Stalker #5 Gets and Editor

Stalker 5 Singh Cover

With only five weeks left before the launch of Stalker #5 on the new Gateway Comics Presents website, I've engaged editor Sandra Haven.

Sandra joins our international team to bring you the best comic possible. Haling from Washington State, she joins Marcos Gratao from Brazil, Hargun Singh from India and Dan Butcher from the UK.

Stalker #2 Online Today!!

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As the new website continues to come together in preparation for the official, May 1 launch, I am posting a new Stalker story each week. This week, Stalker #2, the second chapter in the Donning the Mask story.

Come check out the site and get caught up on your reading before Stalker #5 begins it's weekly webcomic run.

Ongoing Design Work


Marcos has been hard at work this past week on designs for Stalker #5. If you follow me on Facebook, you've had a chance to see all of the work in progress, but for the rest of you here is a sample of Stalker herself.

Our heroes are well underway, and this week the villains will get some attention.

Site Improvement

If you haven't already visited the new Gateway Comics Presents site, I invite you to do so and see how it's coming along. This site replaces the old Sunday-SUPERHEROES site which has been offline for some time now.

As I've mentioned before, I'm posting a new Stalker story each week for old and new readers alike to get caught up before the launch of Stalker #5. There are two stories up now, Stalker #1 and Stalker #2, with a new story each Tuesday.

The site is now secure!! I have implemented TLS/SSL security on the site to ensure your privacy while browsing. You'll now see the secure lock symbol on your browser when visiting the site because your communications with the site are encrypted. To take advantage of the security, make sure you use the https:// header when accessing the site, S for secure. this will resolve an issue some of you may have had with Chrome defaulting to the https page and generating an security warning. It also supports the online store (see below).

New to the site is an improved Wiki. Based on the same engine as Wikipedia, it has all the same functionality and features as that well known Wiki. Over time, the Wiki will have a broad range of articles about characters, artists, locations and just about anything that appears in a Gateway Comics comic book.

The last new item, at least for now, is an online store where you can get comics, original art and art prints. I'm still configuring and testing, so the store front is not available yet, but it will be up by launch. There will be an option for retailers to order Gateway Comics comic books at a significant discount, so if you want to see them on the shelves of your local retailer, encourage them to order.

Kind regards,
Bradley Potts
Gateway Comics

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