Reading: Personal Professional and Positive The 30 Day Challenge by Danyelle Little & Telie Woods One of my goals for the new year is to read more bo

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Reading: Personal Professional and Positive The 30 Day Challenge by Danyelle Little & Telie Woods

One of my goals for the new year is to read more books that are focused on personal growth and development. This is my first book and I wanted to share some of the key points I learned after reading. The best part of the book are the key areas and how they are divided into specific areas of focus. Each chapter provides real-life examples, key action items, and motivational quotes. I plan to incorporate the valuable action items to assist me with living a more positive and fulfilling life both personally and professionally.

Take time for you
Make unplugging a necessity
Remove things from your life that stunt your growth
Find ways to destress
Sleep is essential, develop a routine each night
Stay focused
Writing is good for the soul and a visually way to capture thoughts
A positive perspective is everything
Capture moments with those you love
Find your passion

Give 110% in everything you do in your professional environment
Be a positive model for others to emulate
Always let your actions proceed you
Do not get caught up in anything that is counterproductive to your progress
Find effective ways to improve and deliver solutions
Develop your skills to position yourself to train and mentor
Organize a support group with varying levels of expertise for success

Acknowledge positivity in your daily walk
Organize, Organize and Organize to minimize stress; make it a monthly ritual
Be an active listener
Take time to relax, release and let go
All good things come in time
Do not let your past define your goals and objectives
Always make it point to extend yourself to others


Reading: My next book Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes Stay tuned for What I Learned......

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