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News & Quick-bits - 10 August 2021


Tutorial 8: Remedies & Vital force

"It is useful to think of the Vital Force as a muscle ... a sluggish Vital Force can be improved when exercised by repeated doses of a remedy."
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Study: Homeopathy & Tonsillitis

Compared to the placebo group, the homeopathic group experienced significant improvement without adverse effects in the pain and inflammation of viral tonsillitis. Read more & Comment


Traumatic Brain Damage

Many approaches, including homeopathy, help brain injury. Key homeopathic remedies include Arnica, Belladonna, Hypericum, Cicuta, Natrum sulphuricum, and Helleborus. Read more | Comment


A Case of Glioblastoma Multiforme

A doctor who specialises in homeopathy for cancer reports on the progressive cure of a woman with glioblastoma multiforme of the brain. Read more | Comment

Specials - Bottle

FINAL REMINDER: Three Specials

Offer 1: Natrium Muriaticum (Nat-m.) 30C Pills - 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy and simple how-to-use info.
More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off 4 Different Women's Health Complexes Blends for hot flushes, menstrual cramps, mastitis, and morning sickness. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Save $10.00 on 18-Remedy Childbirth Kit A useful addition for any birthing bag. More info | Buy now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 9th August 2021 (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
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Previous Stories...


Remedy: Ferrum Metallicum

Those needing this remedy may look well but complain of tiredness, breathlessness, chilliness, or joint and muscle pain that improves with gentle motion. Read more & Comment


Remedies For Disasters (Part 2)

Once the immediate threat is over, anger, accusations, grief and ongoing fear grip many and raw emotions may bubble to the surface. Superficial injuries now need attention. Read more & Comment


Children, Loss of Appetite, and Remedies

Which remedies suit fussy eaters, nausea and vomiting, and the absence of appetite in children. We know of many but here are four to start you thinking. Read more | Comment


Great Women of Homeopathy

“When allopathic doctors were offering barbaric treatments such as bloodletting, leaches, mercury and arsenic, women went looking for safer, gentler methods”. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


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