The Aim of Tantra: Kundalini Awakening Series

Session 12: Nirutti, The Goddess of Dissolution

with Krishna Peter Perry

Session 12: Live Online

Sunday November 21, 1-3 pm MDT

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This class includes a pre-recorded video to watch at your leisure and questions for contemplation. The live session will be held as sacred space to gather, practice the sadhana and sit and discuss Nirutti together in a collective, contemplative space.

Register now for Session 12: Nirutti, The Goddess of Dissolution.

Interested in the other recorded sessions in this series?

All previous sessions and pre-recorded sessions (including material not covered in the live sessions) are available here.

AIM OF TANTRA UPDATE! For those of you who have been following this series through 2021, we are going to continue with the rest of this series in a pre-recorded/online course format in 2022. Stay tuned for the release of the remaining classes in this series. Our monthly Live Online gathering in December will be a Solstice Meditation & Chanting event with Sri Devi and Krishna.

Namaste Dear Ones,

ShivaShakti invites you to explore your highest potential. Join us to connect and practice with like-minded individuals and dive deeper into your practice as Krishna continues the Aim of Tantra: Kundalini Awakening Series in our virtual community space. Our growing on-line community is aimed at bringing forth each being’s divine light and supporting one another's spiritual journeys. This on-going series is comprised of one 2-hour class each month that will likely span 10-12 months. This offering may evolve throughout 2021 and the exact number of sessions will be determined as the series progresses.

During these transformative times there are excellent opportunities for personal evolution and collective growth. Each indivual in this lifetime has the opportunity to develop themselves into a higher vision of the Self. "Awakening Kundalini" in this sense refers to conscious evolution not only for yourself, but also for your families, your communities and the world we all inhabit together. Tantra encompasses the technologies that we employ for raising of consciousness.

In this series we will explore therapeutic myths of Yoga, Vedic Cosmology, Kundalini theory and yogic sadhanas. Also, within each two hours session we will explore meditative practices, applied mantras and opportunities for reflection in breakout rooms.

Upcoming Session 12 (includes pre-recorded video and live-streaming session): Nirutti- The Goddess of Dissolution

In this session we will enter into the ritual journey of the conscious descent into the southwestern direction. This corner of the subtle realm is guarded by Nirutti, the Goddess of Chaos and Dissolution. As a widow and ‘Shakti with no Shiva’ she represents the conscious descent into the underworld. It is through meeting the dark goddess that we are able to meet our shadow twin and reclaim those soul portions that are hidden in the darkness of the unconscious self. This session includes the conscious descent meditation followed by thoughtful inquiries into the deeper aspects of the psyche. We will join in sacred space during our live meet-up to practice the sadhana and sit and discuss Nirutti’s significance in a contemplative space.


To register for Session 12 please respond to this email letting us know you'd like to attend and send payment to:
Cost for Live Online Session #12: Sliding scale from $18 to $30 USD per class.
Cost for Recordings: Sliding scale from $18 to $30 USD per class.
Registration deadline for Live Session 12: Please register by November 20.
You will receive a Zoom link upon payment if you wish to attend online.
If finances are a variable in your attendance please contact us for more details.

Past Sessions & Additional Recordings:

Recordings Available. It can be helpful to watch the past sessions and additional recordings if you missed them live before joining us for the upcoming live session. Contact us for a recording. The same sliding scale rate applies to recordings as for live sessions. See links below for details.

Foundational Course Content: The Philosophical Aim of Tantra

Session 1: The Churning of the Ocean of Milk

Session 2: Daksha's Yajna: Daksha's Fire Ceremony

Session 3: Exploring Shiva & Parvati, Ganesha & Kartikeya

Session 4: Exploring Durga, Bhuvaneswari and Bhairavi

Session 5: Meeting the Remaining Maha Vidyas: 2-Part Video

Session 6: Lessons of The Gods & Goddess

Session 7: The 10 Sacred Directions- Part 1

Session 8: The 10 Sacred Directions- Part 2

Session 9: Agni Digestion Session

Session 10: Lord Yama- King of Dharma

Session 11: Lord Yama Teaches Nachiketa About Immortality- Wisdom from the Katha Upanishad

Upcoming Sessions in this Series will include:

The Fourteen Realms
The Fourteen Precious Jewels
The Fourteen Lunar Days
Dattatreya, The Teachings from the Forest
Chaya Yoga, The Yoga of the Shadow
Darpana Yoga, The Yoga of the the Mirror
Swara Yoga, The Yoga of the Breath
Svapna Yoga, The Yoga of Dreaming

The central teaching within these myths is to create a working perspective through metaphor, yogic psychology, synchronicity and conscious intent to dream in the greater vision for you and the world.

We look forward to diving into the Divine Feminine with you! If you have any questions please contact us.

Om shanti,
Krishna & ShivaShakti Staff

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