Our New Home! Hi Everyone, I'm giddy excited to announce SpaceClear's new home! As you know, I'm a big fan of creating beautiful spaces that suppor


Our New Home!

The Spacious Way

Hi Everyone,

I'm giddy excited to announce SpaceClear's new home!

As you know, I'm a big fan of creating beautiful spaces that support and nourish people – even virtual ones like websites. So, after five months of reflecting and reorganizing, reducing and releasing, updating and uploading – (in other words, a complete makeover) – I'm thrilled to present and unveil the GORGEOUS...

NEW SpaceClear.com !!!


My vision was simple: I wanted a site that would be easy to navigate, beautiful to look at, and inspire a whole new, gentler way to clear your home and life that lightens, enlightens, and lasts.

So my fabulous web designer and I worked tirelessly to build a new space that would do all those things.

Check it out here, and let me know what you think!

Sitting by the water

From "slow drip" tools to start (or jump start) your clearing practice, resources to keep you going, an extensive archive of blog posts (organized by category) to help you slow down, simplify, let go, and ease into nourishing self-care, there is something at SpaceClear for everyone.

I hope you agree that all that conscious "loving up" was worth it.

With all my best wishes for a slow-good summer.

Happy clearing!


SBV Collage

Stephanie Bennett Vogt is a leading space clearing expert, teacher, and author with four books. She brings nearly 40 years experience to SpaceClear, a practice she founded in 1996 helping homes and people come into balance. Learn more: www.spaceclear.com.

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