was diagnosed with cancer four months after giving birth to my third child. After many prayers, I checked into the Hospital in May 1970 and underwent surgery. They told me a few days later that I fell out in the bathroom. When I woke up the next morning, I told the nurse I had had a dream. I saw a plaque at the end of my bed with the words:

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27
Many prayers brought me through this first challenge.

Thirty-three years later, I was diagnosed again with breast cancer. I had the operation and started chemotherapy in December. Unfortunately, my body rejected the chemo and my white blood cell count kept dropping. The oncologist reduced the dosage but it did not work.

At that time I was very weak and the chemo had given me many complications. The doctor sent me back home with Tamoxifen tablets and an appointment to see him again in six months. I walked out of his office with tears filling my eyes, and Jesus, on my side.

I went back to the clinic six months later for my mammography report and was told that I was in good health but I knew I was not. I went to see another physician right away. He knew something was wrong, and referred me back to the theater for a biopsy. The test results showed that my cancer had reoccurred, so he sent me to another oncologist. She recommended chemotherapy again In 2006. That went well, with few complications.

I offer many prayers as I go on with my life. As I talk to God at night, with tears filling my eyes, I don't understand what God is doing in my life right now. I told Him that the only thing I can do is to walk by faith and not by sight.

To my Sister Sister Support Group: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4: 6 - 7 NIV). Be encouraged. Anyone can beat cancer, because being victorious is not just about being cured. Don't ever doubt it. Remember: God has many ways to heal us. I hope you are a part of a cancer support group where you can share laughter and tears together. I am a firm believer and scientific studies agree that cancer patients seem to live longer and better when they regularly attend support meetings.

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Are You Clear?

**The Power of Clarity

By: Michelle M. Miller, CC

The thoughts you think, the words you speak, and actions you take, relate to your sense of clarity.

Having a strong sense of clarity is the key to overcoming obstacles, achieving your goals, and living a life of meaning and purpose.

The question is - are you clear? Do you have clarity about who you are and what you need to make your life work?

The short answer is – most people are not clear. The overwhelming challenges of daily living make clarity difficult. Without clarity, there is chaos.

Being clear is about organizing and prioritizing your life. An unorganized life is often the result of an unorganized mind. When you organize your mind, you gain the gift of clarity.

It is like breathing from a deeper place. By inhaling more deeply, you supply more oxygen to your brain, which stimulates deep thinking. You are better able to identify not only what is important to you but more so, why it is important.

Why do you suppose some people are more successful than others are? Well, success is relative. However, today the world is flat. There are countless number of opportunities to excel in any area of our lives. Still, due to the lack of clarity, many cannot see the forest for the trees. Those big opportunities that are right in front of their eyes remain invisible.

Real success is about going deeper. It is about understanding who you are, what it is that you want, and knowing the skills you need to make it happen. If you truly desire to experience a more enriching life, then it is time for you to get clear.

An added barrier to clarity is the habit of shallow conversations and surface based information. Commit to seek out deeper dialogues that add value to your thinking capacity. You cannot get clarity from confusion.

Do not get stuck chewing the same old bone day in, day out. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result, as it goes, leans towards insanity. To get something different, you must do something different.

As a man thinketh, so is he, is not just some great quote. The fact is thinking is a skill. You must learn how to think. Knowing what to think is far removed from knowing how to think.

Quality thinking is an essential pillar for life success. When you learn how to think, you release old habits that no longer serve who you are now. You begin to adopt a new trend of thought.

The point is, you cannot see clearly, if you are not thinking clearly. New thinking brings a new sense of clarity about what is possible for your life.

Taking the lead is about getting out front. It is about your courage to think beyond the surface. Consider the value of your time and understand that you cannot dive into the depth of the ocean, if you spend most of your time lollygagging on the seashore of life.

You must shift away from chaos towards clarity. Dropping old habits is not a simple task. However, just as we breathe a sigh of relief when we take the garbage out of our homes, when we shift from chaos to clarity, our lives gain that same sense of relief.

Make today the day that you take the lead to access the power of clarity. In so doing, you clear away the fog and truly place your life on the path to meaning and purpose.

Now is the perfect time to shift your life paradigm.

What do you think?

Please send your comments to or 429-6770.

© Michelle M. Miller

Michelle M. Miller is a certified Life-Coach, Leadership Expert and Author of Take The Lead. She is the CEO of TTL Coaching Strategies and founder of the Girls Leadership Coaching Club. Questions or comments can be sent to email – or telephone 429-6770 or visit or snail mail to P.O. Box CB-13060

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Dr. Farquharson photo(1)

Dr. Carnille Farquharson


Do you have a chronic skin condition that always seem to flare-up at the wrong time? Like before a big event such as an exam, wedding, reunion, important business meeting or seminar. How about when things are hectic around the home and there is just a lot going on in your life related to your family, relationship, finance or employment. Well it’s because they all have one underlying theme. These are all stressful events in your life that cause not only mental strain, but also physical response as well. Unfortunately for people who have certain skin disorders, they may also manifest the stress visually. The more familiar ones are atopic dermatitis (i.e. eczema), psoriasis, acne and hidradentis suppurativa. These disorders undergo periods of remission when there is no activity and periods of flare-ups or break-outs when the skin will be affected. None of these conditions are contagious, and occur only in people who are predisposed to them.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inherited tendency to develop red, itchy skin rashes. It may start out dry and extremely itchy, which causes you to scratch. This then worsens the rash which becomes more itchy, red, swollen and sore. It can eventually become infected or crust over, forming thick, scaly crusts. Common areas are the elbow creases, behind the knees, on the cheeks and on the buttocks. AD typically starts in infancy, continues into childhood, and occasionally persists into adulthood. In addition to stress, other things that can cause a flare-up include skin irritants like household cleansers, detergents, fragranced lotions and soaps, synthetic fibers, getting too hot and sweaty and over drying the skin.

