
The lymphatic system is not commonly talked about, but it is a critical part of your body's detoxification system.

Think of your lymphatic system like a sewage system that needs to flow properly in order to prevent "clogging".

A primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph fluid that contains white blood cells throughout your body. White blood cells are instrumental in fighting infections to keep the body healthy.

When your internal sewage system is congested or backed up, you can only imagine the stress it can cause to the body that will eventually lead to various diseases.

And ... diseases are difficult to reverse, without first getting your lymph fluid drained and flowing properly again.

Warning Signs Of A Congested Lymphatic System

There are a few subtle warning signs that your body gives out when your lymphatic system is congested. Among them ...

▪ Feeling tired
▪ Bloating / water retention
▪ Dry and itchy skin
▪ Low immunity
▪ Mild rash or acne
▪ Mild headaches
▪ And many more ...
Feeling tired
Bloating / water retention
Dry and itchy skin
Low immunity
Mild rash or acne
Mild headaches
And many more ...



Self-Massage To Drain Your Lymph Fluids

Self-massage is not that difficult.

Applying pressure to various pressure points can help to stimulate your circulatory system. It helps to improve your circulatory system so that toxins are released for easier elimination.

The key is to focus on the lymphatic system.



The Only Exercise You Need To Drain Your Lymph Fluids

My "shortcut" to draining my lymph fluids is to do only this ONE exercise for at least 5 minutes every day.

It works so well and unlike any other exercises with high impact on your joints and back, there is no risk at all to doing this exercise.

In fact, it is safe even for older people who are suffering from chronic joint conditions.


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