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07 26 1991 Painting Barbara 1b P23905-29 CP 1
07 25 1991Greeting President Bush P23868-05 CP 1
Mac Me Pntng Barbara Bush 1
Cwhittemore-BBush 2018 1 of 1

“Life must have joy. It’s supposed to be fun” -Barbara Bush.

For her, it was Jesus, Others and then Yourself.
She had true JOY.

Barbara Bush
June 8, 1925 - April 17, 2018

As Billy Graham would say- Barbara Bush just changed her address. She’s home now.

Her love resonates in my heart. Rest In Peace my Friend and Patron.

Companions in the Garden framed comp

Companions in the Garden
by Candace Lovely
Oil on Linen 36x34

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