Psoriasis is an abnormal response by the white blood cells of the body’s immune system that mistakenly attack normal skin cells. This causes thick, red marks that look like scales or plaques to form due to an increase in the number of skin cells in that area. It is an inherited disorder which usually develops between ages 10 to 45 years and the patches can appear anywhere on the body, but more likely appear on the knees and elbows. Flare-ups can be caused by infections (like coughs or colds), diseases that weaken the immune system, certain medications (like beta-blockers for high blood pressure), cold weather, smoking or any skin irritant.

Acne is a condition that typically starts in the early teen years (puberty), when the oil glands in the body increase the production of oil (sebum). This excess oil mixes with the dead skin cells on the face and plugs up hair follicles in the skin. If excess bacteria grow in this plugged up mixture it causes more skin irritation. These can then continue on to be whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, nodules or cysts, depending on the amount of blockage, degree of infection or the body’s response to the irritation. Acne typically affects the face, but can also be found on the chest, back and shoulders. It usually fades by age 25 for most, but it can continue well into adult years. Both girls and boys get acne, but boys tend to have it worse because they produce more oil. It can be worsened by oil-based make-up and hair products, hormonal changes, especially during menstruation, squeezing or picking at blemishes or by scrubbing the skin. Things that are not shown to cause acne are dirt, chocolate, french fries, sexual activity or masturbation.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is considered to be a severe form of acne. Affected persons develop painful red bumps or sores in the armpits and groin that leak pus. It can also occur under the breasts in women and in areas where your skin rubs together, like between your thighs. It is not caused by poor hygiene. Flare-ups for some people also occur with shaving, using deodorants, wearing tight synthetic clothing and excessive heat and sweating.

There are many available treatments for all of these conditions ranging from home remedies (e.g. aloe), over-the-counter creams, skin therapy products (aesthetic/spa products) and prescription medications. Mild skin changes can usually be easily managed with simple home regimens using OTC treatments; however, moderate to severe forms of these disorders require more intensive treatments with prescription medications rubbed into the skin or taken by mouth under the care of a medical doctor. Additionally, taking other precautions like avoiding irritating factors, wearing cool, natural fibers, like cotton, keeping healthy, losing weight and managing stress will allow for quicker healing with longer periods of remission. Specifically for AD and psoriasis, keeping the skin moisturized, avoiding over drying, rubbing and scratching the skin significantly helps the symptoms.

Remember that because the skin takes an average of 4 weeks to renew, it may take about 4-8 weeks for noticeable improvement to occur with any treatment regimen. Therefore try to stick with one regimen for at least 8 weeks before deciding it is not working. Work with your doctor to determine the best therapy for you and make sure you are doing your part to get the best results.


Order food from your phone


If you are anything like me, you are always looking for a way to make your life a little bit easier.
Well have I got a smart idea for you, the idea is so smart that it takes care of two needs with one website.
Okay, you think it sounds too good to be true, let me explain it to you…here goes.
A group of Bahamians have gotten together and started a company called Godel Interactive Marketing and now they have started an amazing new service. A new service that will increase your Restaurant’s visibility and bottom line, through their innovative mobile and website platform called . And this same website allows your customers to order their favorite foods from their mobile device or online, is that not just genius?
Their company has been in business for over seven years helping their customers establish and maintain a web presence that will keep them competitive and increase their profits. Over the years they have studied and kept updated on the latest marketing trends in an effort to better serve their present and potential customers. As a result of their studies and research they have launched
They have taken some of the most effective ways of advertising local businesses online and have placed them all under one roof.
Today’s trends have changed, with Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the usage of Smartphones and Tablets etc. people are relying more on these devices to access the internet to locate goods and services. Therefore, it makes good business sense to position your business with this growing trend.

This is where they can help, they have the technology, skills and know how to tap into this growing market.

Their objectives are to promote your restaurant via their website and mobile App thereby increasing your restaurants visibility online. They are committed to giving the best possible service at a competitive rate so their clients will realize the highest net dollars from their investment.

They encourage you to take a look at: and invite you to become a part of the family.


Choose your favorite restaurant



Pretty, pretty handbags, pretty pretty handbags... if you think this is a song that I am singing, well you are right.
Every time we here at TWWN see the amazing handbags created by Dot Miller we break out in song.
Listen to me, if you are a lover of handbags you will freak out over the designs that are in The Dot Miller Collection.
She has clutches that are perfect for an evening out to dinner or to wear with a nice pair of jeans during a girls night out.
While her clutches are fabulous, you should see her live for, they can be had in different colors and sizes. If you are a lady that does not like huge handbags, well, she has the style just for you, you can get a small handbag that carries only the necessary essentials, like a lipstick, a cell phone and a monthly helper.
For those of you who make those quick trips for work or pleasure, you would love The Dot Miller Travel Collection. These are the most beautiful pieces of travel accessories you can own.
With a piece from this collection in hand or on your arm, you are definitely going to be the envy of your fellow travelers.
But it is going to be difficult to choose what you want because just when you think that you have seen the one you like best, your eyes glance over and see another one that is just as pretty or even more so.



The Purpose of The Whole Woman Newsletter is to help to improve the lives of women Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically and Financially.
As women go through life each day, they are bombarded by the issues of life, The Whole Woman Newsletter is here to be that place to come after you have dealt with the issues of life and have calmed down at the end of the day and need something to uplift you.

The Whole Woman Network is a Organization that create avenues to help to improve the lives of women. For example The Whole Woman Television Show and The Whole Woman Radio Show.

You can e-mail us at

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