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NEW BOOK : Contemporary International Criminal Law Issues

Contemporary International Criminal Law Issues - Contributions in Pursuit of Accountability for Africa and the World

Takeh B.K. Sendze, Adesola Adeboyejo, Howard Morrison and Sophia Ugwu

Print ISBN: 978-94-6265-554-6
EBook/Online ISBN: 978-94-6265-555-3
Distributed for T.M.C. Asser Press by Springer.

Read this book on Springer Link.

With a foreword by Judge Althea Alexis-Windsor, International Criminal Court, The Hague, The Netherlands; former judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; member of the Caribbean Association of Women Judges

This book critically analyses diverse international criminal law (ICL) issues in light of recent developments in the international criminal justice system following the pursuit of accountability in Africa and around the world. It gives a scholarly analysis of issues pertaining to ICL and the pursuit of accountability in Africa by way of several topics including universal jurisdiction in Africa, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the legitimacy of the ICTR, the law of genocide committed against the Herero and Nama peoples, the African perspective on international co-operation in criminal matters, the Malabo Protocol, and whether an African Regional Court is a viable alternative to the ICC.

Further discussed are other aspects of ICL, such as prosecuting sexual and gender-based crimes at the ICC, guilty pleas within ICL and slavery within international criminal justice. With this, the book also refers to the jurisprudence of several international courts and tribunals including the ICTR, the ICTY, the SCSL, the ICC, the ECCC, the KSC, and the STL.

This timely contributed volume updates international criminal law experts, practitioners, academics, human rights activists and other stakeholders on contemporary developments in ICL and provides recommendations that address accountability for mass atrocity crimes and ideas for strategic ICL litigation at the national, international, regional and sub-regional levels. It will prompt constructive exchanges on what can be improved in prosecuting mass atrocity crimes around the world.

Specific to this book

▪ Written by academics/practitioners, providing a practical contribution to the development of ICL in and outside Africa
▪ Focuses on international criminal justice in Africa and aims to serve as an educational and capacity-building tool
▪ Discusses international criminal justice matters both in relation to the African region and the rest of the world
Written by academics/practitioners, providing a practical contribution to the development of ICL in and outside Africa
Focuses on international criminal justice in Africa and aims to serve as an educational and capacity-building tool
Discusses international criminal justice matters both in relation to the African region and the rest of the world

About the Editors:

Takeh B.K. Sendze is an Advocate and Legal Officer with the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in Arusha, Tanzania.

Adesola Adeboyejon works at the Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights in The Hague, The Netherlands and was a Trial Lawyer at the International Criminal Court.

Sir Howard Morrison QC is a former International Judge and an Associate Tenant at Doughty Street Chambers in London, United Kingdom.

Sophia Ugwu is a Solicitor and Advocate who founded the Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights in The Hague, The Netherlands.


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