WELCOME! New subscribers. I thought I might take a few minutes to introduce you to my newsletter. If you don't like what you see or find it is not for

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Founder of eNovel Authors at Work and featuring 40+ indie authors with more than 500 books to share with you when FREE or on Sale.

WELCOME! New subscribers. I thought I might take a few minutes to introduce you to my newsletter. If you don't like what you see or find it is not for you, just scroll down to the bottom and unsubscribe. No problem and not taken personally. I get it. You will only find my newsletter in your mailbox when I or my colleagues have something to offer you~i.e. Giveaways. Free Books. 99c Books or Special Events. While Romance is our focus, you will also find paranormal, sci-fi, cosy and psychic mysteries, thrillers and police procedurals. At most, the newsletter will arrive in your mailbox in a loose 21 day cycle. Read on to see what is happening right now... Again, Welcome. Note: If this newsletter is cut off...do tick Read More...'cause there is good stuff at the bottom, too. Freebies, usually.

Cover Almost Perfect

First Time Offered FREE ~ three full-length Romance novels. All great beach reads.


FREE for a limited time FREE

What readers are saying...

"I Loved this book! The Characters have great personalities. I lived very close to the Suwannee River and it took me back. I read the first few lines and I was hooked ! The story has laughter and sadness but leaves you with a high."

"It's a slow read, but stay with it, you won't be disappointed. Just wait, you'll see how this all plays out, and you'll be glad you did. The other characters add great depth and color to the story. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but you won't be sorry."

"An old-fashioned love song. It's one of the best romance novel I've read. So tastefully told. It goes to show that there's no need to be racy, or trashy, porn-like if you've a truly a good story to tell. This author, Jackie Weger, is a fine author. Tops. This is the first of her books that I've read, but she's earned a new fan."

"I loved all the crazy and endearing characters--I would enjoy meeting every one of them."

"One of the best books I have read in a long time. The story, the writing, the characters were great."


Summer Solstice FB Banner

Yep! A quick and easy Rafflecopter. $100 to one winner in Five days! Picnic and Beach money before school starts. Just click the banner to Start.

Snipit Reclaim my Heart

99c Best Seller! on Amazon

Reclaim My Heart

99c Special Sale 99c

What readers are saying...

"This is one of the best books I have read in years. The story is beautifully told. The characters are very engaging. I read it in one sitting."

"This is a rare find in today's society. I usually read only mysteries, but to my amazement this book held my attention from beginning to end."

"This was a very good story with much more than romance. It really spoke to my heart."

Amazon Exclusive

Donna Fasano is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit  Mind Games



What readers are saying...

"Fantastic story. I couldn't put it down. Reading the second one in the trilogy. Loving that one too. The storyline just grabs you and doesn't let you go."

"This is a real nail biter. I couldn't put it down."

"Ms. Iyer is a master storyteller. She grabs you from the start, and you hang on for dear life."


Polly Iyer is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit Diamond

....99c SPECIAL 99c....


What readers are saying....

"Great clean content for YAs. I'm well past that age, but I'll be reading the next."

"Must Read! This was the best book I read this year. It kept me on my toes throughout the middle and end of the book."

"What a fabulous read! Highly Recommended. This lady can write."

99c Limited Time Special 99c

Lorena Angell is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit Ambrosia by the Sea

.....99c SPECIAL 99c.....

99c Ambrosia by the Sea 99c

What readers are saying...

"Wonderful. This to me is one of those books you re-read on a hot summer's day."

"I just loved it. The way Ms. Hall tells the story you feel like you are part of the family."

"Loved this story! Strong woman who never gives up on her dream. So romantic and LOVED the ending!"


Traci Hall is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit Terms of Surrender

99c...Limited Time Special...99c


What readers are saying...

"When an author can make the characters come to life and make the reader feel emotion, they have done their job superbly. Great read."

"A refreshing change of pace to read a romance book with a hero who was actually a nice guy and not wallowing in despair or self-hate."

"This was a real departure for me - I know very little about the period [Civil War era], and I live in Scotland. Now I have a taste for Lorrie Farrelly's books, I'm off to find some more..."

99c ON AMAZON 99c

Lorrie Farrelly is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit Super Starella 2

99c NEW RELEASE July 26, 2016


Available for preorder @ 99c right now

Starrella Falls is available FREE for Read and Review for lovers of Science Fiction and Fantasy. email: aurora.r.sprenger@gmail.com for your FREE Read and Review Copy.

Aurora Sprenger is a member of eNovel Authors at Work

Snipit Pinapple Port Mystery Box

99c......NEW RELEASE......99c


What readers are saying...

"Loved this book! A fun, hilarious mystery with interesting characters and plenty of twists and turns."

"I love the Pineapple Port mysteries. Laughable and easily recognizable characters (we all have them in our lives). Good writing without all the "filler" of bad language and unnecessary "erotica"."

"Adorable, a bit quirky, but most of all fun! A great read to get your mind off day to day life."


Amy Vansant is a member of eNovel Authors at Work


These books are available for FREE downloads on Amazon:

Written by eNovel Authors at Work members, you might find one among them that appeals. Live From the Road ~ Route 66. DCI Jones Case Book. Shiver Cove. Poetry from Lady of the Pier.. Grade A Stupid.. Gifts of Jangalore. Belle of Charleston. A Widgie Knight.

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We tell it like it is. Facts. No rumor.

That is it for July 2016, folks. Thank you again for subscribing. We hope you find a book or two you might enjoy. If you are an aspiring author or an indie author, you might visit eNovel Authors at Work. The learning curve for indie authors is awful. At #eNovAaW we try to take the mystery out of ehow. All volunteers and always FREE. Have a safe summer.
